Posts Tagged ‘pat’


Paul Krugman Talks Stimulus on MSNBC PT1

February 6, 2009

Once in a while Morning Joe gets a real person to come on their show of quackery and speak.  From time to time that person turns out to be someone that has an original thought. Today was that day and the man was Paul Krugman. Of course I’m just loving this since I know Joe doesn’t really care for Krugman, since he makes it a point from time to time to voice his feelings. Probably from envy and jealousy.

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I wonder if Joe, Mika or Pat thought their bullshit would really work with Krugman?  Not even close.  He refused to back down.  He feels the republicans are being a hindrance and President Obama needs to ignore them.  I agree.  Bipartisanship is being overplayed extremely.

Poor Joe, still out their trying to save the republican image.  Its just not going to happen.  The republicans at first begged to be allowed to put some of their ideas in the bill, president Obama gave them that, then the republicans complained about policies that were designed for the benefit of women, President Obama removed those.  Then President Obama met with the republicans to listen to more of their complaints concerns.  What did the republicans do after all that bipartisan out reach on the president’s part?  Well they all voted no on the stimulus then went to a retreat and celebrated having collectively voted against the bill.

Bottom line the only picture that I’m seeing is that the republicans are completely ignoring the needs of the people.  I am having a problem with the whole concept that they feel they don’t have to act under the will of the people.  I can not stress it enough that a lot of the old guards need to be replaced.  They have jobs and get paid lavishly by us while we are losing jobs and then tell us to wait.  Unbelievable and unacceptable.