Posts Tagged ‘mccain’


McCain: Now He’s the Spineless Maverick?

February 6, 2009

loser-mccainJust like he shrunk into a puppet for the wing nuts agenda during the general election, which by the way got him no where, McCain is once again trying to curry favors.  It’s so sad to see this proud man bend over trying to get his party to like him.  I mean where is the maverick now?  Lost in a sea of republican bull shit?

For shame McCain, for shame.  If that’s the stance he’s wants to take then I need to let an economist point out the real failure of FDR:


It seems the great depression turned into a worst depression because the president, FDR, listened to asshole republicans tell him to stop spending on recovery and turn back to dumb ass taxes.  Now where have I heard that shit?  Hm…from our current crop of congressional and senatorial republicans, perhaps?  McCain is just coming off as totally sad and pitiful for trying to curry favors from the same bunch of jackals that didn’t like him and probably still don’t.

UPDATE:  This is so sad on top of my previous so sad above:

WASHINGTON — The Senate has killed an alternative economic stimulus plan by Sen. John McCain that would have cut income and payroll taxes but spent far less than President Obama’s plan.

The party-line 57-40 vote against McCain’s $421 billion plan came Thursday as a group of moderate Democrats and Republicans struggled to cut up to $100 billion from Obama’s version.

Who knew that we would not like McCain’s policies?  Oh yea…we did.


The Road To The Inauguration

January 19, 2009

As I sit here watching a show going back over the campaign trail, the one thing that is stark and can not be missed was the enormous crowds that President Obama easily drew while on the stump.  He was and is a people magnet and the many overwhelming speeches he gave were absolutely stunning.

2008-07-24-crowds obama-oregon4

I can not predict the future, but I do know the past and there is no one that has had the same allure that this one man has captured.  His passion, his desire, his belief in us and our country were transparent and drew us like bees to honey.  He expressed his feelings so eloquently and in that effort he said what we all wanted to hear, an end to divisiveness.  As our problems grew way out of proportion, President Obama started to really embodied what we were sure we needed.  Simply put that was HOPE.

Here we had a candidate, President Obama, that was steady as a rock, confident and just oozing with a calming effect.  Listening to President Obama and seeing him always had a calming effect.  He had the talent to literally chase some of our fears away.  It wasn’t about making him into a God or a spiritual leader.  It was about being utterly tired, 8 years of BS, a jerk of a president, and a Vice President that made people think of Darth Vader.  Then there was McCain.

obama-invesco2 100000 for obama

McCain came on the scene filled with age and selling the same old stale tomatoes, that were so old they looked like rocks.  That part might have been over looked, because at least he had experience.  Although there were moments you didn’t know what McCain’s campaign strategy was since it came across as disjointed, superficial and without a real message.  It all came crashing down though at precisely the same time Sarah Palin was introduced as the possible next Vice President.

10-31 wicker park IN kansascity14

Not only did Palin not enhance McCain, her presence only caused a stronger division between the extreme right and the rest of America.  She was touted as being a conservative dream.  That didn’t last long as the intellectual conservatives came out in force and acknowledged, what those who were not conservative saw right away, Palin was too much of a risk; or, a better way of putting it, she was Bush only a female.  It was if the McCain camp thought Obama’s charm came from his inexperience or his youth.  Such was not the case and Palin’s lack of any knowledge was to be the bitter pill McCain would have to swallow.  Accepting Palin as another Bush was something none of us was willing to risk.  The one thing we knew for sure was that Bush was going away and no one would accept a Bush substitute not even in the form of conservative Palin.  None of the dirty tricks or hard campaigning in divisiveness was going to pull this election into the republicans’ corner.

nm4 unfucking believable

The general election was not pretty.  It was filled with a lot of hateful messages and most centered and came from the McCain/Palin camp.  The GOP refused to understand that they were up against the people.  President Obama was our representative and they didn’t stand a chance.  We were way to tired of more of the same.  It didn’t take long before the lack of discipline to start creeping out from the McCain/Palin camp.  Fingers started pointing, accusations were being made, name calling came next, well you know the story.  It just could not be accepted that the simple phrase “Yes We Can,” had won a nation over.

obama-invesco10 smh

And now the moment is upon us and we have made our choice.  Ladies and Gentlemen may I introduce you to our next president, Barack Hussiem Obama.

Official portrait of President-elect Barack Obama on Jan. 13, 2009.  (Photo by Pete Souza)

This is the same man that told me so long ago…


and he was not lying.


Monkey Boy?

January 18, 2009

It never ceases to amaze how a supposed leading conservative columnist can sit back and not bat an eyelash when some one is insulting another race.  Fred Barnes proved he is that man.  Of course we must take into account that Fred Barnes was also willing to suggest that McCain use Gay-Bashing as a means to revive his sagging campaign during the general election.

When a caller called in with a question (dumb azz as it was giving new meaning to country hick stupidity) and called President Obama a monkey boy, Barnes didn’t miss a beat as he answered the question.

That’s fine in my world.  Now I should no longer receive any insulting email when I call Sarah Palin an empty headed Barbie doll, or if I suggest that she is mentally absent.  Nor should I receive any email when I call Bush absolutely stupid without any right to be viewed as anything less than an azz hole.

I’m loving this conservative view point.  Let’s just let it all hang out.  We can just keep the divisive war going and see how we can continue to stay divided.  While the world is crumbling all around us, let’s stay focused on all that we hate about one another. 

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with calling some politician out if they make dumb decisions that impact our lives.  But calling the President-Elect a name before he ascends to office is…pointless.  Name calling should be reserved for when there is corresponding action to warrant the name calling.


Oh the memories…

January 1, 2009

APTOPIX Beijing Olympics SwimmingI caught this beauty at Crooks & Liars.  The article was about this years bumbler of the year.  I say we give the award to the 3 biggest donors.

  1. Bush
  2. McCain
  3. Sarah Palin

What a bunch of fu_k ups.  They all deserve the award.  Especially, Bush who represents the gift that just keeps on giving.

Enough said.


TPMtv: The Best Of… 2008 General Election

December 21, 2008

I got a good laugh out of this.  It brought back so many memories of what could not be stopped — Barack Obama.   Hillary was a failure at defeating him and so was McCain.   Both people whom I normally liked until they allowed themselves to be be bent and twisted for a win.  I think their biggest problem was that they could do nothing but play the usual Washington game.  I am so tired of that and look forward to President Obama turning the page.  After all, as per Palin — or as I famously call her empty headed Barbie, he is nothing more than a community organizer.  You know, one of those people that gives a fig about us as a people and nation.

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Despite Time’s report that photos had been in prof’s safety deposit box, Hannity, Fox & Friends ask if media sat on photos until after election

December 20, 2008

Nothing like the wing nut tribe beating the drum. Yes, that’s right McCain would have won because President Obama owned a hat and smoked a cig.

I’m not quite sure what stupidity Fox and Friends had in their minds but pictures of President Obama when he was in his 20s is not exactly a smoking gun.

Since only one person, Lisa Jack, had access to those pictures so how did the press keep them out of the public’s eye?  Now Lisa Jack is part of this great media conspiracy?  She doesn’t even work for the media.   She’s a psychologist and just happen to have gone to school with President Obama and took the pictures when she was interested in being a photographer.

Fox dips into the kool-aid just a little bit too much.

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State Central Lieberman news roundup

December 19, 2008

It seems the democratic party might have been spineless when it came to taking action against Lieberman, his own democratic constituents were not so silent. They did not opt to censure him but did send him a strong letter regarding their dissatisfaction.  Home boy better perform and do it well if he wants to keep his seat. A ny turn coat activity could cause him to lose his seat during the next election.   Good.   I’m, sorry, not so forgiving and that’s probably why I’d never make a good politician.

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Even McCain Gets It

December 16, 2008

Even McCain gets it.  What is the point of this daily campaign of looking for dirt against President Obama when the FBI, Patrick Fitzgerald, has stated that he is not involved in the scandal?  For the last week I have been listening to conservatives foam at the mouth over the Illinois Governor’s scandal and each and every time a new insinuation is dropped regarding President Obama’s possible involvement, while in the next breath they will say he is not involved. What the hell? What about the important stuff? You know, the economy? Please just turn a page and let’s hear about how (now) the republican’s really will own this economy if GM sinks.  This is no longer Bush’s problem, it will be the republican party’s problem.  Sorry, but no one is going to blame the American workers if that company collapses.

When will they bother to learn?  They have been asking President Obama to answer them for months now.  Has he?  No!  Time to move on.  No one likes a nasty sore loser.

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Late Show | John McCain

December 12, 2008

Here’s John McCain being the guy I like.   No more spin for the wing nut tribe. He was open, funny and a lot of fun to watch and listen to.  Welcome back John McCain and never listen to those nuts again. You work and they are crazy.

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Bargin Holiday Shopping….

December 11, 2008

Okay shoppers, like me, who have to watch what we spend.  There is a serious sell going on.  The McCain/empty headed Barbie Palin fire sale is going on now.  You know how these sales go.  You need to get their quickly.  You can pick up a lot of stuff for the failed campaign at 36% off.  Hey, just check out the list.

– A Dell Latitude D620 laptop for $417.00.
– A Dell Latitude D820 laptop for $570.00.
– Brother multifunction printer for $189.00.
– RIM Blackberry 8700c for $30.00.
– Folding chairs for $3.60 each.
– A 55-cup steel coffee urn for $77.00.
– A power strip for $1.
– Ethernet cables for $1 a pound.

Some of these offering should be able to fulfill your computer geeks needs.  Come on.  A RIM Blackberry?  Okay I’m not sure how up to date the products are but if you are low on money, it is well worth checking out.  Don’t have cash?  Hey they accept credit cards and checks.

Don’t worry, Andrew Freeman said the sale is not limited to campaign members.  That means us.   Sorry for you empty headed Barbie shoppers, her stuff is not on sale.  You will have to wait for the RNC’s fire sale.

Bad news for fashionistas hoping to buy a keepsake from Sarah Palin‘s infamous $180,000 extreme makeover paid for by the Republican National Committee: There’s none of that for sale at McCain-Palin headquarters.


Where is the pride in being a conservative if you’re a racist?

November 27, 2008

I have been grappling with this whole concept of being a conservative but being a die hard racist?  I understand the intellectual side of conservatives with no problem.  But the conservatives that are racist have no reality or factual based thought.  They seem to cling to an old philosophy that has been long outdated and debunked.  They shroud their racism and hatred  via the word of God?  The fact that the Catholic church aid and abed them is just sicking.  The right wing nuts, I believe, scare straight conservatives and make them wonder if their philosophy is really sound.

The republicans picked Palin to give the right wing (and I am talking about the fringel) base an inspirational need to get out and vote.  I don’t think they fully thought through how hostile that sector of their group really is.  They are, first of all, ignorant to real facts and hung on Palin’s every word.  Which, in part, is why the party is currently splintered.

Hate is an ugly thing and as recent reports have noted all the fringe have come out of their caves to express just how ugly hate is.

In Standish, Maine, a sign in the Oak Hill General Store said, “Osama Obama Shotgun Pool.” Customers could sign up to bet $1 on a date when Obama would be killed. “Stabbing, shooting, roadside bombs, they all count,” the sign said.

Elementary students on a school bus in Rexburg, Idaho, chanted, “Assassinate Obama,” a district official said.

University of Alabama professor Marsha Houston said a poster of the Obama family was ripped off her office door. A replacement poster was defaced with a death threat and a racial slur, she said.

Alie Kamara, a black teen in New York, said that on election night he was attacked with a bat by four white men who shouted, “Obama.” Police said Saturday that two 18-year-old white men were arrested Friday. Ralph Nicoletti and Bryan Garaventa face charges of hate-crime assault and criminal possession of a weapon, police said.

This is not something new.  It was so well documented in the 60s and 70s.  I’m sure these people feel perfectly justified in expressing how the Black race have destroyed their lives.  Yet, I must interject that this is not all these ignorant people’s fault.  The republican party bares a good deal of the responsibility of what is going on with the fringe.  Back in the 60s to generate votes the republican party used the strategy of them against us.  You know the Southern strategy.  Much time was spent on leaving a perception that Black people (or any immigrant for that matter) were of the seedy element.  Remember when it was cool to demonize a race that had no real rights?

This philosophy has been carried throughout the ages since then.  That close to 70 million of us did not buy into the program of the demonetization of President Obama  is a feat to our having grown as a nation.  However that does not change the fact that there are several million from the 55+ million that voted for McCain still being die hard racist.  Once narrow minded, unintellectual curious, empty headed, racist, discriminatory, clinically unhinged, English language mangling, and wholly unqualified Palin was unleashed on the world hate was given a door to once again rear its ugly head in full force.

I could see myself agreeing with some of the conservative beliefs, but the hate turns me off.  I’m finding it very hard to reconcile being a conservative — which I am not — and being a racist as well.  Unless the conservatives are trapped in the 60s where racism was at its peak then I can not foresee them moving forward.  The southern strategy is dead and any conservative believing we as a nation will go back to conservative values that is inclusive of hate, divisiveness, bigotry and ugliness is only helping their party to become more obscure .

UPDATE:  This needs to be said.  I do not believe that all conservatives are racist.  But I do believe that racist are hiding behind (pretending) they are conservatives as an excuse to justify their racism.   I wrote this post to point out the origin of when the racist locked into the whole conservative concept.  However, I will note that the GOP’s practice of demonizing other races do not help the cause and only fuel the racist with reasons to stay the way they are; which by the way, will only stunt the growth of the republican party unless real conservatives cut this sector of the party loose.  We are in this economic melt down together and there is really no room for petty hatred.

Now Enough said.


Let’s just listen to the GOP talk

November 21, 2008

I give real props to any of the GOP willing to admit the problems that they are currently suffering through.  Let’s read what K. Parker has to say.

As Republicans sort out the reasons for their defeat, they likely will overlook or dismiss the gorilla in the pulpit.

Three little letters, great big problem: G-O-D.

I’m bathing in holy water as I type.

To be more specific, the evangelical, right-wing, oogedy-boogedy branch of the GOP is what ails the erstwhile conservative party and will continue to afflict and marginalize its constituents if reckoning doesn’t soon cometh.

Simply put: Armband religion is killing the Republican Party. And, the truth — as long as we’re setting ourselves free — is that if one were to eavesdrop on private conversations among the party intelligentsia, one would hear precisely that.

Read her full post here.

This is going to be an ongoing song.


This is just wrong

November 21, 2008

mccainNow that McCain is back in his office it seems some people are acting rather heartless.  He had some visitors come by and ask him for tickets to President Obama’s inauguration.  That seems to be just a little bit tacky and totally unnecessary.

McCain does not deserve that type of treatment.  He, after all, does love our country too.  Now that he has lost the election that does not make him the enemy or a person deserving to be humiliated.

He has returned to where he did not wish to return. Back to walking the spotted white marble corridors of the Russell Senate Office Building. Back to Room 241, which says “Senator John McCain — Arizona” on the door, and where a trickle of people stroll in on this morning in hopes of getting his pre-autographed photo and to inquire about obtaining tickets for Barack Obama‘s inauguration. Others stare. He has perfected his own middle-distance stare and the curt nod of someone coping.

This is just wrong.


New Rules Patriot Edition | Nov 14 2008 | Bill Maher

November 16, 2008

Bill Maher is so proud that we got it right this time you can almost feel it.   I’m with him on this one.  We have every right to be proud that we finally picked a president for his intellect versus some pretend conservative values.   It would have been nice had we done the same 4 years ago and then we would not be in this mess. But it is what it is.

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Now the Republicans goes for the heads

November 15, 2008

I’ve been waiting for the attacks to start coming about McCain.  Now it has started and of course the problem?  Why McCain strayed from their core conservative principles.  I find that quite laughable.  McCain had did everything to cater to that pathetic part of his base.  He even selected a dunce name Palin to keep them happy.  I mean McCain sold his soul to the devil to make those fools happy and what does he get?

DeMint offered a long list of complaints about McCain’s record in the Senate and on the campaign trail.

“McCain, who is proponent of campaign finance reform that weakened party organizations and basically put George Soros in the driver’s seat,” DeMint said. “His proposal for amnesty for illegals. His support of global warming, cap-and-trade programs that will put another burden on our economy. And of course, his embrace of the bailout right before the election was probably the nail in our coffin this last election. And he has been an opponent of drilling in ANWR, at a time when energy is so important. It really didn’t fit the label, but he was our package.”

Yep, it’s all McCain’s fault.  His radical past coupled with his voting yes on the bailout was sure to doom the party.  How dare the American people chose him as their republican candidate.

I’m sure to a republican it would be shocking to believe that the American people gave President Obama a landslide election because we, ourselves, repudiated the core beliefs of the conservative party.  There was a time that the conservative value had meaning but now it is so narrow and filled with bigots and racist.  Nor can the republicans get on the page that the American people want a bigger participation of government in getting things done as well.

The republican party needs to regroup and stop with the blame game and start facing the problem with their ideology.  Hell these people can’t even get a twit like Palin to shut the hell up and sit down.  She is doing nothing but damage (in an amusing way) to their once good name.  They need to listen to their Governors (exception to idiot girl) and get a clue as to what their real problems are.  America is growing but the republican party is not growing with America.

Read the full story here.

Enough said.


McCain Leno Interview: Don’t Blame Palin (VIDEO)

November 12, 2008

Where as the reporters are asking where is McCain to stop people from blaming empty headed Barbie, I just don’t give a damn. The woman is a pathological liar and an opportunist. I want to see McCain and see him reestablish himself as a normal person (minus the ugliness of the Karl Rove strategy). I have seen and heard what the right wing really feel about McCain and it is not pretty. Despite the base only Barbie, McCain needs to get back in the game as who he really is.

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The Conservatives’ Confusion

November 8, 2008

yes-we-didIt was widely reported that certain members of the conservative republican party had a meeting to discuss how to go forward after this electoral defeat.  After reading the articles (although I will only link to the one I took excerpts from) I must say it seems like they are more interested in going backwards then forward.

…if future candidates for public office want to tap into the vast fund-raising and grassroots resources of the conservative movement, they would have to fit a “job description” holding them to a set of core principles, like fiscal restraint, opposition to abortion, tough border security and a strong national defense.

It seems their core problem is that they are trapped in ideologies and are still not willing to participant in what is really going on.  Of course all Americans want to have a strong national defense and government fiscal restraints but life in America is so much deeper then just only that.  We have the emergence of a whole host of cultural problems that are not being addressed by the Conservatives narrow values.  There answer to all things different is to say no.  They still largely remain a group that is isolated and trapped in an era gone by.  Right now the conservative view is depicted as bigoted, racist, hateful and constantly invading people’s personal private lives.

And even after a bruising campaign, some said they regarded the Republican vice presidential candidate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, as a rising conservative star.

We live in a world where we are constantly redefining ourselves as Americans to aid and abed in our growth as a nation.  The conservative view point seems to be one that no longer has a place in our society, since they refuse to grow and become more inclusive of other races.  Where they are pinning their hope on some one as narrow minded as Sarah Palin only shows that they are completely clueless on what is developing in America.  They, like McCain, are viewed as out of touch.

Tony Perkins, director of the Family Research Council and a participant in the deliberations, said in an interview that Tuesday’s election confirmed that the Republican Party is “in a ditch.” Candidates for elected officials who are “squishy on conservative principles” would not longer be tolerated, Mr. Perkins said.

That is one of the reason a lot of progressives are laughing at the conservatives who are trying to desperately promote the story that the country is still center right.  They have even gone so far as to try to indicate that Obama needs to lead the country by that direction.  Far worst is that as a collective group they still participate in being on and off message.  One minute they are accusing Obama of having ran his campaign as a conservative, then the next minute they are screaming he’s a liberal, and then one minute from that they turn right back around and start talking about how Obama has no mandate since the country is center right.  Of course what makes this premise absurd is the simply fact that they themselves spent countless hours warning the voters at large that Obama was a radical/liberal.  No one was fooled about who Obama was.  The question of who Obama is was answered by the American people by how we resoundingly voted for him and made sure the conservatives understood our message.

After a stinging rebuke of their party on Election Day, a group of soul-searching conservatives who met to map out the future of their movement…

Nevertheless, the conservatives are currently spending countless hours justifying how and why they lost.  To them it is unimaginable that they lost because the bulk of America no longer gave their ideology credence to continue.  yet, they fail to understand that Obama did not impact the people just because he was black or new.  He attracted young and old Americans that were sick of the cultural wars, race wars and a repressive ideology that ignored the fact that our country was crumbling before our eyes.  The map below shows just how much of a change has come over our nation.


There is no question that we all wish Obama could start being the president next week.  Nor is there any question that the republican party can only survive if they become more inclusive and rethink holding on to outdated religious belief that no longer has dominance over a nation that was founded on the diversity of religion to begin with and a constitution that is inclusive of all people being equal.  But let it be known that we the people are resting a little better knowing that Obama is destine to take over and our only hope is that Bush doesn’t do anything to screw us further before January 20, 2009.

Read the full NYT article here.

Enough said.


McCain Rep Indirectly Confirms Palin’s Shopping Spree

November 8, 2008

Here we go with more throwing Palin under the bus. How much she spent on clothes, how politically or geographically challenged she was does not answer the bigger question.  Who’s F-up strategy was it that put McCain’s campaign in the toilet.  While Rick Davis said he wanted to come out and address the issues it was noted that he did not out right deny the clothes expenditure.   He more or less put it in the category that it was absurd — hence a non answer.   By his lack of denial he is only reaffirming the smear campaign to be true.  So much for helping.   I would just like to know why the media, inclusive of Fox Fake News, is so enthralled with stupid clothes versus the bigger questions concerning the McCain campaign strategy?

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Scapegoat Palin?

November 7, 2008

palin-is-barbieYes, I do enjoy mocking Palin and refuse to cater to the BS myth of women sticking together.  Although that is true I can still only wonder why is so much negative information coming out about only her?  Yes I agree she did not know anything and is very politically challenged, but that was not a secret.  I’m finding just a little too much information is coming out about her and not enough about the foul ups of the strategy that did not work.

Might McCain or his people be trying to scapegoat Palin and are trying to lay all the blame at her feet?  Although some of what is coming out might be true, so what.  That’s just food for fodder.  It does not answer the bigger question of who made some of the worst decisions.  McCain or his advisers?  That’s what we really want to know.  Palin is just fun to pick at and is an easy mark but by no means was she the controller of that campaign.

Enough said.


I’m with McCain on this one

November 7, 2008

In his gracious concession speech McCain said ultimately the blame for losing was his alone. I wonder if that had anything to do with the following:

He was stupid enough to surround his self with way too many lobbyist and Bush’s people — some of which were the same people that destroyed his chances back in 2000.  He picked empty headed and politically challenged Palin.  He made Joe the no license plumber one of his campaign spokesperson.  He allowed his campaign to be about nothing more than a personality contest with no substance.  He allowed his campaign to participate in the worst lying and dishonorable attacks we have seen and he allowed his campaign to submerse itself in erratic messages and was viewed as lurching all over the place.

I could go on, but let’s just say I agree with McCain 100%, it was his fault.

Enough said.