Posts Tagged ‘economy’


Kerry rips Republicans’ new-found love for housing

February 8, 2009

At least we finally have a democrat bringing attention to the scum of the earths quackery. This is just appalling the games that the scum wants to play. We need to take care of the housing problem, why didn’t they do that when Bush was in office? They ignored it then but now it’s a problem? It was a problem over a year ago. It was a problem before that and Bush and the scum of the earth did nothing. But they did get together in 2001 and vote on a $1.35 trillion tax cut package for Bush and they had no problem doing so. Before any of you sheep start off with your the democrats nonsense, at that time the senate, the house as well as the white house was ruled by the scum of the earth.

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Cantor’s obsession: Grass on the National Mall

January 23, 2009

Let’s talk about Cantor and his great concern about imaginary money being spent on cutting the grass in Washington. But first, let look at his wife.  Isn’t it funny how she works at a bank that received $267 million in bailout money?

Hm…politics sure makes for strange stories.  Now on to Cantor’s false statement.

he completely inverts the truth. The draft version of the House stimulus bill released last week plans for four times as much spending on “creating small business opportunity” than National Mall renovations. These figures don’t even include the plan’s $20+ billion in business tax cuts, of which small businesses will be able to take advantage

As usual when it comes to stating real facts versus fiction the republicans’ have a lock on fiction.  The GOP are still banking on fear mongering to keep the American people in line.  This is just so utterly sad.

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President Obama’s Major Economic Speech

January 9, 2009

There is much to be say about the potential greatness of our new president. He did not give us platitudes or superficial antidotes. He went straight to the problem and made sure that we really start grasping the reality of our current economic situation. Nor did he shy away from the reality of how we got into this situation via a mix blend of corporation greed and Washington’s lack of doing their job. Yes, people, we must face the beast, confront it and defeat it. I believe we are still the greatest nation on earth because of what we symbolize, freedom. We should not let that symbol slip away because of ignorance or fear.

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The GOP, Just A Party Of Whiners!

January 3, 2009

crybaby-gop3After 8 years of ruling a government into the ground, you would think the GOP would have the good grace to show that their time is up with dignity.  Instead we have been continuously assaulted with a barrage of constant whining.  Bad enough they have now become a party of irrelevancy, they have also added a certain amount of distaste by their constant crying.

But most of the whining takes the form of claims that the Bush administration’s failure was simply a matter of bad luck — either the bad luck of President Bush himself, who just happened to have disasters happen on his watch, or the bad luck of the G.O.P., which just happened to send the wrong man to the White House.

The fault, however, lies not in Republicans’ stars but in themselves. Forty years ago the G.O.P. decided, in effect, to make itself the party of racial backlash. And everything that has happened in recent years, from the choice of Mr. Bush as the party’s champion, to the Bush administration’s pervasive incompetence, to the party’s shrinking base, is a consequence of that decision. [Read the full op-ed here]

In their shameless endeavor to make sure that we know they are whining we now have a group of RNC members who are diligently writing a resolution to disown their own leader, George W. Bush and Congressional Republicans. Never mind that the resolution will not be ready until after Bush leave office, it is just another sign that they are not willing to deal with the real problems currently effecting their party.  Instead of dealing with the fact that their party is sliding into oblivion, they much prefer to continue to play the blame game.  As if by any stretch of the imagination anyone would absolve any GOP member from this current fiasco we call our melting economy.

Alberto Gonzales, the former attorney general, had the unmitigated gall to whine and say  “I consider myself a casualty, one of the many casualties of the war on terror“?  When does the person who had every opportunity to clear up any misconception about his role in the firing of DOJ attorneys, but chose to answer every question with the famous line “I don’t recall,”  get to be the victim?

Some of the GOP members are also exhibiting signs of utterly bazaar bellicose whining, such as Rush Limbaugh.  He is running around whining to everyone within ear shot that the economic meltdown was caused by a conspiracy headed by the mastermind Sen. Chuck Schumer.  Of course none of the problems, in the crazy whiny world of Rush Limbaugh, can be attributed to a failed GOP ideology that was coupled with a clueless administration.

Its as if the defeat has caused some of the GOP members to slip into a form of madness and perpetual denial.  I must admit that the best example of their whining was reported in the news that the “GOP to flee D.C. for Inauguration.”  The fact that they thought it was necessary to make that a public story goes to show there is no boundaries to their childish whining.

Will the Republicans eventually stage a comeback? Yes, of course. But barring some huge missteps by Mr. Obama, that will not happen until they stop whining and look at what really went wrong. And when they do, they will discover that they need to get in touch with the real “real America,” a country that is more diverse, more tolerant, and more demanding of effective government than is dreamt of in their political philosophy.


Can we get a bailout from the banking bailout?

December 21, 2008


It has become increasingly common during the Bush administration to give out bailouts.  Let’s not forget Amtrack or the Airport Security bailout that received a whopping $29.8 billion back in 2001.  It’s funding was twisted up in the Anti-Terrorism bill.

What did we get for that money?  The rail way infrastructure is still f__ked up and airport security is still just as pitiful.  Granted the airline industry bailout gave the government back anywhere from $141.7 million to $327 million.  But let’s face it, we Americans have been bailing out our country for years.  Going back as far as 1970.

Nevertheless, the only way to describe Bush’s bailout for the banking system can only be described as scandalous at best.  It is looking more and more like a bailout to keep the rich rich.  Let’s see…hm…no transparency, plenty of loopholes, no accountability, and no need to unfreeze credit.  Yea, I’d say that was the bailout of all bailouts.

Why wasn’t a refund clause included?  I damn well want my money back.  Yet, at the same time I had to listen to the GOP act as if giving a bailout to the auto industry was tantamount to self destruction?  Why is it we allow this quackery to go on?  Let’s just give it to the rich and fight tooth and nail when it comes to actual workers?  Please, enough with the BS.

Unlike the bailouts we’ve given in the past, this new banking bailout with its many loopholes and lack of regulation have the potential of giving us the least amount in payback.  On the other hand our bailout to the car industry (Chrysler) in the past did yield a substantial return of $660 million for the government.

I think its time that we got a bailout from the banking bailout.  I can only hope that congress will not give Paulson or Bush any further access to the remaining money ($350 billion).  Such clowns and circus freaks should not be given a reason to F__k up further.

Enough said.


Our Economy is F__ked!

December 20, 2008

r-obama-press-medium260Okay its official.  Both President Obama and Vice President Biden have come out to express that our economy is in the toilet.  Thanks Bush.  What that means is that we can not sit buy and let any type of partisan agenda fly when it comes times to boost our economy with the stimulus plan the new president has plans to enforce.

We’ve got zero right now.  The conservatives with their good intentions and lack of knowledge of what an idiot and a chicken hawk could do can not help.  Nor should we allow them to hinder what needs to be done.  We need a stimulus that is the equivalent of finding penicillin.

r-jbiden-largeAt some point we’ve got to give up stupid bigoted hate and get on the real track of saving all our middle class/poor butts.  Once we have that accomplished then we can get back to the game of hating, fighting and playing partisan games.

Read it here and here.


Bush On Economy And Iraq: Don’t Blame Me!

December 17, 2008

Bush is just too much.  He wants to make sure that the CIA never makes this mistake again.  Now we are suppose to forget that it was his neocon hawks that wrote the report?  Did we dream all those TV appearances of Cheney crying out about Iraq having WMDs?  Of course none of it was his fault.  The war with Iraq or the economy.  Him and Cheney, who by the way is singing a different story, are just two blameless lame ducks.  Lame ducks? Yes.  Blameless?  Hell no.

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Jobless Claims Highest In A Generation As Economy Weakens

December 13, 2008

I’m still on my “why I am despising republican politicians” kick.  As our economy slips into a deeper recession we have dick head republicans playing with our economy while trying to get a BS “us against them” (being the auto unions) game going.  Dammit, those ancient politicians have got to go. Are they so F##king blind that they can’t see the toilet we are living in?  This give all the money to the top 2% is not working and now they want to give it to the foreign auto industry?   Why don’t they just write up the deed and sell our country out right?

[Don’t know if you will read this post Mr. Adams, but don’t even think to give me that crap you gave one of my commenters.  I know my damn senators and have no foreign cars.  More to the point, whether the commenter has a foreign car or not is beside the point since they are living in this messed up economy and is an AMERICAN right along with the rest of the poor and middle class that are suffering.

No one cares about your opinion regarding Keith Olbermann, like all of us, you have the power to change the channel and not listen.  Even that sentiment  has not one damn thing to do with our current economy.

As far as democrats’ socialism taking over our government, well you are damn late with that assessment, dumb Bush has beat all democrats to achieving  that Nirvana.

Either be a solution to the problem or move out of the way.  Beating the wing nut tribes’ drum is not helping.]

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Status: The Big Three Auto Bailout

December 7, 2008

the-big-three-auto1There are reports surfacing that although Congress and the White House are trying to make a short term loan/bailout ($15-$17 million) for the big three auto industries there is opposition coming from the house of the senate (more on that later).

Seeking to end a weeks-long stalemate between the Bush administration and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, senior Congressional aides said that the money would most likely come from $25 billion in federally subsidized loans intended for developing fuel-efficient cars.

There is also news regarding another snag in the progress.  Both the DNC and the GOP would like to appoint a czar to oversee the big 3 to ensure restructuring is done as per the agreement.  As could be expected the in fighting over who it should be, what they should do, blah, blah, blah has begun.

Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), a leading ally of the Big Three on Capitol Hill, predicted there will be an agreement “in 24 hours,” but he would not predict whether it would get Senate approval.

“I think they’re very close to a deal, I think there will be a deal and that will happen in 24 hours,” Levin told host Chris Wallace. “Obviously, that’s a much more complicated question of whether the votes are there. What I’m confident of is that a bill will be introduced.”

shelby_2However, on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Senator Richard Shelby has announced that he will filibuster any bailout for the auto industry that comes to the senate floor next week.

“This is a down payment on many billions to come,” Shelby warned. “This is not something that happened overnight. This is 30 years in the making. These companies basically have failed or are failing. They probably need, according to some people, about 60 percent of the management to go, and about 40 percent downsize of the workers.”

Shelby added: “We would like to save them, but they’ve got to save themselves, but I don’t believe they’re willing to save themselves because they could be restructured the right way and they’re not willing to do that.”

Shelby said he would like to see an “extended debate” on any bailout package that reaches the Senate floor, but did not know if there was enough support to sustain one.

I wonder if Shelby will try to top J. Strom Thurmonds all time filibuster record (over 24 hours) to make his point?  I digress, usually when someone protest too much there, some times, is a reason to check out the fuss.  Surprise, surprise Shelby has not been forth coming with his interest in the 3 big auto companies failing.

… to point out the hypocrisy of your position as it relates to Alabama’s (the state for which you have served as senator since 1987) recent history of providing subsidies to manufacturing.  During the segment on “Meet the Press,” you stated that:

We don’t need government — governmental subsidies for manufacturing in this country.  It’s the French model, it’s the wrong road.  We will pay for it.  The average American taxpayer is going to pay dearly for this, if I’m not wrong.

I trust it is safe to say that when you refer to “government subsidies,” you are referring to subsidies provided by both federal and state governments.  And if this is in fact true, then I am sure you were adamantly against the State of Alabama offering lucrative incentives (in essence, subsidies) to Mercedes Benz in the early 1990s to lure the German automobile manufacturer to the State.  As it turned out, Alabama offered a stunning $253 million incentive package to Mercedes.  Additionally, the state also offered to train the workers, clear and improve the site, upgrade utilities, and buy 2,500 Mercedes Benz vehicles.  All told, it is estimated that the incentive package totaled anywhere from $153,000 to $220,000 per created job. On top of all this, the state gave the foreign automaker a large parcel of land worth between $250 and $300 million, which was coincidentally how much the company expected to invest in building the plant.

It seems Shelby has a double standard.  If he was outraged over Alabama using tax payers money, he certainly kept it quite.  It now has become hard to understanding Shelby’s point.  Is it good to use tax payers money when it benefit your state?  Or, is it about not using tax payers money for Mercedes competitor?  His protest seems to be out of proportion with his own state’s actions.  Just what is the message Shelby is really sending?  Sorry Shelby but you need to be put out to pasture.  Some one who does not have duplicity needs to step up and make this argument, if it is a justifiable argument.

In our current state of collapse,  Shelby can only be perceived one of two ways,  part of the problem or part of the solution.  Right now Shelby appears to be part of the problem and it leaves the thoughts that he is practicing the same old tired politics that got us into this mess.

Such aid would save millions of jobs and millions of dollars in lost tax revenue.  Additionally, unlike the giveaways Alabama bestowed upon the foreign automaker in question, United States taxpayers would be reimbursed with interest (as they were when Chrysler received government aid in the early 1980s) for their investment in what is clearly a critically important industry for America’s present and future.

Enough said.


President Barack Obama On Meet The Press

December 7, 2008

This was the only Sunday show that offered me any real news today (not that I have any fondness for Tom Brokaw).  President Obama discussed the various problems he is inheriting as our new president (economy, terrorism,  Iran, the big 3 auto industries, etc.).

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Enough said.


Chuck Todd Says Obama Owns The Economy Today

November 25, 2008

Here we go with media BS.  Might I ask why President Obama should own this economy when President Bush is the one that created this mess?  Granted I agree that President Obama is getting ready to own this mess (January 20), but he does not have any claim to it yet.   Is this the beginning of the blame game?  Is the GOP now starting to try to attribute blame to someone else other than Bush, the rightful owner?   Thank goodness Austan Goolsbee was not biting that BS. There is only one president at a time and currently President Obama does not take office until January 20th.  This is Bush’s mess and no amount of trying to give it to some one else is going to fly.

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Bush’s moment of delusion

November 25, 2008

bush-largeOKYO (AFP) – US President George W. Bush believes the Iraq war was a success and is “very pleased” with what is happening there, he said in a pre-recorded interview broadcast on a Japanese television network Sunday.

“I think the decision to remove Saddam Hussein was right,” Bush told the Sunday Project programme of the private Asahi network.

Saddam was an enemy of the United States and a lot of people thought he had weapons of mass destruction, Bush said, adding “remarkable” progress had been made in Iraq since the late dictator was toppled in 2003.

Obviously this is the moment that Bush has decided to lapse into the world of delusion.  There is absolutely nothing that can be categorized as a success in Iraq.  We have no victory, we have no reason to be proud of going to war with an undeveloped third world country.  This is one of those you’ve got to be freaking kidding me moments.  There is no happy face you can paint on a pointless war that have drained our economy of needed funds to build and fix our own country.  Oh, let me just say it, Bush just go to hell literally.


Your Weekly Address from the President-elect

November 22, 2008

Kudos to our new President that is thinking progressively regarding getting our current economy back on track. Its an ambitious plan to commit to putting over 2 million people back to work.  I fully understand that his plan is ambitious and will take time, but it beats doing nothing (Bush).

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AIG gone crazy — It’s the economy stupid

November 14, 2008

Can some one remind me why we can’t let AIG fail?  Letting them fail is a sure way to stop the bleeding.  These people are just mind boggling.  Some one has got to be fired.  It’s time we start asking our selves who’s friend of a friend in the government is forcing AIG down our throats?

American International Group plans to pay out $503 million in deferred compensation to some of its top employees, saying it must tap the funds to keep valuable workers from exiting the troubled insurance giant.

News of the payments to top AIG talent comes as the federal government has just put more money into saving the company from bankruptcy, beefing up the total public commitment to $152 billion. Meanwhile, members of Congress are questioning the company’s expenditures — including lavish business trips to resorts — during a time when taxpayers are on the hook for the bailout.

AIG’s troubles stem from bad bets it made guaranteeing and buying risky mortgage investments. On Monday, the U.S. government announced that it would have to expand its rescue of the company to nearly double the $85 billion loan it first provided in September when AIG was unable to pay billions of dollars in claims.

Some one needs to save us from our own politicians.  This is disgusting.  While we had to pony up Billions of dollars from our generation and our children’s and their children’s generation to save these corporations that clearly does not have our welfare in mind, Bush and his hapless administration do nothing but help perpetuate this sh#t.

Enough said.


Obama First Press Conference as President

November 7, 2008

President Obama’s first press conference was very impressive.   It is so good to have a president that can speak with thought and deliberation, I could cry.

He will be meeting with Bush on Monday and something tells me, judging by some of Bush’s speeches, that Bush will be trying to push off as much responsibility as possible onto Obama’s shoulders, no matter what the talking heads say.

I know there can not be two presidents at the same time but in my eyes Bush is a joke not a president; therefore there is only one president, Obama.  As a people we look to our president to make decisions for us all, as president, Bush looks to someone else to fix the problem.  Don’t worry republicans, if McCain had won Bush would still be doing the same thing.  Bush has sent enough signals — you’d have to deaf, dumb and blind not to notice — that he wants to get from under this mess and would like nothing more than for someone else to be responsible.  Unfortunately it does not work that way.  If you break it you own it.  Bush owns this mess.


Change The World!..Barack Obama!

October 11, 2008

I found this song on YouTube and thought it was hot. I know it’s going to take a lot of people a long time to understand, but this is not about race or associations. THIS IS ABOUT CHANGE! Sorry McCain lovers but with his strong ties to Bush for so damn long he has no change that can be seen. Message to the haters.  All the road blocks the haters want to throw up in the face of reality of what is really going on is not going to work.

People are tired after 8 years of hell and an economy to prove it was hell. Believe it or not, but some of us don’t have time to cling to anything but reality and name calling or race baiting is not an answer to our serious problems. I know a lot of people want to pretend that we live on an island and the rest of the countries do not matter, but they do.  As our economy tanks so do theirs.  Guess what, the bulk of the other countries find hope in Obama.  It is not just America that need Obama but so do other countries.  Depressing for you racist, but nothing but hope for those of us that are tired.

I must admit that never had I expected that in my generation I would ever see the likes of Robert F. Kennedy or Martin Luther King again.  Yet, here is a man that is so awesome that his presence can not be denied.  His words are beautiful and he speaks straight to the heart.  I fully understand why Ted Kennedy passed the torch on to him.  He is a shining star in the gloom of what is going on.  But whether you want to admit it or not the man commands an audience.  He does not just get a few handful of people to listen to him.  He commands thousands on thousands that come out just to hear him speak (75,000 Oregon and 200,000 in Germany to name a few).  He is calm, cool and steady as a rock.  He projects no fears and through his calm he gives others calm mixed with a hope that can not be beat.

Every time I find videos like this one, my heart soars with the hope of a real future for me and my children.  I really don’t give a damn who does not like it (I know the hate comments are coming), this is the moments when I remember that I love the hell out of my country and what, as the only real free nation in the world, we stand for, GROWTH.

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Enough said (now start with the hate mail, or you should check this or that out mail. Let me tell you now and save myself the trouble later. Just go to hell).


Smears is all McCain has left

October 11, 2008

Obama’s new ad puts the truth to the fact that all McCain is running on is smears and hate (hate added by me).

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Obama spokesman’s satellite feed gets cut

October 11, 2008

Fox News is just utterly F**king amazing.  Do these people really report news? How long are they going to keep pushing the Bill Ayers story?   Until November 3rd?   It’s amazing how Bill Burton got magically cut off as a technical glitch.  It’s funny since, as usual, Bill was holding his own and was doing a damn good job of reminding Fox that they had been on the Ayers story way too long.

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Biden : Ignorant Palin MCCain Lie and Flip Flop

October 11, 2008

Joe puts a hurting on McCain and Barbie and basically calls both of them stupid with this mortgage buying plan McCain proposed at the debate.  But Biden’s is not alone in his assessment of McCain’s plan.  Republicans, economist, and democrats have panned McCain’s plan as totally wasteful and not a real economic plan to solving our current problem.

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Barack Obama blast GOP tactics – Rally Chillicothe, Ohio 10/10/08

October 11, 2008

Here’s Obama earlier today in Ohio making the point that hatred is easy; but, that is not what is going to help us in a time of crisis.   What McCain has been offering is a slap in the face to what we need in the country.  Comparing Obama to McCain is not even a plan.   Obama stands there and talks to us and McCain offers people a reason to hate.  I’ve got to follow my pocketbook and right now it stays on empty.  McCain is not a leader and that’s a fact.

Let me just put this out there.  I do not, really, need any of you racist haters, religious zealots, or neocons to look at this and think it would be wise to drop me a line about what’s wrong with Obama. Until you can come to terms about what the hell is wrong with McCain and his abusing her power totally empty headed side kick, Barbie, don’t talk to me (trust me I can be abusive in my anger).

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