Posts Tagged ‘iraq’


Let’s Talk About Iraq, for Just a Minute

January 23, 2009

iraq-withdrawal_cfff5_0Now that (the cover it with bull shit artist) Bush is no longer in the house, just what will be the outcome of this whole Iraq mess.  Hm…Let me redirect.  Since it was a pointless war that really had no real substantable future, the failure or success of it is now on who’s shoulder?  I’m strongly guessing that the conservative dogs (that does not include real conservatives with brains) will be looking to blame the failure (as if that bullshit had a success rate) on President Obama and any futuristically possible success on President Bush.

Can we just stop and smell reality?  This is all Bush’s making and the failure of it is his from day one.  There will be no rewrite making it into some wonderful grand plan.  It was ill conceived and pushed forth via a lie.  This is not President Obama’s to make great or lose.  It is only President Obama’s to get out of without suffering any more hugh loss (for Americans or Iraqi’s).  I trust in President Obama to do the right thing.

But, damn Bush is one good old boy son of a bitch that have shown me in more ways than one how he really feels regarding us dumb ass Americans.


WTF!!?? Now Christmas Means Mission Accomplished?

January 14, 2009


Okay, the strange and bazaar is in overdrive.  Now Condoleezza Rice is claiming since Iraq has endorsed the holiday of Christmas our mission has been accomplished?  WTF?  Are they kidding us with this piece of sh#t?  Over 4,000 Americans died for another country to respect one of our most capitalistic holidays?  What?…I’m lost?

declared Christmas a national holiday” — Rice said that if the country eventually emerges as a democratic, multiethnic state that has friendly ties with the United States, “that will be more important than what anybody thought in 2002 or 2003.”

Well isn’t that just special.  Now Iraq’s buses, camels, bikes, etc. can start carrying advertisement for this earth shattering holiday.  Next up, Macy’s, Lord & Taylor’s, KMart, Walmart and others can set up shop in that region.  Our mission is accomplished.  The Iraqi’s are safe now that they can go Christmas shopping.

Someone, anyone, please just go B-slap Condoleezza’s with this nonsense.  I know they are busy flipping the script continuously on why we are there, but Christmas!!??

Father forgive them, for they know not what the hell is right.


SHOCKER: John Bolton Would Invade Iran Now!

December 31, 2008

johnbolton_01Here’s a shocker.   JOHN BOLTON would attack Iran now. Why do we have to keep listening to this warmonger?  Oh, right he’s on Fox Fake News. Who else would give cause for America to enter a third war without taking into account America’s lack of money (economic meltdown) and troops (serious shortage) that is currently going on?

That’s right this is America, let’s just keep fighting everyone we don’t like.  There’s no need for diplomacy.  Let’s just pretend we can storm troop into Iran and fight them and take control.  Did I say Iran or did I mean Iraq?

Hm…I think I’ve seen this story played out before and it didn’t work out too well.   Now that Israel is considering a cease fire where do we go from here? Do we make some bogus CIA report, lying about Iran’s capabilities, take it to congress and the UN and declare war on Iran?  Then look back 5 years from now after 10 or 20 thousands Americans has been killed along with millions of innocent citizens to confront the fact that the war was a lie?

John Bolton’s kind of stupid needs to be stopped.  It is getting tiresome to listen to people living in bubbles.  Can somebody just get a pin and be done with this nonsense?

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Bush before you leave…just a suggestion

December 27, 2008

Well Bush you have a few days left and since you are someone that believes getting rid of despots is what America does best, here’s a suggestion.   Have you given any thought about the current president of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe?

As the cholera outbreak kills hundreds and still rages through the country, it is obvious that Zimbabwe’s already dire political and economic crisis has drastically worsened and plunged the country into a humanitarian crisis.

He could really use a beat down right now. Of course there’s no oil involved or WMDs but those were not your objectives in Iraq as well, remember? So do the world a favor and get rid of that scourge and set those people free.

By the way, it’s the christian thing to do.  That would spruce your pitiful tattered legacy right up.

Enough said.


Rice: As A ‘Political Scientist,’ ‘I am Absolutely So Proud’ Of Invading Iraq

December 19, 2008

Its good to know that the rest of Bush administration ate the stupid pill right along with him and Cheney.  Now we know it wasn’t just that Bush was incompetent and arrogant.  His whole administration was and they all seem proud and love shouting it out.  I guess this is more for the rewrite. Unfortunately, unlike the surge, it is not working.

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Bush On Economy And Iraq: Don’t Blame Me!

December 17, 2008

Bush is just too much.  He wants to make sure that the CIA never makes this mistake again.  Now we are suppose to forget that it was his neocon hawks that wrote the report?  Did we dream all those TV appearances of Cheney crying out about Iraq having WMDs?  Of course none of it was his fault.  The war with Iraq or the economy.  Him and Cheney, who by the way is singing a different story, are just two blameless lame ducks.  Lame ducks? Yes.  Blameless?  Hell no.

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Frank Gaffney says that Americans “had to die” in Iraq.

December 17, 2008

This is either a poor choice for an advocate for the rewriting of Bush’s history or Gaffney is just living in the land of BS.  I saw this show and this was pathetic and even Tweedy (Matthews) had to adopt a strong voice against what Bush did by invading Iraq.

To say it was regrettable that Americans had to die was insane enough.  Here this jerk is arguing what has already been proved as a pointless war being justified.  This was unbelievable.  How dare the president and his cohorts decide our lives are expendable for pointless reasons. The Bush legacy is not something that is going to go down as we remember him fondly category.   To dare suggest that killing Americans for a pointless war was necessary?  People like Frank Gaffney, Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, Rove, Hannity, O’Reilly and et. al just makes me sick.

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Cheney: Iraq had the capability to produce WMD at the time we invaded.

December 17, 2008

Now why am I not surprise that Cheney would still be pushing BS? He felt so much passion about eliminating WMD and was being a dedicated public servant. Please.

It is history now that Saddam had no weapons, no capability and the whole reason we were supposedly there was BS.  Why is Cheney and Bush diligently trying to rewrite history?  What, did he forgot some of us was here and heard the reasons that no longer are justified?

What we did do is use our brute force to overpower a weaker nation and now have become weak for it. That’s the legacy and shame our country now must bear.   Thank goodness we got this election right and have a chance to redeem ourselves in the eyes of other nations and for ourselves.

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Williams: Iraqis Are “Ingrates” For Not Appreciating Invasion And Occupation

December 17, 2008

You can always get a slice of delusional pie from The Factor. I know Juan Williams feel justified about his sentiment, but I can’t see Iraqis feeling all that warm and fuzzy towards a country that have invaded theirs, destroyed their homes, displaced their lives, killed and maimed their loved ones and children, and virtually destroy their peace. Now why the hell would they feel charitable towards us?  Ingrates?  I’m glad they haven’t build up an army to strike back at us for our cruelty.

Now on our side of the line, not many of us want to lose any more of our love ones to a pointless war that didn’t even net its main objective — oil. Williams can act like the war is Iraq is noble and justified but it does not make it any less BS.

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A Look At The Bush Shoe Throwing Incident [12-15-08]

December 16, 2008

Just wanted to throw some more shine on the whole shoe throwing incident that took place with soon to be ex-president Bush. What a pack of crap. Bush really does not care about what we, the American people, think. This was a brush off by him. Where’s the rage that led us into invading Iraq. What a bunch of nonsense. The country we are so called making into a free nation is burning our flags. I get it. Why can’t Bush get it? He just does not give a sh#t what we think or the rest of the world thinks.

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How do we feel about Iraq?

December 16, 2008

obama-petraeus-copy-thumb-361xautoI think we all feel (well most of us anyway) that the invasion in Iraq needs to come to a close.  Now there is a new poll that shows 70% (if you believe in polls) of Americans want the Iraq war to come to a quick close.

70 percent say President-elect Barack Obama should fulfill his campaign promise to withdraw U.S. forces from the country within 16 months, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Who the heck do Bush and Cheney think they are fooling by making public announcements about the goodness of the Iraq war or the credibility of GITMO?  How many ways must the Iraqi people tell us to get out?  GET and OUT are two very simply words.  Why should we stay?  GITMO is a slight on America’s character as a country.  GITMO has got to go.

Come on, we now have Iraq’s people throwing shoes at our president?  I know that shoes are not deadly, but damn, we need a little more respect shown for our country.  It’s funny because it was not harmful, but it is not funny to know that other countries dare to attack our president.  GET OUT is what we need to do.  Let Iraq sink or swim based off of their own capabilities.  Bush’s legacy is not working.  He needs a surge badly.


Bush On AQI Not Existing Before Invasion: ‘So What?’

December 16, 2008

Well we heard it from the horse’s mouth. Al Queda was not a danger in Iraq until after we invaded Iraq.   You know what?  So what [per Bush]. That’s what will go down in the history books.

So what if we opened a door to terrorism starting up in a country we invaded because of our invasion. It will still be important that we were there?  Damn, when does the stupid stop?  Bush is doing one hell of a job trying to rewrite his history.  Unlike the surge, it is not working.

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Bush Dismisses Zaidi’s Shoe Insult

December 16, 2008

That’s right America’s presidents usually get shoes thrown at them and it’s no big deal.  So what if this has never happened before.  As Bush stated, this is what happens in a free society.

Why haven’t we come up with some humiliating tactics to convey our feelings?  After all, we’re a free society.  A couple of pies in the face should serve.   Oh yea, there’s that little thing called the secret service, duh!

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Is Bush a Criminal or are we just blind and stupid?

December 14, 2008

Granted there is the possibility that Blago has committed a crime and should not get away with it, nor should Norm Coleman.  Nevertheless, others who certainly are deserving of prosecution gets a free pass.  Like Rove, Cheney and goodness knows how many crooks calling themselves CEOs on Wall Street.

On plenty of occasions I have noted that we Americans love to vote our criminals into office even after we know they might have committed a crime.  Considering our current crisis you would think we as a nation would have very little tolerance for such criminal activities.  Nope.  “As the World Turn” has nothing on the American people’s political saga.

The fun part is when you see republicans lauding over how Fitzpatrick is prosecuting a democrat.  Really?  Are they forgetting the other person Fitzpatrick prosecuted?

his conviction of Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney’s chief of staff. Libby was far bigger prey. He was part of the White House Iraq Group, the task force of propagandists that sold an entire war to America on false pretenses. Because Libby was caught lying to a grand jury and federal prosecutors as well as to the public, he was sentenced to two and a half years in prison. But President Bush commuted the sentence before he served a day.

Even if we are kind of tepid about our politicians being criminal, I would think we would drawn a line when it comes to our President.  President Bush has show an undeniable absence when it comes to the constitution.  He seems to be completely without conscious or morality.  I don’t care how many beers the local yahoo wants to slug down with him, his conduct has been insulting at best and beneath the character we should want any American President to have.

Accountability wasn’t remotely on Bush’s mind. If anything, he was more likely to reward malfeasance and incompetence, as exemplified by his gifting of the Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Tenet, L. Paul Bremer and Gen. Tommy Franks, three of the most culpable stooges of the Iraq fiasco.

I’m starting to wonder if any republican have a mind set of their own?  It was only just a week or so ago that Bill Kristol suggested that Bush give medals to those that were most culpable in the Iraq war.  Did we forget the Iraq war?  I can not believe after being told the truth about why we are there (not WMD, not a despot, not saving the people, but oil) that people are still championing that pointless and needless war?  Much less that there are no analogies being drawn between the economic meltdown and the Iraq war?

…but the reckoning is largely for the rest of us — taxpayers, shareholders, the countless laid-off employees — not the corporate and political leaders who led us into the quagmire. It’s a replay of the Iraq equation: the troops, the Iraqi people and American taxpayers have borne the harshest costs while Bush and company retire to their McMansions

Are we just stupid?  No.  Too many people have given sway to believing that president Bush could not be so smart while seeming so dumb.  Hello…being dumb has absolutely nothing to do with being destructive.  It’s at this moment of Americans being gullible that I take my leave and yell to the waiter, check please!


Here’s the man tossing the shoe, he is one of the reporters and gave Bush his country’s highest insult, outside of calling Bush a dog. Now there’s a realistic view of what Bush has done for us and the rest of the world.  Prison stripes on Bush would look a lot better.


Bush’s Biggest Regret… Iraq Intelligence Being Wrong

December 4, 2008

Isn’t it amazing how Bush is trying to rewrite history?  We must understand, per Laura, he kept us safe and, per Bush, he keep his principles.  WTF? He did not let our children die in vain in Iraq? What the hell do you call fighting a needless war, dying with honor? Give the world a break with this nonsense.

Bush’s legacy is in the toilet.   No amount of rewrite is going to make his picture pretty.  Who but Bush and his cronies was pushing an invasion into Iraq?  Remember John McCain on the Tonight show telling the world at large how Iraq was next?

Bush was and still is out of touch with the people he called himself governing.  Bush’s legacy is worst than Nixon’s.  He turned himself into a despot and now that the ride is over he and his crew of bandits are trying to spray deodorant on top of dog shit.  Good luck with that.  Last time I sniffed the poop still stinks.  If we listen to Bush though the blame belong everywhere but with him.  Talk about the captain leaving the sinking ship first, geez.

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Iraq, Broken – American Shock & Awe

December 3, 2008

For those of you that hate to confront the truth or see the ugliness going on in Iraq, please go right by this video.   It is not pretty.   We went into Iraq to remove WMDs, lie #1.  Then it became we removed a despot and want to restore stability, lie #2.  Now it’s we can’t leave until we are sure they are not vulnerable, lie #3.   It was all about oil and nothing else.

Once it was ascertain that their was no WMDs why didn’t we leave? We are still there destroying these peoples lives, bodies, spirits and homes.   It there any wonder why they have asked us repeatedly to get out?   This is our shame as a country.  This is the legacy that Bush leaves us with, while in the midst of this nonsense Bush is now (with the help of the media) trying to rewrite history?  God, Allah, Powerful one help us, for we have sinned greatly.

Iraq is our last year turkey we tried to put new stuffing in and reheat but it still had freezer burn and tasted nasty.

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Gates: Obama ‘framed’ withdrawal from Iraq ‘just right.’

December 3, 2008

Here the media goes, playing the 16-month time frame game. How many times should the same question be asked? I think I got it the first time Gates said he agreed with President Obama’s time frame for leaving Iraq. Duh.

What is everyone thinking?  Did people think Gates was left in office to undermine President Obama and secretly would screw up the plans of our leaving Iraq?  Wrong?  Gates has high regards for President Obama.

“It really didn’t [feel strange]” being a Republican Defense Secretary appointed by a Democrat, said Gates. “The president-elect will be the eight president I have worked for. And all I can say is I look forward to it.”

“I have been very impressed by several things,” he said of his soon-to-be-boss. “First of all the things he said to me and on the campaign trail about the military and his respect for the institution; I was impressed by his reaching out to Admiral Mullen, and he has made clear he wants to have a regular dialogue with the chairman, the chiefs and the commanders. I have also been very impressed by Michelle Obama’s desire to work on behalf of military families. All these things send very positive signals to the men and women in uniform.”

Even though it was also reported today that top deputies would be removed from their post Gates seems to have no problem with that strategy either.

“When I came here two years ago, every single position was filled by somebody who was appointed by somebody else,” he noted. “I think it has worked out okay.”

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Inside Iraq – Security pact approved

November 29, 2008

Yes people we must examine this treaty that Bush has negotiate with Iraq over our country leaving their country.  We must examine this agreement because our current president has decided to be one of the worst presidents and has conducted his administration riddled with criminal activities (can we say illegal wiretapping and waterboarding).

Who does not know that we invaded Iraq for oil?  Hello, there was no WMD or terrorist acts being committed by Iraq towards the United States.  The sorry point is that neither Bush or Cheney got any oil (last laugh goes to Iraq).  The bigger problem is why if the negotiations were above board (ha, Bush is involved) the agreement could not be translated in English before Iraq agreed?

I am so sick of this administration and their constant dirt.  January 20, 2009 can not come fast enough.  Why, why, why does Iraq have to keep begging us to leave their country?  Call me an American, but I understand GET OUT 100%.  It’s already been reported that Iraq only signed the agreement because Obama is to become the new president.

Now isn’t it shocking that Bush negotiated an agreement that pretty much say we will never leave and have reason after reason to stay there.  Yet, I know a change is coming.  I’m with President Obama on this one, Iraq you’re own your own and good luck with your civil problems.


Why can’t we leave Iraq?

November 26, 2008

Why does Afghanistan have to speak to a UN Security Council and beg us to leave their country?  Obviously the SOFA pact that the Bush administration signed is not meeting the goals that Iraq wants, which is very simply:  GET OUT.  Now we have Afghanistan sending negative reports?  Trust me I can hardly blame them since currently we are only successfully killing their people then meeting the goal of killing Al Queda.  I know most of these actions that other countries take is just attention getters to remind President Obama that they need action; but, I still must go back to my initial complaint.  Why is it acceptable that Bush does not have to do his job?  If he is really concerned about his legacy (which, honey, is in tatters) then what would be so wrong for him to do the right thing?  Please spare me the logic of keep the course.  What freaking course?  We are in Iraq for no apparent reason and have no really direct strategy to handle what is going on in Afghanistan.

KABUL, Afghanistan – President Hamid Karzai told a visiting U.N. Security Council delegation Tuesday that the international community should set a timeline to end the war in Afghanistan.

It appeared to be the first time Karzai has called for a time limit on the international effort to defeat Taliban militants and raise a stable and competent Afghan security force and government.

Every other day I get mail from the Army, National Guards and the Marine for my daughter (who is in college) and I religiously tear them up without her seeing any of it.  I refuse to pretend to be patriotic over a war (Iraq) that is beyond pointless and flatly refuse to sacrifice my child for a cause I do not believe in.  Every other fool wants to believe that there is something to be gained in Iraq.  What?  They are not going to give us their oil.  Now what?  We are there because we need to give Bush a legacy?  So let’s just keep killing their innocent people while losing our own children?

“If there is no deadline, we have the right to find another solution for peace and security, which is negotiations,” Karzai was quoted as saying in a statement from his office.

This is beyond what we need to deal with as a nation.  Our own economy is melting into oblivion and we really want to be over in Iraq fighting for a country that wants us out of there as quickly as possible? while mean time because of our sloppy management of Afghanistan they also want us out?  Why is this even a topic?  How long do we keep dancing to stupid and not move on and try to resolve our own problems?

We’ve got the GOP in ruin caused solely by their right wing nuts lack of inclusion, our housing situation has sunk lower than the sewer, our economy is almost so far gone the dollar could double as toilet tissue and we are where, doing what and spending $10 billion per month why?  Dear holy one, god, or who ever, save us from absolute idiots.  This is no way to usher in the 21st century.

This will be an ongoing topic.


Bush’s moment of delusion

November 25, 2008

bush-largeOKYO (AFP) – US President George W. Bush believes the Iraq war was a success and is “very pleased” with what is happening there, he said in a pre-recorded interview broadcast on a Japanese television network Sunday.

“I think the decision to remove Saddam Hussein was right,” Bush told the Sunday Project programme of the private Asahi network.

Saddam was an enemy of the United States and a lot of people thought he had weapons of mass destruction, Bush said, adding “remarkable” progress had been made in Iraq since the late dictator was toppled in 2003.

Obviously this is the moment that Bush has decided to lapse into the world of delusion.  There is absolutely nothing that can be categorized as a success in Iraq.  We have no victory, we have no reason to be proud of going to war with an undeveloped third world country.  This is one of those you’ve got to be freaking kidding me moments.  There is no happy face you can paint on a pointless war that have drained our economy of needed funds to build and fix our own country.  Oh, let me just say it, Bush just go to hell literally.