Posts Tagged ‘RNC’


The GOP, Just A Party Of Whiners!

January 3, 2009

crybaby-gop3After 8 years of ruling a government into the ground, you would think the GOP would have the good grace to show that their time is up with dignity.  Instead we have been continuously assaulted with a barrage of constant whining.  Bad enough they have now become a party of irrelevancy, they have also added a certain amount of distaste by their constant crying.

But most of the whining takes the form of claims that the Bush administration’s failure was simply a matter of bad luck — either the bad luck of President Bush himself, who just happened to have disasters happen on his watch, or the bad luck of the G.O.P., which just happened to send the wrong man to the White House.

The fault, however, lies not in Republicans’ stars but in themselves. Forty years ago the G.O.P. decided, in effect, to make itself the party of racial backlash. And everything that has happened in recent years, from the choice of Mr. Bush as the party’s champion, to the Bush administration’s pervasive incompetence, to the party’s shrinking base, is a consequence of that decision. [Read the full op-ed here]

In their shameless endeavor to make sure that we know they are whining we now have a group of RNC members who are diligently writing a resolution to disown their own leader, George W. Bush and Congressional Republicans. Never mind that the resolution will not be ready until after Bush leave office, it is just another sign that they are not willing to deal with the real problems currently effecting their party.  Instead of dealing with the fact that their party is sliding into oblivion, they much prefer to continue to play the blame game.  As if by any stretch of the imagination anyone would absolve any GOP member from this current fiasco we call our melting economy.

Alberto Gonzales, the former attorney general, had the unmitigated gall to whine and say  “I consider myself a casualty, one of the many casualties of the war on terror“?  When does the person who had every opportunity to clear up any misconception about his role in the firing of DOJ attorneys, but chose to answer every question with the famous line “I don’t recall,”  get to be the victim?

Some of the GOP members are also exhibiting signs of utterly bazaar bellicose whining, such as Rush Limbaugh.  He is running around whining to everyone within ear shot that the economic meltdown was caused by a conspiracy headed by the mastermind Sen. Chuck Schumer.  Of course none of the problems, in the crazy whiny world of Rush Limbaugh, can be attributed to a failed GOP ideology that was coupled with a clueless administration.

Its as if the defeat has caused some of the GOP members to slip into a form of madness and perpetual denial.  I must admit that the best example of their whining was reported in the news that the “GOP to flee D.C. for Inauguration.”  The fact that they thought it was necessary to make that a public story goes to show there is no boundaries to their childish whining.

Will the Republicans eventually stage a comeback? Yes, of course. But barring some huge missteps by Mr. Obama, that will not happen until they stop whining and look at what really went wrong. And when they do, they will discover that they need to get in touch with the real “real America,” a country that is more diverse, more tolerant, and more demanding of effective government than is dreamt of in their political philosophy.


Barack The Magic Negro Will Offend “SOME” People!

January 1, 2009

The leader of the moral majority, Bill Fu_ked-Up-O-Reilly, has spoken. I just love how he has two black hm…pundits even though one was a complete idiot to show how irrelevant it is to call a Black person the magic negro.

Keep in mind the word was first published by a Black writer from the NYT.  Of course Bill the azz-hole Kristol comes from the NYT as well.  And, also, of course the problem is not that the fat pig of a racist Rush Limbaugh introduced the song on his radio show.

No, the only argument is that a RNC member sent it out as a Christmas gift. Saltsman, the politician who sent out the CD, is showing me just how inclusive the republican party is towards people of color. I guess we are all magic negros.

In fact I plan on naming one of my children “whitey is an ass hole” just to show I too feel that that the term magic negro is being taken way out of proportion.  I also am looking forward to releasing my own parody song entitled “Whitey was a slave owning rapist bastard.”  I think it has the potential of hitting number 1 on the chart of completely stupid and racist, right along with the Barack Magic Negro.

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Now That The Party’s Over…The Knives Can Come Out

December 30, 2008
An American Tradegy

An American Tragedy

Now that Bush is leaving office the Republicans are waiting to collectively stab him and bring an abrupt end to his reign of terror, somewhat like the tragedy that befell Caesar.  Of course Bush’s presidency was a complete failure and, in my opinion, he and his inner circle deserve some serious R&R in ADX maximum security prison.

It can not go unnoticed how utterly silent the GOP was while Bush was busy destroying our country. There was no drafting of a resolution by the RNC to show their displeasure over Bush’s mangling of the constitution, nor were their any knives being hidden in robes over such important issues as the Iraq war, the disaster of Katrina, GITMO, wiretapping, foreign policy, banking bailout, or the economic meltdown.   But now, with Bush having barely 20 some days left in office we are being besieged with remarks regarding Bush’s incompetency and failures?  There seems to be a disconnect going on with the RNC.  Bush did not end his presidency by becoming incompetent — he started off that way.  Thus were is the news in any of this outcry?

Republican Party officials say they will try next month to pass a resolution accusing President Bush and congressional Republican leaders of embracing “socialism,” underscoring deep dissension within the party at the end of Mr. Bush’s administration. [Read the full article here]

But Bush’s knife welders did not stop with just drafting a resolution.  We now have town criers coming out of the wood work.  It’s almost as if the RNC made a secret pact to come out of the closet (so to speak) and give testimony to what they thought would put them in good light with the American people.  Delusional?  Yes.  Who can easily forgive the party with the ideology that destroyed our economy?

“Katrina to me was the tipping point,” Matthew Dowd, Bush’s pollster and chief strategist for the 2004 presidential campaign, told Vanity Fair magazine. “The president broke his bond with the public. Once that bond was broken, he no longer had the capacity to talk to the American public. State of the Union addresses? It didn’t matter. Legislative initiatives? It didn’t matter. P.R.? It didn’t matter. Travel? It didn’t matter.”   [Read the full article here]

How insightful.  Too bad the American people had already known of Bush’s ineffectiveness way before Katrina happened.  Katrina was only the icing; especially, since that cake had been baked a long time ago.

Lawrence Wilkerson, top aide and later chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, said that as a new president, Bush was like Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 GOP vice president nominee whom critics said lacked knowledge about foreign affairs. When Bush first came into office, he was surrounded by experienced advisers like Vice President Dick Cheney and Powell, who Wilkerson said ended up playing damage control for the president.

More profound insight.  Once again useless information to a public that had already become completely aware of Bush’s ineptitude. Bush received all this dated criticism within a 24 hour span.  Is there a secret memo going out called cover yourself and stab Bush as quick as you can?  Sorry Bush but the only thing you can say to your previously loyal base is Et Tu Brutus?


American Values Just Keep Getting Stronger

December 27, 2008

chip-saltsman-largeI’ve already written that conservative  values at best is insulting to people with real values, now I have to note that their values are also laughable.

I can only laugh at this latest sign of conservative values as I read about the RNC candidate who distributed a CD with a song on it called “Barack the Magic Negro.”  Of course I will note that the candidate, Chip Saltsman — the prick, says he sent the CD out as a parody (I’m still laughing hope you are too).

The CD included other lovely songs such as  “John Edwards’ Poverty Tour,” “Wright place, wrong pastor,” “Love Client #9,” “Ivory and Ebony” and “The Star Spanglish banner.” The title of the CD is  “We Hate the USA,” which is nothing more than a bunch of songs  of satire against liberals.  It should also be noted that the CD came from the likes of Rush Limbaugh (there goes some more of those American values).

The song, which debuted on Limbaugh’s show in late March 2007, latches onto an opinion column in the Los Angeles Times of the same title. That column, penned by cultural critic David Ehrenstein, argued that Obama could serve as a balm to whites who felt guilty about past treatment of African Americans.

Since this is all a parody, I’m right now writing up the lyrics to my new song called “Whitey kept beating his slaves.”  Don’t worry folks it’s just a parody.

Enough said.

UPDATE:  Here’s the video of the song (t/h Online Timepass)

UPDATE 2: This is Peter Yarrow response:

The sending of a Christmas greeting by Chip Saltsman to the members of the Republican National Committee that includes a recording of the so-called parody, “Barack the Magic Negro” is not only offensive, it is shocking and saddening in the extreme. It flies in the face of America’s deeply held hope for a new era in which common ground and mutual respect characterize the exchanges between our national leaders.

I and my co-writer of “Puff,” Lenny Lipton, have been eagerly awaiting an end to the mean-spiritedness, outright disrespect and bigotry that was commonplace prior to this last presidential election. What might have been wearily accepted as “the way it was” in the campaign, is now unacceptable. Obama is not a candidate. He is the President-Elect, and this song insults the office of the Presidency, the people who voted for him, as well as those who did not — and taking a children’s song and twisting it in such vulgar, mean-spirited way, is a slur to our entire country and our common agreement to move beyond racism.

UPDATE 3:  Now Huckabee is making excuses for Chip Saltsman:

Chip should have been more careful in his selection of Christmas gifts, but no one who knows him would ever suggest that he in any way would purposely disparage other people. Chip knows how sensitive such issues are. It shouldn’t be the main factor in the RNC race.

I’m glad to know that Huckabee knows that Saltsman is not that type of person.  Now my relief is complete.  It would have been great if Saltsman had used that type of reasoning before giving out CDs which supposedly flys in the face of the type of person he really is.

Please.  What is this…rhetoric for the good old boys club?  We’re really reacist but will pretend we’re not?

From the moment Saltsman’s stated he wasted time listening to Rush Limbaugh his faith was signed, sealed and his identity known for the racist he so obviously is.


In New York its all about Caroline Kennedy

December 21, 2008

caroline-kennedy-largeLiving in New York, besides being extremely expensive, can be down right political fun.  The latest rage is all about Caroline Kennedy.  How dare she think that her pampered, over privileged person should be entitled to a senate seat.  We have so many other corrupt wonderful politicians to consider.  They have spent their lives making a name for them selves.  Of course if their names sound familiar because of a relative being a politicians that’s just the truth coincidence.

I guess just like President Obama she has no hope. Just like Hillary and McCain she comes from a long line of politicians.   New York is a funny town.  We are so sick of our politicians we keep voting them back into office.  Look at our esteem mayor, Bloomberg.  He decided he wanted to be mayor pass the normal 2 term law that had been established.  He had the law temporary removed to enable that happening.  I wonder what does he doe after that if he wants another term?

I digress, so the belittling be-raters are out in force.  Not just republicans but democrats as well.  How dare she.  How dare Governor Patterson.  My goodness she did not even vote in every primary.

I guess she’s sort of like me and countless other New Yorkers.  Not all of us always have time to vote in every primary.  We kind of hold ourselves for the more decisive general election.   We felt we were special like that.  Hey we’re New Yorkers and arrogance just happens to be part of our name.

I must note that It seems there are a whole lot of people afraid of Caroline.  Hm…I wonder why?  Maybe because New Yorkers like her and see nothing wrong with her finding a purpose such as us to enter the political arena?

“Caroline supports full equality and marriage rights for gay and lesbian couples,” the statement said.

On social issues, Ms. Kennedy appears to oppose restrictions on abortion rights, including laws that would require young women to notify a parent before obtaining an abortion.

She appears to share mainstream Democratic views on most labor issues. Ms. Kennedy supports federal legislation, known as the “card check” bill, that would make it easier for unions to organize, the highest priority for the labor movement.

she supported the auto industry bailout bill passed by the House and widely supported in parts of upstate New York that are home to auto-parts manufacturers.

Caroline is sounding just like a democrat.  I guess I’ll cast my vote in her direction for 2010.

More on this subject, I’m sure.


Why is this news?

November 10, 2008

clotehes-still-going1Palin’s father, Chuck Heath, said his daughter spent the day Saturday trying to figure out what belongs to the RNC.

“She was just frantically … trying to sort stuff out,” Heath said. “That’s the problem, you know, the kids lose underwear, and everything has to be accounted for.

Enough with the clothes already.  Who should still be caring?  If she got over so what.  That’s a problem that should only concern the RNC, not the public at large.  Either some one is trying to disgrace Palin from possibly running in 2012 or they are trying to keep her name in the lime light for even the dumbest of reasons.  Leave her alone and let her possibly go get a political education.

Enough said.


October 29, 2008: The Day in 100 Seconds

October 29, 2008

I just love these TPMTV’s day in a 100 seconds. They really give new meaning to recap with limited crap.  Enjoy.

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What’s missing from the site?

October 29, 2008

It is glaring to note at the republican web site there is not one picture of McCain.  I wonder, do even they think it’s hopeless?

Now let’s compare that to the Democrat web site:

I guess it’s official, the RNC is throwing in the towel on McCain.


Is Troopergate Over?

October 12, 2008

You would think that when the troopergate report was released that would bring the subject to a close.  Unfortunately, no.  Since McCain’s camp decided to change the outcome of that investigation they had launched their own investigation by using the Alaska personnel board.  A board that still have not release their report.  From what I have gathered the personnel board hired an aggressive trail lawyer who just happens to be a democrat.  Their report is due to be released at some point this week.

…Some Democrats ridiculed the move, noting that the personnel board answered to Palin. But the board ended up hiring an aggressive Anchorage trial lawyer, Timothy Petumenos, as an independent counsel. McCain aides were chagrined to discover that Petumenos was a Democrat who had contributed to Palin’s 2006 opponent for governor, Tony Knowles. Palin is now scheduled to be questioned next week, and the counsel’s report could be released soon after. “We took a gamble when we went to the personnel board,” said a McCain aide who asked not to be identified discussing strategy. While the McCain camp still insists Palin “has nothing to hide,” it acknowledges a critical finding by Petumenos would be even harder to dismiss.

Read the full story here.

Enough said.


Into Thin Ayers

October 10, 2008

So this is what we can expect from the McCain camp? Let’s see.  More Bill Ayers and William Wright. Let me just be bold here.  What the hell about current situation McCain?  Can we get some discussion in regard to the bigger issue like the economy.

The fact that the only station that McCain would go on to promote this garbage is Fox News (who could really benefit by changing there title to Entertainment on Fox).  This creating of a soap serial discussion is going beyond the pale. Here we, who have been just laid a terrible blow to the tune of $750 billion tax dollars, really have to listen to your contempt on parade?  Might I suggest when you McCain and Barbie are race baiting you kick the reporters out and keep that dumb nonsense between you and your base?

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