Posts Tagged ‘same old same old’


Oh No The Hell They Didn’t!

February 5, 2009

For those of you that are new and don’t know I use color language when I feel like it, now is the time to go to another post.  I am absolutely livid and have no plans of being polite.

I have been listening to the “not at all liberal” media bombard me with republican nonsense for the last few weeks over the stimulus package, that  it is evident that the republicans do not want to understand nor support the stimulus is a given, while they continue to play their fucking monkey game.

It has been grating to listen to them pull out their trumpets complaining over the least of things while looking at the sheep listen.  My goodness they are bitching about less than 1 fucking percent out of $819 (not $900 billion thanks to the senate).

But to find out that the money that was already spent on the TARP did not really curb business as usual in Washington is disturbing.  It was reported today that $114 Billion was spent on lobbying in 2008.  Let’s do some math.  We paid out $350 billion and could have saved $114 billion, making what we gave out $116 billion, had it not been spent on advocating Washington for further failed strategies.

The Center for Responsive Politics reports today that beneficiaries of the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program “have spent a total of $114.2 million on lobbying in the past year and contributions toward the 2008 election.” The companies’ political activities in 2008 “have, in part, yielded them $295.2 billion from the federal government,” which the Center notes is “an extraordinary return of 258,449 percent.” The Wall Street Journal reported last week that “Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced rules aimed at curbing the influence of lobbyists, politicians and others in determining which firms get bailout cash.” [h/t]

I just love listening to the “liberal media” put all their emphasis on President Obama and what is right and, mostly what is wrong with his stimulus package and, not even finished, administration; but yet at the same time continue to give the republicans, just like fucking Bush, a free pass for their fucking quackery.  There is no hope is we do not start rebelling over this utter bull shit.


Last Post of the Night: The Nit Picking Continues

February 3, 2009

republican-congress-largeThere seems to be no end to the nit picking of the GOP.  They are following their marching orders to the tee, just like the rats that followed the pied piper right into the sea.

I am so sick of listening to the “liberal” media back everything that the GOP is opposed to in the stimulus package.  Of course the GOP is opposed to anything that have any type of benefit for people such as STD prevention, abortion education and access, Pell Grants, condoms, and anything else that reeks of people orientation.  Never minds that preventive measures save money in the long run for medical coverage.  The only people the republicans will not complain about receiving such funds for the above are the Iraqis.

Let’s take a moment to flash back on the past.  Let’s see if memory serves us.  Does anyone remember the first Stimulus that President Bush gave us?  The one where he gave the little people a rebate check and then also gave…drum roll please…CORPORATE TAX BREAKS.  That was the mindset of the once high and mighty ruling the free nation and in total control republican party.  Where are we now?  Yes, in the fucking toilet.  What is the republican party once again screaming for as the solution for our new stimulus?  FUCKING CORPORATE TAX BREAKS.  Obviously, the lesson was not learned.  Just like a stone rolling down the hill that never gathered a hint of moss the republicans just keeping rolling on.

Let’s stop and think about this for just a minute.  WTF?  Either the republicans are serious about protecting the rich or they have no clue as to what the purpose of a stimulus for the middle class really entails.  They have collectively fell into a pattern of spouting the same shit that got us into this mess with a total disregard for their culpability.  That they have an idiot base that believes in their empty shit is neither here nor there.  It only proves an idiot can be easily recruited with key words in America.  All the republicans have to say is let’s get back to being fiscally responsible and the idiots fall in line.  Does it matter that for the past 8 years they have been anything but responsible?  Not in the idiot base ideology.  Let the republicans scream socialism (even though Bush promoted that position with a vengeance), or  let them shout nationalization, or welfare and there goes that idiot base fuming in an uproar.  Never mind that the ass holes are being played for jerks.  The idiot base just wants to believe that the republicans are sticking to conservatism.  Never mind if you go back far enough you will find that conservatism was synonymous with racism (still is in some corners).  Its all about morality, irregardless if none is to be had since the republicans long time ago abandoned real morality for the sponsorship of major corporations.

The only thing the rest of us get to see is the liberal media forever showing us how much the republicans are passionately against helping the people.  Of course it is not portrayed as that, oh hell no.  The liberal media puts them on every show around the clock so we can be reminded why we hate those fuckers.  Not only did they sink us into the toilet (or the abyss — take your pick), they won’t shut the fuck up.  I guess the republicans’ consolation prize is knowing that their idiot base is cheering them on for the brainless sheep that they are.  After all what else can you call people that believed Bush got his directions from God?


Michael Steele The New RNC

February 2, 2009

steele-largeWell I’m black (even though mixed) and have a lot of lassitude on stating my opinion with out some real jerk ass hole accusing me of being racist.  But I can in my bias way freely state that Steele is just a wanna-follow- the-party-line ass hole, without any new ideas.  Talk about any Black person will do.

I don’t know if his speeches were directed towards letting all the republican nay sayers know he wants to be seen as toeing the party in-its-fucked-up-message-line or he honestly believe his bull shit.  What ever the case, he shut a door in my face.

I had no expectation that the republican party would reach out to person like me (Black, heterosexual, and a single parent), but to pretend that there’s nothing wrong with their message is just pure and simply fucked up.   Micheal Steele is not there to usher in a new era.  He there’s just to show they are moving on without moving on.

Pressed by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, Steele diagnosed the GOP ills as a problem of the messenger but not the message — he even suggested that the party should look back to New Gingrich’s Contact With America for inspiration.

“We failed to lead,” said the former Lt. Maryland Governor. “The principles we espoused [in 1994] are still true and good today and that’s not what people moved away from us for. They moved away from us because we behaved badly. We came to Washington and we became like the people we were sent here to replace. And they replaced us.”

The bullshit, if your are a republican, never stops no matter your skin color.  The gall that Steele had the nerve to call the democrats racists, name callers and obstructionist?  Hello…is that a sorry attempt at reverse psychology?  Give me a break with stupid.  No one can out pace the republican party at being a pack of right wing bigoted racist.  Sorry but there is no hope for the republicans with their new chair person.  He’s living in a delusional land.  Let the American people suffer so the republicans can say what?  We still have fucking power?  Just another asshole walking the hallways of stupid.


In it to win it or just in it to make noise?

December 27, 2008

As every day go by I find it amazing that the GOP is still peddling nonsense.  What part of we are in the middle of a horrible recession is not penetrating?  Right now life is being broken down into its simplest terms.

The GOP is either with the American people or against us.  That whole campaign of destroy the American workers just to kill the unions was a disaster, but yet the GOP still persist in being the outsider.   What strikes me as utterly pathetic is that the GOPs name calling game did not work for the general election but it should work now?

I have to endure the daily doses of BS about the Blago taint being transferred to president Obama.  Really?  Why?  Because the GOP says so?  I’m sure you have the wing nut tribe right where you want them.  Living in the paradise called la la land.  What about the rest of us?  You know the 82% that favor president Obama.

Do you really think we have not had enough of perpetual hate, lies, misinformation, false values, and divisiveness?  Take a look at where we are.  There’s just no room for BS any longer.

Meantime in the real world your chosen one, Bush has been nothing if not deceptive and a liar to boot.  There was and is nothing transparent about his leadership (look at the banking bailout if you need a clue) and you dare to mention President Obama not being transparent?  Or you people kidding me with that crap?  My goodness, you people practically keep a scope up his rear side as you followed his every move.  Now, I’m suppose to believe you missed the whole Blago relationship?  Please, go hit up the wing nut tribe that eat that crap for breakfast, lunch and dinner while they mindlessly believe any lie you might utter.

Perhaps you people haven’t noticed but we have an, hm…crisis going on which really leaves no room for your stupid nonsense.

Enough said.


Last Post of the Night: Some times you have to get in the mud

November 19, 2008

Okay, yes I do go to conservative sites and once done have to immediately take a shower and brush my teeth.  The dirt some of these sites throw out requires immediate cleansing.  Well here we go with more of the same, hate, hate, hate.  Part of me is exasperated with the nonsense of what comes out of these sites.  Since I am not ignorant enough I keep wondering who the hell are they talking to?  Then I remember, the fringe.  Let’s work them up into a rabid lather of hate and maybe some one will attack the president elect?  Forgive me, but why can’t these people just die?

Bade considers Obama’s rise to be similar to that of Adolph Hitler’s in the 1930s, and he believes there’s an outside chance that America is headed for a dictatorship. More likely is a slide to socialism or, perhaps, just an inept presidency, he said.

“I’m almost expecting the Obama administration to make a botch of things,” Bade said. “They’re too ideologically socialist, and a lot of their ideas are impractical. They just don’t add up.”

When does the unnecessary demonizing stop?  Better yet, why didn’t those azz holes carry around cyanide pills so when they lost they could end it.  This game of the people are lost and did not know Obama is the X factor is just worthless BS.  Let me be blunt, WE REPUDIATE THE REPUBLICAN PARTY FOR A REASON.  We don’t believe in their philosophy.  We don’t think they care.  We don’t believe they are in touch with the 21st century.  We don’t think they can fix a damn thing.  Most importantly, we don’t like them period.

Now for those in the republican party that feel Obama is a ________ (fill in the blank), may I offer you some excellent countries to move to as an exit strategy?


More Hatred at a Palin Rally in Johnstown, PA

October 18, 2008

My last video of my night (1 a,m.). This is what I’m talking about when I ask the question of is it truly necessary for us to show the world how ignorant we are? the scope of these people’s ignorance is just stunning and worst they have no shame.  This only leads me to say, just die already and let our young live in peace and harmony.  I know you are no more than yahoos loving an unrealistic ideal (which you currently called the new virgin mother — empty headed Barbie) but not all of us want to be stuck in the empty wasteland of no hope just because you people want to be so utterly stupid and hateful.

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Old man lost 2

October 18, 2008
by Amy Guskin

Amy Guskin

As I showed the picture of McCain being lost from finding the exit from the last debate, I also fear he is lost in his strategy.  Yes we all know he and empty headed Barbie is promoting hate at the detriment of our nation.  Yes I acknowledge that we had plenty of skin heads and KKK members just simmering below the surface.  But empty headed Barbie lit the candle and have been busy perpetuating that hatred and keeping it alive and well in America.  She does not do this because she wants to divide the nation.  Barbie does it because she’s just stupid and does not have a clue.

As I watch the videos of what the racist are saying I feel deep shame for my country’s ignorance.  I can only wonder why doesn’t some of those redneck backward towns at least have an up to date library in their town?  How could they be so blissfully ignorant?  I’ve never seen so much stupid in my life.

Obama is a terrorist!  Really?  If that was really true and those pretend Christians think that with their beloved republican in the house — who we all know spies on the public — have not prosecuted Obama like any other terrorist?  Do they want to be stupid or just want to seem stupid as they give their racism a point of reference?

Irregardless, they are just plain embarrassing and thank goodness they are in the minority.  The shame of who we are as Americans in that small number is getting plenty of recognition.  The ignorant pretend to act like they are moralist.  Yet blasting every teen pregnancy for a decrease in moral values until empty headed Barbie’s daughter who is 17 comes along in the same predicament?  Hello…WTF.  Since empty headed Barbie is involved it is a brave decision for pro-life teens having babies is acceptable?  What the hell happen to moral values?  Excuse me while I vomit. This fickle behavior is just outrageous.  Why?  We would rather say because she is utterly stupid like us she should be VP with the hope of being president?  My goodness you people are utterly insane.

Let me use you stupid people’s choice of wording.  My God that woman is stupid, just like Bush but she makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside (especially since plenty of your are racist) you can’t wait to go hunting and shoot a moose with her?

Come on with the nonsense.  It is perfectly acceptable to not agree with Obama’s policies but must we really show our stupidity to the world at large?  Must we show the world that yes we were stupid to allow Bush to have stolen the election not once but twice? and are willing to travel down the same path but this time with hatred?  Please spare me the we are America and we don’t care what other countries think.  Yes we do.  Otherwise then why would we want to be viewed as all powerful?  Is it really necessary to show the other countries just how ignorant, stupid and backwards we are?

A friend of mind that is not even old enough to vote wrote an interesting post (my shout out to you Pacer521) check it out  He has an interesting insight towards the viability of empty headed Barbie as the VP pick.

Enough said.


Rick Davis lies about Obama’s ties to ACORN

October 18, 2008

Obama accused McCain of having ties to the ACORN association.  Rick Davis demoted it to a bland speech McCain gave 3 years ago and delegated it to no import.   But wait…doesn’t that make McCain guilty by association? Isn’t that the whole Obama Bill Ayers connection?  Sorry McCain but we need to have a serious investigation to understand your participation with such a scurrilous group of voter registers that are currently be suspected of committing voters fraud.

We, the people, need to understand your connection to this organization and your participation in their illegal activities.  Under the law, unfortunately, we can not only examine one candidates involvement when the other candidate also has equal participation.  We will also conduct this investigation into your behavior with ACORN while subsequently investigating your empty headed running VP selection (Barbie) of abuse of power as a mayor and governor.  Some one from the FBI will be contacting your campaign regarding these matters post haste.

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Locals Say Racist Obama Billboard is ‘Straight Talk’

October 18, 2008

I guess since I am a mixed blooded black person I can easily say that some of you racist white bigots are starting to scare the crap out of me.

I think we need to institute a panel that lock these type of sick people up. If you go beyond the pale of distorting the truth then you need to either die or rot in a padded cell. You people are dangerous and sick. I am sure some people may think I am looking for this crap. No these are the same sites I have been searching for the previous months with out encountering this muck. But ever since McCain and empty headed Barbie went out on this campaign of Obama is a terrorist and Obama is not to be trusted these types of videos have been popping up in abundance.

This stuff is offensive, disgusting and completely beneath who we are as Americans.  I just say to myself thank goodness these sick individuals are far less in number then the rest of us.

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Racist Ohioan Mike Lunsford Hangs Obama Effigy from Noose in Tree

October 18, 2008

These are the times when I have to remind myself why I love my country. Since this person is so obscene I can only say what I really feel. Just die Mike and do the world a favor. Take your racist hate and go toast marshmallows in hell where you belong.

White christian nations? Let’s rephrase. White racist bigot nation.

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Obama prepared for dirty election tricks Keith Olbermann

October 18, 2008

Here the republicans go pulling out that same old frayed Karl Rove play book and hoping all the old tricks can still work. This is the crap the republicans pulled in 2004 and 2006 (and in my book 2000). This is getting to be ridiculous.

No more with stealing votes by means of voters suppression. Yea, I get it. This makes the right wingnuts happy; but it makes the rest of us 60 million plus tire.

Oh yea, did you notice that Obama is not just any democrat (duh! he’s a lawyer) but one that has a strategy? He’s read your tired play book too and knows how to counteract to this same nonsense.

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State Dept. Press Corps Laugh It Up About Palin’s Experience

October 18, 2008

What! The press corp is laughing at empty headed Barbie’s foreign policy knowledge.

It turns out that the White House contacted Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and John McCain to discuss plans of Iraq troop deal.  But they did not call empty headed Barbie.

Q: You called Senator Biden, you called McCain. Did you also call Governor Palin?

McCORMACK: No. If you hadn’t noticed, she’s a governor. Not a senator or a congressman.

Q: She’s a vice presidential candidate.


Q: She also has extensive foreign affairs experience. (LAUGHTER)

McCORMACK: Right. I explained to you the reasoning behind the phone call.

Q: Maybe if this has to do with Russia, you would have called her.


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Read the full post here.


Hardball: Michelle Bachman Calls Liberals Un-American

October 17, 2008

This is so sick but very serious.   Michelle Bachman is a poor excuse for a politician as well as a real idiot.  While her party is pedaling racism she wants me to believe that any one that is not a republican or right wing nut is anti-American?

I smell desperation and it is stinking to high heaven.  This whole premise that Obama is a terrorist is beyond the pale and insulting to the American people’s intelligence.  If Obama was such a terrorist why haven’t they called the FBI and had Obama detained for his anti-American, want to kill us leftist ideas?  This is just such nonsense.  Unlike the Surge, this is not working!

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Joe Biden Stands Up To Sarah Palin: We All Love This Country

October 17, 2008

Empty Head Barbie strikes again!

In her usual brainless way, Barbie went into North Carolina seeking to turn a battle state red (one that should have been red) and told a crowd of people at a fundraiser:

Palin also made a point of mentioning that she loved to visit the “pro-America” areas of the country, of which North Carolina is one. No word on which states she views as unpatriotic.

Once the campaign noted that was not being taken very well empty headed Barbie came out with this extended piece:

“We believe that the best of America is not all in Washington, D.C. We believe” — here the audience interrupted Palin with applause and cheers — “We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard working very patriotic, um, very, um, pro-America areas of this great nation. This is where we find the kindness and the goodness and the courage of everyday Americans. Those who are running our factories and teaching our kids and growing our food and are fighting our wars for us. Those who are protecting us in uniform. Those who are protecting the virtues of freedom.”

She just can’t help sticking her foot in it.  Which other states or cities, except Washington, D.C. — cause empty headed Barbie told us so — is also unpatriotic?  Last time I checked, the young people that enlisted in the military came from small towns, suburbia and major cities including Washington D.C.

She is just too empty headed for noting.  I know McCain’s main theme is to make Obama unpatriotic but now whole cities, or towns or even states are unpatriotic?  They really need to make her walk around with a receiver in her ears so some one can stop her from sounding any further stupid.

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Not Better Off

October 17, 2008

Out of touch, out of time and it’s not getting any better for McCain. This time, the Surge is not working.

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Limbaugh: The Fox All Stars Are Not America!

October 17, 2008

What is so funny about our country is that in the real world big time right wingnuts in the top 1% pay millions (and I do not mean small millions but massive, right Murdock) to other people to spew hate to keep an ugly dream alive.

You’ve got to love our diversity to be so permissive towards this kind of bulls**t, while at the same time we hate racial hatred.  Hm…which one is the real America?  I can only wonder.  I’m sure I will find out on November 4 whether we love our own country are we are still knee deep in hating other races.

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Joe the Plumber

October 17, 2008

Let’s talk about Joe the plumber. You know the guy that damn well does not represent me and my situation.

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Todd Palin, a.k.a. the ‘First Dude’

October 17, 2008

This is not pretty. I can not believe that Barbie with her F**ked up husband are entertaining being a bigger part of national politics? Duh! What the hell is wrong with Americans. We can not be so stupid again. Did the past 8 years teach us nothing? Hello.

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The rest of the John Cleese interview

October 17, 2008

I posted the first part of John Cleese interview concerning the presidential election. Here’s the rest of the interview inclusive of the beginning of the interview. I know some yahoos will not like this and will immediately fall into the category that this is America and we rule. Not if China buys us completely out. Oh yea. Then guess what stupid then China rules.

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New Obama Ad: Health Care

October 17, 2008

This should inspire people.   Nothing like creating a health care package that takes away from those that need it the most. Of course this is just another excellent move by McCain.

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