Posts Tagged ‘obama’


Last Post of the night: Obama’s Foreign Policy Team

December 2, 2008

I decided to make this my last post.  I had to look at the news to see all the Hilary haters (which during the primaries  I guess I could have been called one too, sorry fake pumas I’m not sipping the kool-aid).

Oh how the newscasters rolled out the primaries and the words from it, irregardless to how no one believed that Hilary or Obama were on opposite sides.  He said, she said, dominated the day and that was in between the argument over Hilary being center right and the right wing loving her (let’s call them by their names shall we, democratic bigots).  Now why should I believe Hilary is center right because she voted for the war in Iraq?  Excuse me but so did most of congress and no body is calling them center right?  In fact Congress woman Michelle Bachmann stated how congress needed to be investigated for some of them being un-American (liberal)?

After listening to all the reasons to be turned off; especially if you are a progressive, by Hilary selection I can only say, screw that.  I trust in Obama and see deeper meaning in his actions.  I for one thought she was deserving of receiving a post and will not make her receiving a post out to be some underlying sinister reason.  The fun part is that while the GOP talking points was ruling our TV they were also arguing the center right of our nation (yes once again).  I guess they feel that if it is said enough the rest of us non-kool-aid drinkers will believe it?  Sorry that is not a winner.

Let’s just listen to Obama discuss his ideas and not the newscasters, thank you.

I will post the opposing opinions of Hilary being selected tomorrow (personally I do not give a fig since I trust in Obama).

More tomorrow.


Obama going on Vacation

December 2, 2008

It is being reported that President Obama is going on vacation.  Yes, how dare he go on vacation when he has not even been sworn in as the president (duh).  For the past two years this man has not been given a break.  First he went through a needless primary (at least from April into June).  He followed that up with going straight into a general election (with only taking time off to see his grandmother on two occasions).  A general election where he was demonized in the worst way and called a socialist, terrorist and redistributor (among other things).  By the way his grandmother died before he was elected.

Now we have our current government situation that no body seems to give a damn that Bush is ignoring but of course the right wing nuts want to put it all on President Obama’s shoulder.  It does not matter that he has came out and tried to repeatedly give assurance to the stock market five days in a row (unfortunately, Paulson also came out and gave a speech today and did what he and Bush are good for — sank the market.

President-elect Barack Obama will spend the Christmas and New Year’s holidays on an extended vacation with his family in Hawaii, Democratic sources confirmed today. The length of the vacation is not yet clear, and transition officials would not comment. Obama last visited the islands in October when his grandmother was sick.

Enough said.


Last Post of the Night: The 44th President Video –

November 17, 2008

Here’s a part of the interview of President Obama on 60 minutes. I am still waiting for the feed to become available; but, when it does I will capture it and post it.  I watched it on TV and it was quite fascinating.  But until then you can listen to the show here (you’ll need Quick Time or MS multimedia player).

UPDATE:  I have removed the partial video and replaced it with the full video

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Obama 60 Minutes Interview: Describes Moment Of Victory (VIDEO)

November 15, 2008

Just a little snippet of what’s to come. I know where I’ll be at 7 pm on Sunday.  It will be great watching them together.  It is so refreshing to have a real first intelligent family in the white house. There has not been one there for over 8 years.

UPDATE:  I have replaced the snippet with the actual full interview

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The Conservatives’ Confusion

November 8, 2008

yes-we-didIt was widely reported that certain members of the conservative republican party had a meeting to discuss how to go forward after this electoral defeat.  After reading the articles (although I will only link to the one I took excerpts from) I must say it seems like they are more interested in going backwards then forward.

…if future candidates for public office want to tap into the vast fund-raising and grassroots resources of the conservative movement, they would have to fit a “job description” holding them to a set of core principles, like fiscal restraint, opposition to abortion, tough border security and a strong national defense.

It seems their core problem is that they are trapped in ideologies and are still not willing to participant in what is really going on.  Of course all Americans want to have a strong national defense and government fiscal restraints but life in America is so much deeper then just only that.  We have the emergence of a whole host of cultural problems that are not being addressed by the Conservatives narrow values.  There answer to all things different is to say no.  They still largely remain a group that is isolated and trapped in an era gone by.  Right now the conservative view is depicted as bigoted, racist, hateful and constantly invading people’s personal private lives.

And even after a bruising campaign, some said they regarded the Republican vice presidential candidate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, as a rising conservative star.

We live in a world where we are constantly redefining ourselves as Americans to aid and abed in our growth as a nation.  The conservative view point seems to be one that no longer has a place in our society, since they refuse to grow and become more inclusive of other races.  Where they are pinning their hope on some one as narrow minded as Sarah Palin only shows that they are completely clueless on what is developing in America.  They, like McCain, are viewed as out of touch.

Tony Perkins, director of the Family Research Council and a participant in the deliberations, said in an interview that Tuesday’s election confirmed that the Republican Party is “in a ditch.” Candidates for elected officials who are “squishy on conservative principles” would not longer be tolerated, Mr. Perkins said.

That is one of the reason a lot of progressives are laughing at the conservatives who are trying to desperately promote the story that the country is still center right.  They have even gone so far as to try to indicate that Obama needs to lead the country by that direction.  Far worst is that as a collective group they still participate in being on and off message.  One minute they are accusing Obama of having ran his campaign as a conservative, then the next minute they are screaming he’s a liberal, and then one minute from that they turn right back around and start talking about how Obama has no mandate since the country is center right.  Of course what makes this premise absurd is the simply fact that they themselves spent countless hours warning the voters at large that Obama was a radical/liberal.  No one was fooled about who Obama was.  The question of who Obama is was answered by the American people by how we resoundingly voted for him and made sure the conservatives understood our message.

After a stinging rebuke of their party on Election Day, a group of soul-searching conservatives who met to map out the future of their movement…

Nevertheless, the conservatives are currently spending countless hours justifying how and why they lost.  To them it is unimaginable that they lost because the bulk of America no longer gave their ideology credence to continue.  yet, they fail to understand that Obama did not impact the people just because he was black or new.  He attracted young and old Americans that were sick of the cultural wars, race wars and a repressive ideology that ignored the fact that our country was crumbling before our eyes.  The map below shows just how much of a change has come over our nation.


There is no question that we all wish Obama could start being the president next week.  Nor is there any question that the republican party can only survive if they become more inclusive and rethink holding on to outdated religious belief that no longer has dominance over a nation that was founded on the diversity of religion to begin with and a constitution that is inclusive of all people being equal.  But let it be known that we the people are resting a little better knowing that Obama is destine to take over and our only hope is that Bush doesn’t do anything to screw us further before January 20, 2009.

Read the full NYT article here.

Enough said.


In Lieberman’s defense is still going on?

November 8, 2008

You know what, let Lieberman go.  If Lieberman can not show conciliation by his previous action by suffering some loss, then he should hit the road.  We have seen more than enough of Obama’s unite the people, now it’s time we see the spine of steel side.

Lieberman made his choice when he was participating in hard core Obama bashing.  There is nothing wrong with a no drama president letting some one who created drama go.  Lieberman made his bed now let him live with it.  All this BS talk abut keeping Lieberman would show a sign of unity is crap.  If our country was at risk Obama being kind would never be a topic of give the terrorist a chance.  Lieberman is a cancer and he needs to be removed, quickly if he is not willing to abide by what the democrats want.

If Lieberman wants to remain a part of the Democratic party then in good faith let him relinquish his chairmanship as repentance and show he is more contrite about his actions.  Obama is a good man and will probably allow him to have a seat on a subcommittee.  If Lieberman does not want that then get to walking.

Enough said.


How did those smears work?

November 8, 2008

I just saw something that had me laughing way too much.  The right wing nuts tried so hard to paint a picture of Obama being everything bad, inclusive of the kitchen sink.  But this site has a full sum up of how well that worked.  Stupid.

Enough said.


Shep Smith Explains How To Be A Real Journalist To BillO

November 7, 2008

As I’ve said in previous post Shep Smith is an upstanding guy — how long his life span is at Fox may not be that long.  But you’ve got to smile at some of his responses to Billo. Its just down right crack up funny; especially, at the end when he ask people if they’re watching that “O’Reilly cat” [to get such a bad opinion of Fox Fake News].

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FOX steps up attacks on so-called liberal media – baselessly

November 7, 2008

Yes the liberal media strikes again and we the zombie like public sucked it up and felt so strongly about believing the mainstream media that we all went out and voted for Obama resoundingly.

It’s hard to be a loser like Fox Fake News. They just keep crying and crying about the wrong that some body has done to them.  Mind you it’s okay that Fox is in the tank for the GOP.  It was okay for them to turn a blind eye on the corruption and constitution ignoring going on in the white house.  It was okay for McCain to run a dirty, despicable, lying, insulting and dishonorable campaign — with their help.  Let me get this straight, McCain should have gotten positive stories from the bias liberal media because…?  What were they going to write?  Today McCain’s camp just put out an ad stating that Obama was un-American and paling around with terrorist, but it was tastefully done?

If Fox Fake News think anyone really believe that the other papers are going to go out of business because they were bias towards Obama some body is smoking something on Fox News.  Probably sour grapes.

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Joe the Plumber was on Welfare

November 7, 2008

Before I write my last post let’s put McCain’s new ex-spokesperson on the map one more time. It’s time to listen to Joe justify some of his BS.  Joe is, like empty headed Barbie, the gift that just keeps on giving.  Welfare Joe, not once but twice?  Okay I get it.  It was okay for your family to take from the government but you don’t want the government taking from you.  Even though based on your income you will be receiving money from Obama’s tax plan.  If nothing else Joe is riding his 15 minutes of fame into a blaze of glory.

I have one major question to the public at large.  Will any of us really remember this guy?

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Late Show – Late Show Election Night Recap

November 6, 2008

Still laughing over the election and Dave is help me out big time.

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Who’s winning?

November 5, 2008


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MSNBC Live feed:

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Voting Line West Village/Manhattan

November 5, 2008

This video is going in simply to give props for my state. I must admit it was not voting as usual. Normally when I go to vote I would be in and out within 15 to 20 minutes. Not this morning. Try 1 hour and 20 minutes. I have never seen so many people at my polling site before. It was a beautiful thing.

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Barack Obama is IRISH!

November 4, 2008

Now Obama is Irish (and he is partly).   I just love this.  McCain does not have this type of power.  He can not bring us together as a nation and help us to start feeling good about our selves and our country.  What an awesome sight if we can have a president that has a vested interest in the people.

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Obama’s final rally

November 4, 2008

Good morning! Today is my day and I’m on my way to vote. I made my calls last night and reminded all that I could to get out and vote. I thought I would start my day listening to Obama give his last speech before the election. Let do this people.

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Why Barbie?

November 4, 2008

I had my moment of zen and this thought crossed my mind.  Yes, I know I should be in bed going to sleep to get up early to vote and I will after this.

McCain did not pick Barbie because she had any real political skill.  He picked Barbie because of his jealousy.  McCain picked Barbie with the greatest wish she would be his rock star, as he felt Obama was.  Yes, Barbie is loved by the base, but only one side of the base which is made up of three parts (neocons, intellectual conservative and religious conservatives).  Barbie did her job.  She brought the religious (which is inclusive of yahoos) base to McCain’s camp.  That’s why she easily gets crowds of 5 to 10 thousands people.

But she was never the solution to McCain’s real problem.  Jealousy.  Obama is not a rock star.  He is a people magnet.  He taps into what we all are yearning for.  A Change.  Obama do not get 200,000 thousands people because we have nothing better to do but go watch a novelty act.  Hell that’s why we have TiVo.  McCain was missing the human factor and what it is that we were in need of.   We needed answers and McCain avoided answering us like the plague.

Why is McCain losing?  Please do not accuse empty headed Barbie.  She was just willing to be a pawn for her own blind ambition and I can’t fault her for that.  She is out there now on the stump repeating stupid GOP talking points with zest and zeal.  True, if she had a clue she would challenge some of the more explosive points given to her as talking points by making sure they would not back fire.  Yet, we all know that she is not a real politician.  This has nothing to do with her hanging with the elite.  She could have educated herself better.  But what the heck.  It is what it is.

McCain was jealous and looking for a way to steal Obama’s thunder.  But McCain is out of touch and never understood Obama’s appeal.  We do not worship Obama.  He is not our God or the chosen one.  He gives answers and talks in terms of bringing us together.  He is not out there on the stump assassinating McCain’s character.  He is out there only talking about turning the page and how McCain is no different than Bush.

Enough said.


THIS IS IMPORTANT. Making it Count: How to Protect Your Vote & Spot Dirty Tricks

November 4, 2008

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Here’s a little education that all voters need to know; especially since the GOP is very dirty with their voters suppression. This video can help people out in knowing their rights and what they can do to protect themselves.

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Dear John

November 4, 2008

Oh yes, I can see the GOP coming out to say how these parents influenced their kids to say this; but you know what? I have an 11 year old that do not like McCain and think he is just old and do not understand the young people of today’s time.  I have an 18 year old that can’t wait to vote (who introduced me to Obama).  No I do not believe that the parents had to influence these young people.  They may not understand how the government works, but they know ugly when they see it.

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November 4, 2008

This is adorable. There is really no other way to describe this video. It is 100% over the top but the creator has mixed the points so skillfully that you’ve got to smile. SuperBarack is one of the best creations of video I’ve seen.

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“We Have a Lot of Work to Do”

November 4, 2008

Here comes the video that makes me believe we can do this.   I can’t help it.  When I see us doing it as one nation, one people, one belief I can only feel my heart growing in joy.   We need Obama to be our representative and help us to erase this mess the GOP in their greed and selfishness has done to us.  I will say, even if we lose, this vote is about us.  This is not about the rich or the major corporations. This is about us Firing the losers who tried to destroy us and are currently working at trying to divide us.

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