Posts Tagged ‘republicans’


Another Republican Had to Cut the Umbilical Cord

February 24, 2009

Gov. Huntsman decided to let a little honesty blow out from the usual republican’s hot air (filled with lies) balloon.  It’s been 35 days since Obama became our president and the quackery has got to stop.  This full court press of nonsense is making the republican’s even less than marginal (crazy land is more or less what they are).  It is greatly appreciated to listen to some form of sanity coming from the republican party.  I hope a few of them join reality and start seeing reason.  This is not a democrat versus republican problem, this is a United States problem.  I can only wonder if some of them really think they can get re-elected with their current game playing obstructionist way?  I know their sheep is dumb, but sorry the sheep is marginal too.


The Stimulus Bill — Presented by President Obama

February 6, 2009

Nothing could sell this package better then man that authored it.  President Obama gave a speech today at the U.S. Energy Department and he was brutal and wasted no time in establishing the flawed logic of the republican party.  The President also took the time to remind us (American people) that this package was created for us, not failed ideology that has been proven not to work (let’s just say the economic meltdown has given credence to that argument).  Furthermore, he also took the time to show the [republicans] childishness over nit picking in their opposition to certain components of the bill.

I think the republicans need to fully understand the simple fact that the American people do not, I repeat do not, have their backs.  Bipartisanship is being overplayed.  No one really cares if the republicans get a chance to participate.  If the republicans desire to jump on the bang wagon of getting things done, fine.  But, if they plan to continue to whine, bitch, moan and groan, then they really need to get the hell out of the process.  No one care or feel sorrow that the republicans are being left out.

Maybe its time for a petition that will hopefully help the republicans understand no one but the yahoos, idiot sheep, conservative bigoted racist and wing nuts are listening.  It’s time they start fully understood their new position.  The republicans really need to get out of the way of the American people and what we need done.


Kristol: GOP should oppose stimulus to prepare for health care fight

February 5, 2009

I just love it when the non-Washington ass holes speaks their minds. Don’t you? While they have their idiot sheep that lives on listening to their quackery following and trusting them blindly, the rest of us normal citizens have to say WTF?

Really, why is it that to be a republican now days you must give up all common sense, intelligence and your own standard of living (exception to bigots and racist who are just completely ignorant and stupid)?

That’s right, republicans, let’s fight the stimulus to avoid health care. You know that thing we all fucking need. Let’s keep it a burden for the middle and poor class.  I am so loving the GOP’s new trade mark. Nothing says fuck you America people (the bulk of us) like they do.

First it was fight the stimulus it to make a stance, then it was fight it to stop job creation, now it’s lets stop it to avoid dealing with saving those stupid fucking American lives.   Only in America can bullshit be passed off as ideology and freedom of speech.

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Oh No The Hell They Didn’t!

February 5, 2009

For those of you that are new and don’t know I use color language when I feel like it, now is the time to go to another post.  I am absolutely livid and have no plans of being polite.

I have been listening to the “not at all liberal” media bombard me with republican nonsense for the last few weeks over the stimulus package, that  it is evident that the republicans do not want to understand nor support the stimulus is a given, while they continue to play their fucking monkey game.

It has been grating to listen to them pull out their trumpets complaining over the least of things while looking at the sheep listen.  My goodness they are bitching about less than 1 fucking percent out of $819 (not $900 billion thanks to the senate).

But to find out that the money that was already spent on the TARP did not really curb business as usual in Washington is disturbing.  It was reported today that $114 Billion was spent on lobbying in 2008.  Let’s do some math.  We paid out $350 billion and could have saved $114 billion, making what we gave out $116 billion, had it not been spent on advocating Washington for further failed strategies.

The Center for Responsive Politics reports today that beneficiaries of the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program “have spent a total of $114.2 million on lobbying in the past year and contributions toward the 2008 election.” The companies’ political activities in 2008 “have, in part, yielded them $295.2 billion from the federal government,” which the Center notes is “an extraordinary return of 258,449 percent.” The Wall Street Journal reported last week that “Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced rules aimed at curbing the influence of lobbyists, politicians and others in determining which firms get bailout cash.” [h/t]

I just love listening to the “liberal media” put all their emphasis on President Obama and what is right and, mostly what is wrong with his stimulus package and, not even finished, administration; but yet at the same time continue to give the republicans, just like fucking Bush, a free pass for their fucking quackery.  There is no hope is we do not start rebelling over this utter bull shit.


Conservatives still peddling misleading CBO analysis of recovery bill

February 4, 2009

The lying quackery just has no end in sight when it comes to the republican party.  Dishonesty, lies and misinformation seem to be the order of every got damn day they open their fucking mouths.

Unfortunately the CBO has put out the real report.

I don’t expect the Republicans or the establishment press to issue public corrections, but an actual CBO report on the Senate recovery bill was released and — holy crap on a stick! — lookit:

The budget office found that $694 billion of the bill’s total $884 billion cost would be spent during the first 18 months after enactment, or a spend-out rate of 78%.And what else? Here’s actual text from the report summary:

CBO anticipates that implementing this legislation would have a noticeable impact on economic growth and employment in the next few years.So how many ridiculous, unfounded Republican talking points will have to be debunked before the establishment press stops taking these know-nothing hooples seriously? Zero credibility on the economy. Zero!

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Its Not Even The Morning…But By God Morning Joe is Filled with Madness

February 3, 2009

I know freedom of speech is key in our country; but, why is it the only speech I hear so freely is some right wing nut bull shit?  As can be expected when the wing nut native speaks we are all forced to listen.  The new agenda for the GOP fruit loops is to put the working poor out of the mix in receiving any tax benefits.   After all Joe  Scarborough himself said the Republicans would not support giving tax breaks to the working poor.

How many times have we heard that President Obama is giving money to those that are not paying taxes?  The truth is simple.  It is not that these people are not paying taxes it’s that they make such low wages that very little is paid to Income taxe.  Pretty much close to 100% of these people work over 60 to 80 hours a week just to make that small amount.  Let’s face it folks none of us would want to be making minimum wage in our current economic climate.

The Republican party does what it knows best and uses key phrases to rile their idiot base.  They like to use terms like socialism, welfare, liberalism and nationalization to give their groupies a sense that they are being used or cheated by the government.  As I’ve stated in previous post, truth and reality are not a necessity when republicans speak.

It’s okay to keep the corporate welfare, currently called the TARP, going for banks, housing and insurance companies.  It’s okay to keep spending money to maintain GITMO, and its damn well okay to spend American dollars to rebuild and improve Iraq.  Nope, no complaints coming from the republicans camp over those expenditures.  Why should they complaint about that when they have Americans to crush?  How dare the working poor have expectation of a tax cut.  Never mind the new president said that’s what he would do, the republicans knows what’s best.  Their idiot base may pretend someone else destroyed our economy (know doubt they will soon be calling it President Obama’s economy), but I am not so forgiving.  I know how we went down the toilet.  Their idiot base can continue to blame Nancy, Dodds, Reid and Barney all they like; there was only one jerk running the government when we took the dive into the abyss, he’s name is Bush and not one of the house or senate republicans tried to stop him.  In fact they only tried to aid him.

As can be seen below, Joe and Mika, of Morning Joe, stays within the GOP talking points and do what the republicans do best, paint a picture even if it is bullshit.  After all, its the republicans job to destroy the American people (especially if you live in the middle or poor class) while they make sure America’s major corporations keeps rolling in  welfare dough (can we say corporate tax cuts anyone?).


David Dukes Raises Hell!

February 3, 2009

david-dumb-ass-dukesNow who would have guessed that the KKK branch of the GOP would find objection with Michael Steele?  Why?  Steele is preaching the standard “we will not change,” message.  He is giving the usual “us against them” message.  For the life of me, I can’t figure out why David Dukes would say this:

To Hell with the Republican Party!

GOP traitors appoint Obama Junior as Chairman of the Republican Party
I am glad these traitorous leaders of the Republican Party appointed this Black racist, affirmative action advocate to the head of the Republican party because this will lead to a huge revolt among the Republican base. As a former Republican official, I can tell you that millions of rank-and-file Republicans are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore! We will either take the Republican Party back over the next four years or we will say, “To Hell With the Republican Party!” And we will take 90 percent of Republicans with us into a New Party that will take its current place!
I think the insanity of nominating “Mr. Amnesty” John McCain and now this Black racist – will lead to insurgency in the Republican ranks, and a lot of dissidents getting elected in Republican Party primaries around the country. This will result over the next four years a real move by millions of Republicans to take the party back to the populist issues that are not only right but can win for the Republican Party. We must end affirmative action, protect our gun rights and all our constitutional rights, have a moratorium on immigration, we must have protectionism, yes I said protect American businesses and their workers from NAFTA and GATT and the lie of free trade, and we must have America First, not foreign interventionism. Our boys should be home protecting the American borders a not being murdered on the borders of Iraq or Afghanistan. The time as come for Republican Party to stand up to Obama and defend American heritage, rights, and freedom!

…Let’s make this abomination in the Republican Party, the last major party of White redoubt, as a rallying cry of resistance!

(h/t Pam’s House Blend)

Now what’s the GOP to do?  How will they reign in their racist sector?  Considering all the time and effort that Palin/McCain put in cultivating this group of misfits it doesn’t seem right that the GOP would abandon them so quickly.  I can only surmise that while the house and senate GOP are playing stimulus games they are not paying attention to the fact that the natives have become completely restless and are bordering on a rampage.


It’s time for Pink Slips.

January 30, 2009

The republicans seem to be following the strategy that we are stupid to a fault.  They really collectively voted against the stimulus package that President Obama proposed.  Well, people they need a response from us.  Not now, while we are suffering.  Let’s do it in 2010 and 2012.

Let’s remind them that pay back is a bitch.


Okay, Enough is Enough

January 30, 2009

I’ve heard of giving the underdog a chance to explain, but what the hell is up with the republican parade on TV?  This non-stop continuous parade of constant whining is ear bending.  Talk about nit picking.  They dug deep to complain about the National Mall and birth control, while shouting constantly how more capital tax cuts is the ticket.  After 8 years of that crap not working, just who the hell are they talking to?  Can the American people catch a break from this begging, please?

What part of the republicans lost for a reason is not understandable?  No one wants to listen to this partisan bickering.  They want to be in good with President Obama, attend his cocktail party and take pictures with him for keepsakes, but make sure the democrats know they are angry.  WTF?

Can we rewind reality for a minute.  The republicans are the same dumb suckers that helped America achieve its greatest embarrassments, torture, fiscal irresponsibility, horrible policies, and total ignorance of the middle class and they want us to what…?  Perhaps recognize that the republicans still have a voice?  Let me check with your new fearless leader Rush Limbaugh.  Yea, you have a Rush voice but somehow you have lost your spine.

I am currently loving Norah O’Donnell for having the right of mind to ask these GOP jackals WTF is up with this nonsense?

Give me a break with the republican clarity.   They were wearing shades for the past 8 years and now they’ve upgraded to clear glass?  Please.

I am beyond sick of listening to perpetual whiners as the current republicans have proved themselves to be.  Can we get some more reporters to challenge this dribble the republicans are pushing out?  I just want to scream wake up, damn it, you are in the minority bitches.  Stop strutting around like peacocks without feathers, acting like we owe you a damn thing.  Like most destroyers you get sent to the pit.

As far as the republicans groveling and crawling to stay in Rush’s good graces.  Well let me put it out there via Bob Cesca who sums up that strategic move

The Leader of the Republican Party

Good luck with that, Republicans. Smart!

By way of a refresher as to who’s calling the shots for the Republicans.

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra

Limbaugh Mocks Parkinson’s

Rush Limbaugh Mocks a 12-Year-Old Accident Victim

I second that, good luck with that BS.  Or, should I say, irrelevant, trivia, nonsense, going no where?  Perhaps the republicans are debasing themselves for Sarah Palin to make a comeback in 2012?  God help them if she’s going to be their party leader.  There is no hope.


Cantor’s obsession: Grass on the National Mall

January 23, 2009

Let’s talk about Cantor and his great concern about imaginary money being spent on cutting the grass in Washington. But first, let look at his wife.  Isn’t it funny how she works at a bank that received $267 million in bailout money?

Hm…politics sure makes for strange stories.  Now on to Cantor’s false statement.

he completely inverts the truth. The draft version of the House stimulus bill released last week plans for four times as much spending on “creating small business opportunity” than National Mall renovations. These figures don’t even include the plan’s $20+ billion in business tax cuts, of which small businesses will be able to take advantage

As usual when it comes to stating real facts versus fiction the republicans’ have a lock on fiction.  The GOP are still banking on fear mongering to keep the American people in line.  This is just so utterly sad.

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Now That The Party’s Over…The Knives Can Come Out

December 30, 2008
An American Tradegy

An American Tragedy

Now that Bush is leaving office the Republicans are waiting to collectively stab him and bring an abrupt end to his reign of terror, somewhat like the tragedy that befell Caesar.  Of course Bush’s presidency was a complete failure and, in my opinion, he and his inner circle deserve some serious R&R in ADX maximum security prison.

It can not go unnoticed how utterly silent the GOP was while Bush was busy destroying our country. There was no drafting of a resolution by the RNC to show their displeasure over Bush’s mangling of the constitution, nor were their any knives being hidden in robes over such important issues as the Iraq war, the disaster of Katrina, GITMO, wiretapping, foreign policy, banking bailout, or the economic meltdown.   But now, with Bush having barely 20 some days left in office we are being besieged with remarks regarding Bush’s incompetency and failures?  There seems to be a disconnect going on with the RNC.  Bush did not end his presidency by becoming incompetent — he started off that way.  Thus were is the news in any of this outcry?

Republican Party officials say they will try next month to pass a resolution accusing President Bush and congressional Republican leaders of embracing “socialism,” underscoring deep dissension within the party at the end of Mr. Bush’s administration. [Read the full article here]

But Bush’s knife welders did not stop with just drafting a resolution.  We now have town criers coming out of the wood work.  It’s almost as if the RNC made a secret pact to come out of the closet (so to speak) and give testimony to what they thought would put them in good light with the American people.  Delusional?  Yes.  Who can easily forgive the party with the ideology that destroyed our economy?

“Katrina to me was the tipping point,” Matthew Dowd, Bush’s pollster and chief strategist for the 2004 presidential campaign, told Vanity Fair magazine. “The president broke his bond with the public. Once that bond was broken, he no longer had the capacity to talk to the American public. State of the Union addresses? It didn’t matter. Legislative initiatives? It didn’t matter. P.R.? It didn’t matter. Travel? It didn’t matter.”   [Read the full article here]

How insightful.  Too bad the American people had already known of Bush’s ineffectiveness way before Katrina happened.  Katrina was only the icing; especially, since that cake had been baked a long time ago.

Lawrence Wilkerson, top aide and later chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, said that as a new president, Bush was like Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 GOP vice president nominee whom critics said lacked knowledge about foreign affairs. When Bush first came into office, he was surrounded by experienced advisers like Vice President Dick Cheney and Powell, who Wilkerson said ended up playing damage control for the president.

More profound insight.  Once again useless information to a public that had already become completely aware of Bush’s ineptitude. Bush received all this dated criticism within a 24 hour span.  Is there a secret memo going out called cover yourself and stab Bush as quick as you can?  Sorry Bush but the only thing you can say to your previously loyal base is Et Tu Brutus?


Say NO to the Union Boss Bailout

December 21, 2008

I just love the names that these groups give themselves. Americans for blah, blah, blah.  Oh, really?  How come we don’t have catchy names for groups against the rich? Banks? Or, Wall Street?   What a pack of crap.  We are busy being in the depths of hell (ask Dante) and this is who we are fighting? The American workers? For real?

Now all our problems can be traced back to middle class Americans asking for decent wages, health care and retirement funds? WTF?  Now I should believe this crap because they tried to link it to Salazar? Hm…wonder if that had anything to do with President Obama naming him as part of his cabinet? You think?

More importantly, the sharks of housing loans had nothing to do with the mortgage situation? Greedy brokers had nothing to do with our economic meltdown? The senate had nothing to do with making sure nothing got done with their pork loving azzes? Please.  Say we are not so gullible to believe crap like this.

This is just another reason why I continue to dislike republicans.

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Gingrich finds his voice?

December 17, 2008

gingrich-largeIt seems some republicans have become vocal over the need for the republican party to stop with the drama they are generating with the unreal connection of President Obama and Blago.  Of course part of me believe there is probably a motive behind Newt’s out cry; but, another part of me wants to believe some of the damn republicans have come to their senses.

I was saddened to learn that at a time of national trial, when a president-elect is preparing to take office in the midst of the worst financial crisis in over seventy years, that the Republican National Committee is engaged in the sort of negative, attack politics that the voters rejected in the 2006 and 2008 election cycles.

The recent web advertisement, “Questions Remain,” is a destructive distraction. Clearly, we should insist that all taped communications regarding the Senate seat should be made public. However, that should be a matter of public policy, not an excuse for political attack.

In a time when America is facing real challenges, Republicans should be working to help the incoming President succeed in meeting them, regardless of his Party.

From now until the inaugural, Republicans should be offering to help the President-elect prepare to take office.

Furthermore, once President Obama takes office, Republicans should be eager to work with him when he is right, and, when he is wrong, offer a better solution, instead of just opposing him.

This is the only way the Republican Party will become known as the “better solutions” party, not just an opposition party. And this is the only way Republicans will ever regain the trust of the voters to return to the majority.

This ad is a terrible signal to be sending about both the goals of the Republican Party in the midst of the nation’s troubled economic times and about whether we have actually learned anything from the defeats of 2006 and 2008.

Of course I’m aware that the republicans in their current state of disarray have more than one mind set operating when it comes to assessing how to handle situations; but, damn they are coming off as slightly crazed.  They have the fringe rabid right wing group and the intellectual group.  To sum up a better picture of their divided state let’s just call one group the rational and the other group the irrational.

Frankly, they need to pull it together if they want to stay a viable party.  Their constant infighting is becoming annoying.  The fact that they keep attacking someone who has not even assumed office makes them into even more of a joke.

Enough said.


Homeless In America

December 13, 2008

Let’s see if I have my math straight.

Republicans, who have a political agenda to destroy unions, voted down the auto bailout risking 2 to 3 million jobs which = no jobs which = unemployment which = not enough money to buy food, pay utility bills and pay rent/mortgage which = eventual homelessness, starvation and dying from the elements.

Sweet. The republicans get just what they are striving for, depression. Herbert Hoover couldn’t have done it better him self. You go dick heads republicans.  Why cripple a nation when you can just destroy it’s people?

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Jesse Jackson Jr. Denies Involvement In Blagojevich Scheme (VIDEO)

December 13, 2008

This is a double edge sword. On one side of the blade, I feel Jackson, Jr. should never have given that first interview.  It gave him an appearance of guilt.   Once the GOP gets the taint on you it is very hard to wipe it off.

The other side of the blade is that the FBI never said Jackson, Jr. was under investigation even though he did hold a fund raising campaign event with the governor of Illinois.

Jackson, Jr. did not need to be crying out about his innocents.  What he needs to do is take a page out of President Obama’s book.  Do not ever give them the satisfaction.

Who the hell cares if the republicans or their pundits screams for answers or start shouting for full disclosure? Trust me, they don’t come as constitutionally criminal as a damn republican politician (Bush/Cheney).  Ignore them and keep doing what ever it is you’re doing, unless you are a criminal.  At that point, I’d say switch parties and become a republican.  They seem to have excellent skills in turning a blind eye toward their own corruption.

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Jobless Claims Highest In A Generation As Economy Weakens

December 13, 2008

I’m still on my “why I am despising republican politicians” kick.  As our economy slips into a deeper recession we have dick head republicans playing with our economy while trying to get a BS “us against them” (being the auto unions) game going.  Dammit, those ancient politicians have got to go. Are they so F##king blind that they can’t see the toilet we are living in?  This give all the money to the top 2% is not working and now they want to give it to the foreign auto industry?   Why don’t they just write up the deed and sell our country out right?

[Don’t know if you will read this post Mr. Adams, but don’t even think to give me that crap you gave one of my commenters.  I know my damn senators and have no foreign cars.  More to the point, whether the commenter has a foreign car or not is beside the point since they are living in this messed up economy and is an AMERICAN right along with the rest of the poor and middle class that are suffering.

No one cares about your opinion regarding Keith Olbermann, like all of us, you have the power to change the channel and not listen.  Even that sentiment  has not one damn thing to do with our current economy.

As far as democrats’ socialism taking over our government, well you are damn late with that assessment, dumb Bush has beat all democrats to achieving  that Nirvana.

Either be a solution to the problem or move out of the way.  Beating the wing nut tribes’ drum is not helping.]

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Republicans vs. Detroit

December 12, 2008

The bill failed in the senate and the reason why needs to be looked at.

From what I am hearing from the republicans it is basically the workers fault; therefore, penalize the AMERICAN workers.  After all what does it matter if another million or 2 of AMERICAN workers join the unemployment line, right?

These are the people that we have stupidly voted into office?  I even heard one of them quote the $70 an hour myth.

Just another reason to make an effort to kill off the party known as republicans.  I, for one, am sick of the good old boys club and all the BS that goes with the membership.

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Republicans plan to obstruct Big 3 Bailout

December 12, 2008

Nothing says it like a video. The republicans fight against the unions is just sick.  Sure the unions are not all they are cracked up to be, but dammit, neither is our government.  It’s a matter of tolerance.  Yet, I can’t help but realize that at this defining moment of our economic meltdown I am not willing to listen to how can we not pay Americans? Can we find a way to say not pay a foreign country? I will say no more because it only makes my blood boil.

These politicians from the GOP side are making me sick. No I do not believe all republicans are so pathetic, but right now? They need to do the right thing and stop pushing this F##king BS.  Can we have these greedy, line my pocket politicians (inclusive of Democrats) work for us for once?  The GOP spent the whole campaign trail trying to paint President Obama as “the other,” had their party leader lead us into the toilet, are now on a campaign of painting President Obama as tainted (guilt by association), trying to destroy an American industry and have completely ignored how Bush is trying to rewrite history, while turning a blinds eye to needs of our country.  Can the American people get a break from this type of nonsense and make a politicians job about serving our purpose?

Got dammit, there is a crisis going on.  Stop with the stupid, republicans, and get the F##k on point about what is going on.  No body cares that McCain did not win (you all hated him anyway).  We want focus on what the hell is really going on.  No more financial bailout.  Obviously they do not work.  They are the ones firing everyone.  Save the auto industry to stop the out pouring of blood (job loss).  Can’t you just for once come off of your own stupid agendas?

Oh yea, this is my last post to my last post, maybe.

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GOP Madness

December 12, 2008

This is not a post like I usually write which points out the stupidity of the wing nut tribe.  I for one am damn tired of listening to the republican party delegate us to the category of stupid.  This whole President Obama must answer our question even though he is innocent is beyond tired.  Answer what?  Do these people not notice our economy is on fire?  Are they giving a damn about the people being fired?  It seems as if its all about them and who ever is lining their pockets and once again screw Americans.

The same nuts that are screaming that the big 2 — Ford dropped out — auto industries should fail have foreign auto industries in their own states.  Are they trying to bring attention to their own duplicity?

So, it would be a good thing in this economy to let another million or so people lose their jobs?  Please.  F-that.  Question:  are they trying to bring unemployment into double digits?  I mean no offensive, but the only town criers are the ones that have foreign car industries in their states?  WTF?  Mean time back in the real world, we have real problems and those stupid F-ups are talking about letting Americans drown?

I’m not evening willing to entertain the incompetence of the auto CEOs, unless we can put the financial CEOs on the table and get our F##king money back.  If I can spare a dime (with out my permission) for a bunch of clowns that my current president was too stupid to oversee for the good of my country.  I know damn well I will not turn my back on the blue collar workers, who represent me.

Ugh!  I don’t think I like conservative values at all if what I am seeing coming from the republicans is what they are trying to sell.


Powell on Small-Town Values

December 12, 2008

Well I’m sure this is pissing off the wing nut tribe.  But Collin Powell is speaking the truth. The GOP has got to stop the hate and start listening to the other races. Trust me, Collin also had it correct when he stated that empty headed Barbie polarized the party.  Her speeches were very exclusionary of too many races.  Her constant portrayal of the real America vs. the rest of America was viewed as very racist at best.

If the republicans want to have a real party then they need to start thinking in terms of it is not them against us and start understanding that the wing nut tribe is starting to be a noose around his neck.

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