Posts Tagged ‘Limbaugh’


The GOP, Just A Party Of Whiners!

January 3, 2009

crybaby-gop3After 8 years of ruling a government into the ground, you would think the GOP would have the good grace to show that their time is up with dignity.  Instead we have been continuously assaulted with a barrage of constant whining.  Bad enough they have now become a party of irrelevancy, they have also added a certain amount of distaste by their constant crying.

But most of the whining takes the form of claims that the Bush administration’s failure was simply a matter of bad luck — either the bad luck of President Bush himself, who just happened to have disasters happen on his watch, or the bad luck of the G.O.P., which just happened to send the wrong man to the White House.

The fault, however, lies not in Republicans’ stars but in themselves. Forty years ago the G.O.P. decided, in effect, to make itself the party of racial backlash. And everything that has happened in recent years, from the choice of Mr. Bush as the party’s champion, to the Bush administration’s pervasive incompetence, to the party’s shrinking base, is a consequence of that decision. [Read the full op-ed here]

In their shameless endeavor to make sure that we know they are whining we now have a group of RNC members who are diligently writing a resolution to disown their own leader, George W. Bush and Congressional Republicans. Never mind that the resolution will not be ready until after Bush leave office, it is just another sign that they are not willing to deal with the real problems currently effecting their party.  Instead of dealing with the fact that their party is sliding into oblivion, they much prefer to continue to play the blame game.  As if by any stretch of the imagination anyone would absolve any GOP member from this current fiasco we call our melting economy.

Alberto Gonzales, the former attorney general, had the unmitigated gall to whine and say  “I consider myself a casualty, one of the many casualties of the war on terror“?  When does the person who had every opportunity to clear up any misconception about his role in the firing of DOJ attorneys, but chose to answer every question with the famous line “I don’t recall,”  get to be the victim?

Some of the GOP members are also exhibiting signs of utterly bazaar bellicose whining, such as Rush Limbaugh.  He is running around whining to everyone within ear shot that the economic meltdown was caused by a conspiracy headed by the mastermind Sen. Chuck Schumer.  Of course none of the problems, in the crazy whiny world of Rush Limbaugh, can be attributed to a failed GOP ideology that was coupled with a clueless administration.

Its as if the defeat has caused some of the GOP members to slip into a form of madness and perpetual denial.  I must admit that the best example of their whining was reported in the news that the “GOP to flee D.C. for Inauguration.”  The fact that they thought it was necessary to make that a public story goes to show there is no boundaries to their childish whining.

Will the Republicans eventually stage a comeback? Yes, of course. But barring some huge missteps by Mr. Obama, that will not happen until they stop whining and look at what really went wrong. And when they do, they will discover that they need to get in touch with the real “real America,” a country that is more diverse, more tolerant, and more demanding of effective government than is dreamt of in their political philosophy.


Limbaugh Blames Democrats For Economic Crisis

December 23, 2008

This is one of those defining moments when we can not sugar coat the insanity that is pervasive in the wing nut tribe’s camp. Rush is proving himself to be king of the nuts with his latest rant.

Now in Rush’s search for insanity he is actually pushing the conspiracy theory that the democrats, in their undisclosed location no less, all got together to conspired to crash the economy.

Yes, if I wanted to be president I would create an environment that is so toxic that to clear it up is the equivalent of mission impossible.  That’s the ticket.  After all, we all know the GOP with their love of deregulation and banking deals had no part in this current situation. WTF?

Please, somebody just get that man a straight jacket.

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Hannity, Limbaugh promote myth of an “Obama recession”

November 13, 2008

Enough is enough and this new mantra [Obama’s Recession] is getting beyond stupid.  I know the right wing nuts now have no life and seek to pin everything from the weather to the economy on President Obama, but don’t you think the man needs to be seated in the office before the nuts can start blaming him for a recession [or any other dysfunctional thing happening to our economy]?  Is this how the right wing nuts plan to make like Bush never happened?  That may be hard to prove since the other 95% of us are well aware that the recession was created by none other than Bush, lobbyist, republicans, special interest groups and right wing nuts.

Now I have to listen to jerks like Joe Scarborough [Morning Joe] spouting the same crap. I know the right wing nuts eat this crap up for breakfast, lunch and dinner; especially, since they are always looking to blame somebody, anybody, when God doesn’t rush and solve all their problems fast enough, but just how stupid do these fools think the rest of the country is?  These are the same pathetic and pitiful jerks holding that babbling, English mangling, politically challenged, clinically unhinged Sarah Palin up as their savior for regaining power in 2012.

If any thing, we need to get that sorry excuse for a president [Bush] out of the white house and let a real president [Obama] get in and start solving some of our problems.  By the way, while we are suffering through these challenging times just what the hell is Bush doing?  Oh yea…I forgot, in between writing policies to further hurt the country, hiding.

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Morris, Hannity, Limbaugh implicate Obama in stock-market decline — analysts disagree

November 10, 2008

This is the nonsense I am talking about with the right wing. Now whenever the stock market is tanking it’s Obama’s fault? It’s amazing when it goes up Obama does not take blame for that.  We also have to contend with Obama taking over our 401(k) plans — where the hell Limbaugh picked up this piece of crap is any one’s guess.

One can get tired of this BS being spread by these reporters. You can almost wonder do these people have any intentions of talking about real news? Or, do they just think we are stupid? Are we suppose to forget that the market tanked over 900 points in one day before Obama became the president? Are we suppose to forget the market has been tanking since the middle of September? Are we suppose to forget the impact the housing bubble have played into our markets collapse? Oh, no, let’s just blame everything on President Obama. It’s not really a lame duck president name Bush that caused this mess.

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