Posts Tagged ‘Economy Stupid’


Recession: Hitting Bottom w/Paul Krugman

December 29, 2008

Paul Krugman puts our economic situation into perspective and gives an honest prediction on how long we might have to anticipate our current recession.  Krugman is estimating that President Obama is going to pump a massive sum into lifting us out of this runt.  He greatest concern is that it won’t be enough.

I also feel we will not just have to pump a massive amount of funds into our weak system once but at least twice, stretched over the first half of President Obama’s first term.

It’s going to take a while to clean up the GOP ideology of less government, less regulation, topped off with less taxes (for the rich anyway).  The trickle down effect does not work.  Now it’s time for the trickle up effect.

Have a little tolerance this video was slow in loading

Special Note: Dave this one is also for you.

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Is Bush a Criminal or are we just blind and stupid?

December 14, 2008

Granted there is the possibility that Blago has committed a crime and should not get away with it, nor should Norm Coleman.  Nevertheless, others who certainly are deserving of prosecution gets a free pass.  Like Rove, Cheney and goodness knows how many crooks calling themselves CEOs on Wall Street.

On plenty of occasions I have noted that we Americans love to vote our criminals into office even after we know they might have committed a crime.  Considering our current crisis you would think we as a nation would have very little tolerance for such criminal activities.  Nope.  “As the World Turn” has nothing on the American people’s political saga.

The fun part is when you see republicans lauding over how Fitzpatrick is prosecuting a democrat.  Really?  Are they forgetting the other person Fitzpatrick prosecuted?

his conviction of Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney’s chief of staff. Libby was far bigger prey. He was part of the White House Iraq Group, the task force of propagandists that sold an entire war to America on false pretenses. Because Libby was caught lying to a grand jury and federal prosecutors as well as to the public, he was sentenced to two and a half years in prison. But President Bush commuted the sentence before he served a day.

Even if we are kind of tepid about our politicians being criminal, I would think we would drawn a line when it comes to our President.  President Bush has show an undeniable absence when it comes to the constitution.  He seems to be completely without conscious or morality.  I don’t care how many beers the local yahoo wants to slug down with him, his conduct has been insulting at best and beneath the character we should want any American President to have.

Accountability wasn’t remotely on Bush’s mind. If anything, he was more likely to reward malfeasance and incompetence, as exemplified by his gifting of the Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Tenet, L. Paul Bremer and Gen. Tommy Franks, three of the most culpable stooges of the Iraq fiasco.

I’m starting to wonder if any republican have a mind set of their own?  It was only just a week or so ago that Bill Kristol suggested that Bush give medals to those that were most culpable in the Iraq war.  Did we forget the Iraq war?  I can not believe after being told the truth about why we are there (not WMD, not a despot, not saving the people, but oil) that people are still championing that pointless and needless war?  Much less that there are no analogies being drawn between the economic meltdown and the Iraq war?

…but the reckoning is largely for the rest of us — taxpayers, shareholders, the countless laid-off employees — not the corporate and political leaders who led us into the quagmire. It’s a replay of the Iraq equation: the troops, the Iraqi people and American taxpayers have borne the harshest costs while Bush and company retire to their McMansions

Are we just stupid?  No.  Too many people have given sway to believing that president Bush could not be so smart while seeming so dumb.  Hello…being dumb has absolutely nothing to do with being destructive.  It’s at this moment of Americans being gullible that I take my leave and yell to the waiter, check please!


Here’s the man tossing the shoe, he is one of the reporters and gave Bush his country’s highest insult, outside of calling Bush a dog. Now there’s a realistic view of what Bush has done for us and the rest of the world.  Prison stripes on Bush would look a lot better.


The Big Auto (3) Three

December 6, 2008

It was reported shortly ago that congress is going to rescue the big three.  They have indicated that a vote will take place next week.  A sum was not given, what is known is that they will at least give the Big (3) Three enough money to keep them in business until President Obama takes control of the white house.

At the same time tonight the current secretary (Paulson) has been in talks with President Obama’s people to free up more of the bailout.  I can only wonder how the timing of the Big Auto (3) Three bailout news came out while those talks are developing.  I will offer a video as some as I can access one covering this news.

Let’s hope this is not a sell out.  No more access to money for the financial institutions alone.  Check back on this page for video.

More to say on this subject.

UPDATE:  Here’s the video as promised regarding Congress agreeing to helping the Big Auto (3) Three:

UPDATE 2:  As I’m reading the Huffington Post about Bush claiming some form of victory about the auto bailout I must laugh.  Who the hell is Bush?  It was reported that Bush stated that one of the three would not survive since he only agreed on half the money they requested (can you hear him laughing?).

President George W. Bush warned that at least one of the Big Three carmakers might not survive the current economic crisis.

What a prick Bush is.  Does he really think he can pay the American people back for his own incompetence?  Is he so absolutely stupid he thinks  he can destroy us by doing everything in his power to undermine us with deregulating so many laws and playing cheapskate on our economy?  Let me get vocal.  Bit#h, you have less than 2 months to vacate the premises.  This is not a transition of power.  This is a get the eff out of the house wait period.  I know he has every right wing nut telling him we will remember you well.  Let me put it in terms of the 70+% that really want you gone, GET OUT QUICKLY.   Trust me, If we knew of a way to kick you out (short of impeachment — which is way to late) now we would.  Only know that you are hated and despised no matter how many of your 20+%t right wing nuts sing your praises.

Dear Bush you are a dismal failure and I will make sure, until the day I die which will be carried forward by my children and their children, that the fact that you are and will be noted as a failure becomes a part of your legacy.  Sincerly, an American tax payer.


President Obama’s Press Release 11/26/08

November 27, 2008

Now that I got a break from cooking (gosh its hot in here), I can now focus a little attention on what has been going on today (East Coast).

Once again our new President had another press conference.  And once again the market responded positively.  In this segment, I’ve provided, he is covering the economy.  One of the major questions I have seen floating around is why was he using so many ex-Clinton members.  He answered that question and it was just as I had surmised when he first start picking some of the members from the Clinton era.  Simply put, where else was he going to get experienced people from?  He also confirmed that he is the change agent and that it is his vision that all his cabinet members will be operating under.  It’s easy for me since I trust him to pick people that will work under his administration.

…unofficially officially announced the headliners for national security and foreign policy roles.  Secretary of Defense Bob Gates; Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; National Security Adviser Gen. James L. Jones:

Other front-runners have emerged in recent days, including Adm. Dennis Blair, retired from the Navy, for director of national intelligence; Susan E. Rice, a former assistant secretary of state, for ambassador to the United Nations; James B. Steinberg, a former deputy national security adviser, for deputy secretary of state; and Thomas E. Donilon, a former chief of staff at the State Department, for deputy national security adviser.


Last Post of the Night: Paul Krugman Interview Nov. 25, 2008

November 26, 2008

Yes, I know, I have posted back to back countdown post for the night.  So what?   It was hot tonight. I particularly like whenever Paul Krugman speaks.   I’m sure he won a noble for a good reason, you think?  Krugman has a refreshing insight for those of us that are not kool-aid drinkers (Fox Fake News).  Its the economy stupid and lets stay focus on the fact that we have got to get out of this mess.

Yes right wing nuts praying is good; but, thank goodness God gave us brains to think in terms of how to fix what ever messes we make (you know, cut your finger, get a band aid intelligence, hello?).

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A great nation deserves the truth — It’s the economy stupid

November 25, 2008

Thank you for people like Peter Schiff.  Let’s face reality here, this is not going to get better before it gets worst.   We need to hit bottom and stop with the saving every financial institute.   Schiff has it correctly, we can not be the country that makes nothing (lets think auto industry here people) and think that’s the way its going to work.  This is a subject that I have touched on countless times. We can not have trade agreements when we have nothing to trade.  President Obama has the right idea.  Let’s start with fixing us first and by association branch out into being an innovative country and start having something to trade.

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Brian Ross reports new AIG junket

November 13, 2008

I know I posted about AIG and their new fun trip at our expense yesterday, but nothing says it like a video.

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later on last night AIG’s CEO Edward Liddy had the absolute gall and nerve to justify the trip.

Unfortunately, for AIG, Congressman Elijah Cummings is not buying this BS and wants Libby to resign immediately.

Cummings has emerged as a prominent critic of AIG, which received a revised, $152 billion federal bailout package this week. The Maryland congressman was responding to a report by an Arizona television station that AIG executives participated in a recent training session for financial planners at a Phoenix resort.

Can anyone say we are not getting played by AIG?

Enough Said.