Posts Tagged ‘press conference’


Obama’s Trillion dollar press conference Q&A

January 7, 2009

Yesterday, President Obama held a press conference to discuss some of his budgetary plans among other things. This clip represents the portion where he took questions from the press.  I must admit that the more I listen to President Obama, the more I gain confidence that he will make a different on our current economy hell hole. Move over GOP there’s a real sheriff in town.

How will we cope with having a real president after 8 years of the town idiot occupying the White House?  With a smile that keeps growing wider every day. Something about intelligence, dignity and a man of the people keeps coming to my mind when I think of what will come after January 20.

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President Obama Announces Environment and Energy Team

December 16, 2008

Yesterday, President Obama announced his energy team.  I’m still wrapping my mind around the fact he named a real life scientist instead of a know nothing friend.  More signs that the adults are taking over the white house.  What a relief.   I thought we would be doomed and stuck with stupid forever.

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Obama Address Blagojevich Controversy

December 12, 2008

Here’s President Obama addressing the whole Blagojevich situation with the press.  Of course because of my sore point of this whole guilt by association, I really wish President Obama could tell them to take their GOP talking points and shove it up their azz.

There was no where near this level of zest or zeal when it was empty headed Barbie and her connection to a convicted felon — Ted Stevens.  Where was the media then? Why or why can’t the democrats be mean like me?

Now you have a supposedly corrupt (not even convicted) governor coming from President Obama’s home town supposedly tainting his person.  Please. This is just another tactic to try to decrease President Obama’s mandate. Ain’t going to happen. The new President is better than Teflon. My suggestion? Keep digging for that right dirt, nothing so far is sticking.

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Obama First Press Conference as President

November 7, 2008

President Obama’s first press conference was very impressive.   It is so good to have a president that can speak with thought and deliberation, I could cry.

He will be meeting with Bush on Monday and something tells me, judging by some of Bush’s speeches, that Bush will be trying to push off as much responsibility as possible onto Obama’s shoulders, no matter what the talking heads say.

I know there can not be two presidents at the same time but in my eyes Bush is a joke not a president; therefore there is only one president, Obama.  As a people we look to our president to make decisions for us all, as president, Bush looks to someone else to fix the problem.  Don’t worry republicans, if McCain had won Bush would still be doing the same thing.  Bush has sent enough signals — you’d have to deaf, dumb and blind not to notice — that he wants to get from under this mess and would like nothing more than for someone else to be responsible.  Unfortunately it does not work that way.  If you break it you own it.  Bush owns this mess.