Posts Tagged ‘delusional’


Fred Barnes Nominates Phil Gramm For Car Czar

December 10, 2008

Okay there is something in the kool-aid.  Fred Barnes nominated Phil Gramm to be the car czar?  Do you think we should start testing some of these people for drug usage?   Gramm?   Really?  Why?

I think the recession is no longer mental and, possibly, we are beyond just being a nation of whiners.  I think just some of us (exception to the ignorant wing nut tribe) might want some one who is a little bit more realistic with what’s going on.  Plus it would probably be better if the person was not one of the orchestrator’s of our country’s destruction.

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Bush’s moment of delusion

November 25, 2008

bush-largeOKYO (AFP) – US President George W. Bush believes the Iraq war was a success and is “very pleased” with what is happening there, he said in a pre-recorded interview broadcast on a Japanese television network Sunday.

“I think the decision to remove Saddam Hussein was right,” Bush told the Sunday Project programme of the private Asahi network.

Saddam was an enemy of the United States and a lot of people thought he had weapons of mass destruction, Bush said, adding “remarkable” progress had been made in Iraq since the late dictator was toppled in 2003.

Obviously this is the moment that Bush has decided to lapse into the world of delusion.  There is absolutely nothing that can be categorized as a success in Iraq.  We have no victory, we have no reason to be proud of going to war with an undeveloped third world country.  This is one of those you’ve got to be freaking kidding me moments.  There is no happy face you can paint on a pointless war that have drained our economy of needed funds to build and fix our own country.  Oh, let me just say it, Bush just go to hell literally.


Michael Weiner Savage Cuts The Mustard Too Sharp

November 22, 2008

Sometimes when confronted with absolute stupid I can only sit in stunned silence.   At those times my mind is at a complete standstill.  How does one process such grand delusions with any type of logic?

Luckily, once my mind has had the chance to process just how unbelievably stupid some ones word were, I find my self on the floor crying with laughter.

These are the defining moments when I know that the right wing nuts have shifted into the land of undeniably crazy.  I could only wish I had the power to present awards for the awesomeness of Michael Savage’s particular brand of being both delusional and stupid.

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