Posts Tagged ‘Bristol Palin’


Have The Conservatives Gone Completely AWOL?

February 24, 2009

Bristol Palin We are still in the twilight zone when it comes to Republican logic.  I guess if we all came from another planet then what Bristol Palin had to say about abstinence would be alien.  But we are not aliens and we heard her clearly.  She very explicitly said that abstinence is not realistic means for keeping teens from getting pregnant.

So why are these loons pretending Bristol said something else?  I’m having a hard time believing even the wing nuts are listening to this nonsense.  How could they?  Are the wing nuts retarded? 

Are these fools coming from la la land with this whole premise?  She suggested people wait because abstinence does not work and the reality is that if I, would I is all that is left after having a baby. 

Go Republicans go, you are so winning the war on failure.