
Jobless Claims Highest In A Generation As Economy Weakens

December 13, 2008

I’m still on my “why I am despising republican politicians” kick.  As our economy slips into a deeper recession we have dick head republicans playing with our economy while trying to get a BS “us against them” (being the auto unions) game going.  Dammit, those ancient politicians have got to go. Are they so F##king blind that they can’t see the toilet we are living in?  This give all the money to the top 2% is not working and now they want to give it to the foreign auto industry?   Why don’t they just write up the deed and sell our country out right?

[Don’t know if you will read this post Mr. Adams, but don’t even think to give me that crap you gave one of my commenters.  I know my damn senators and have no foreign cars.  More to the point, whether the commenter has a foreign car or not is beside the point since they are living in this messed up economy and is an AMERICAN right along with the rest of the poor and middle class that are suffering.

No one cares about your opinion regarding Keith Olbermann, like all of us, you have the power to change the channel and not listen.  Even that sentiment  has not one damn thing to do with our current economy.

As far as democrats’ socialism taking over our government, well you are damn late with that assessment, dumb Bush has beat all democrats to achieving  that Nirvana.

Either be a solution to the problem or move out of the way.  Beating the wing nut tribes’ drum is not helping.]

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One comment

  1. Bush’s socialism is wealth redistribution, from the ones that need it to the ones that need it the least. Our friendly bank of america is planning on laying off another 35,000 people in the next three years. This whole bunch of sh#t that our country is currently in is starting to look more like a big scam to me.


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