Posts Tagged ‘economy’


Betty White calls Sarah Palin a “Crazy Bitch” on Craig Ferguson

October 10, 2008

This is Betty White??!! I’ve adored Betty for years and now I really know why. Betty is not even pretending Barbie’s okay. What does Betty think of Obama? If Obama is looking for older experience, Betty’s got a few lessons she can teach him.

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Obama Knew It Was Coming All Along

October 10, 2008

Remember when Obama predicted back in July that McCain’s campaign would try to make people scare of him, talk about his name, how he looks different and that he would be risky? All the news media said that’s not going to happen. Surprise, surprise, that’s exactly what is happening.

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Poll Time

October 10, 2008

Well another day and the numbers for Obama just keep growing.


National polls:

  • 10/9: Gallup Pres-Tracker: Obama 52%, McCain 41%
  • 10/9: Hotline/Diageo Pres-Tracker: Obama 47%, McCain 41%
  • 10/9: Rasmussen Pres-Tracker: Obama 50%, McCain 45%
  • 10/9: Res. 2000 Pres-Tracker: Obama 51%, McCain 41%
  • 10/9: Zogby Pres-Tracker: Obama 48%, McCain 44%

Some Battle states:

  • 10/9: Rasmussen NC: Obama 49%, McCain 48%
  • 10/9: Rasmussen IN: McCain 50%, Obama 43%
  • 10/9: Rasmussen FL: Obama 50%, McCain 47%
  • 10/9: Rasmussen MI: Obama 56%, McCain 40%
  • 10/9: ARG WV: Obama 50%, McCain 42%
  • 10/9: PPP (D) VA: Obama 51%, McCain 43%


Research 2000 Favorable Rating:

Enough said.


McCain Agrees Obama a “Hooligan,” Palin Incites Crowd

October 9, 2008

This is what I should look forward to by virtue of a McCain presidency? Is this the way we are suppose to go? Listening to audience members telling the candidate to attack his opponent?  Did either McCain or Barbie ever hear of positive messages to give an angry nation some answers to what’s causing the frustration (the economy)?

Pardon me, I did forget, once again.  This is not about the issues where McCain and Barbie is concerned this is about a personality/beauty contest and how best to incite the base into a lynching and shotgun carrying mob by spewing messages of hate.

“It’s a dangerous road, but we have no choice,” a top McCain strategist told the Daily News. “If we keep talking about the economic crisis, we’re going to lose.”

Let’s let McCain in on the secret…we’re still talking about the economy.

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