Archive for February, 2009


Limbaugh: Bush Wasn’t Partisan

February 4, 2009

I thought we were all done with the revisionist? There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell Bush’s legacy is going to be flipped into a pretty picture. Bush was decent for sure, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that he was a fucking clueless idiot that brought our country to the brink of the abyss.

Bush bipartisan? I can’t even believe the wing nuts would want to bite that bull shit. That being the case, who is Rush talking to? Or, does he really believe he is the new voice of the GOP? What an ass hole.

Most of us know Hannity is just plain stupid and he has transcended from just being an opinionated commentator and entered into the realm of being a dumb fuck.

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Steele’s new talking point: govt has never created a job. ever.

February 4, 2009

Okay making statements only work if you don’t contradict them before you’ve even made them that same morning.

Just that morning on NPR, no less, Steele acknowledge that the recovery package would create several hundred thousands jobs at best. Let’s just say Steele is on point for talking out of both sides of his mouth which is currently the republican way.

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The Moral Fiber of the Republican Party has Just Sunk to The Bottom

February 4, 2009

It’s official the republican party has finally and publicly admitted that they have no direction.  It was bad enough when they where allowing that fat piece of turd Rush Limbaugh be their voice; but now, Joe the Plumber?

Talk about being lost.  The republicans have completely become undone with their own need to relevant that they just made themselves completely irrelevant.

Steve Benen comments, “This is what it’s come to for Republican staffers in Congress. In the midst of an economic crisis, and after balking at a stimulus package, the GOP is turning to an unlicensed plumber/campaign prop to discuss legislative strategy on economic policy.”


Conservatives still peddling misleading CBO analysis of recovery bill

February 4, 2009

The lying quackery just has no end in sight when it comes to the republican party.  Dishonesty, lies and misinformation seem to be the order of every got damn day they open their fucking mouths.

Unfortunately the CBO has put out the real report.

I don’t expect the Republicans or the establishment press to issue public corrections, but an actual CBO report on the Senate recovery bill was released and — holy crap on a stick! — lookit:

The budget office found that $694 billion of the bill’s total $884 billion cost would be spent during the first 18 months after enactment, or a spend-out rate of 78%.And what else? Here’s actual text from the report summary:

CBO anticipates that implementing this legislation would have a noticeable impact on economic growth and employment in the next few years.So how many ridiculous, unfounded Republican talking points will have to be debunked before the establishment press stops taking these know-nothing hooples seriously? Zero credibility on the economy. Zero!

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Thought I was done but this one final thought

February 3, 2009

Oh please give me a damn break with the two President Obama’s cabinet picks, Daschle and Geithner, didn’t pay their taxes.  Which idiot thinks tax rules apply the same across the board?  I have to be honest, thank goodness it wasn’t Eric Holder because his ass would have been out.  Never mind no one gives a shit since we all secretly wish we could get away with not paying our taxes.

No for the last three days I have had to listen to this shit like it was a real crime.  Now they are taking surveys, which no doubt the wing nuts will be voicing their outrage.  Let’s not even pretend that the wing nut tribe is the first bunch of nuts to battle the government over taxes and pretend they are really feeling outrage over that little fact.

Can we get just a little break from the liberal media with this bull shit?  If they are liberal can we please get those bitches to be wing nuts?  How long will we have to listen to this latest bull shit?  Like Blago will it go on for months?  My God Bush and his crew were real criminals and I need to listen to news about somebody that owed taxes and paid them?  Can we say fuck the bull shit?


Last Post of the Night: The Nit Picking Continues

February 3, 2009

republican-congress-largeThere seems to be no end to the nit picking of the GOP.  They are following their marching orders to the tee, just like the rats that followed the pied piper right into the sea.

I am so sick of listening to the “liberal” media back everything that the GOP is opposed to in the stimulus package.  Of course the GOP is opposed to anything that have any type of benefit for people such as STD prevention, abortion education and access, Pell Grants, condoms, and anything else that reeks of people orientation.  Never minds that preventive measures save money in the long run for medical coverage.  The only people the republicans will not complain about receiving such funds for the above are the Iraqis.

Let’s take a moment to flash back on the past.  Let’s see if memory serves us.  Does anyone remember the first Stimulus that President Bush gave us?  The one where he gave the little people a rebate check and then also gave…drum roll please…CORPORATE TAX BREAKS.  That was the mindset of the once high and mighty ruling the free nation and in total control republican party.  Where are we now?  Yes, in the fucking toilet.  What is the republican party once again screaming for as the solution for our new stimulus?  FUCKING CORPORATE TAX BREAKS.  Obviously, the lesson was not learned.  Just like a stone rolling down the hill that never gathered a hint of moss the republicans just keeping rolling on.

Let’s stop and think about this for just a minute.  WTF?  Either the republicans are serious about protecting the rich or they have no clue as to what the purpose of a stimulus for the middle class really entails.  They have collectively fell into a pattern of spouting the same shit that got us into this mess with a total disregard for their culpability.  That they have an idiot base that believes in their empty shit is neither here nor there.  It only proves an idiot can be easily recruited with key words in America.  All the republicans have to say is let’s get back to being fiscally responsible and the idiots fall in line.  Does it matter that for the past 8 years they have been anything but responsible?  Not in the idiot base ideology.  Let the republicans scream socialism (even though Bush promoted that position with a vengeance), or  let them shout nationalization, or welfare and there goes that idiot base fuming in an uproar.  Never mind that the ass holes are being played for jerks.  The idiot base just wants to believe that the republicans are sticking to conservatism.  Never mind if you go back far enough you will find that conservatism was synonymous with racism (still is in some corners).  Its all about morality, irregardless if none is to be had since the republicans long time ago abandoned real morality for the sponsorship of major corporations.

The only thing the rest of us get to see is the liberal media forever showing us how much the republicans are passionately against helping the people.  Of course it is not portrayed as that, oh hell no.  The liberal media puts them on every show around the clock so we can be reminded why we hate those fuckers.  Not only did they sink us into the toilet (or the abyss — take your pick), they won’t shut the fuck up.  I guess the republicans’ consolation prize is knowing that their idiot base is cheering them on for the brainless sheep that they are.  After all what else can you call people that believed Bush got his directions from God?


Take That You Republican Bitches

February 3, 2009

Pictures are a thousand words.  It seems the world of fashion industry are hooked on President Obama.  While the republicans continue to play word games with their diminishing idiot base, the rest of the world are quite enjoying our new president.

Mania over U.S. President Barack Obama has reached the catwalks of Rome, where a top haute couture designer showed off a kaftan emblazoned with his face and another dedicated a gown of “hope” to his wife Michelle.

Eat that republican bitches, ouch.



Then There Was Rove

February 3, 2009

roveMr. untouchable has now become touchable.  Rove and his lawyers have decided today that he will cooperate with the a federal criminal inquiry underway into the firings of nine U.S. attorneys.  My how the mighty have taken a step back and recognized they no longer have cards to play with.

Regarding the decision to cooperate with Dannehy, Luskin said that Rove “has not and will not assert any personal privileges.” He also said that in regard to the earlier probe, Rove had not done so, but had rather only “followed the guidance of the White House.”

eric-holder-confirmed-largeIt seems like Rove is starting to recognize that that old do nothing White House no longer exist.   Now the little balding fucker will have to participate.  The sweet smell of justice.  Let it continue.  Now that Eric Holder has been voted in by the senate let the prosecutions begin.

The vote was 75-21, with all the opposition coming from Republicans.

Holder’s chief supporter, Sen. Patrick Leahy, said the confirmation was a fulfillment of civil rights leader Martin Luther King’s dream that everyone would be judged by the content of their character.


The House Republicans Will Not Shut Up!

February 3, 2009

I for one am tired of listening to the house republicans’ posturing. They’ve already voted no on the stimulus bill so why are they still talking? This constant praising of President Obama while they keep nit picking at the stimulus and blaming every other democrat in the country is getting quite silly.  Their endless prattle as if they had a voice is utterly annoying.  The house republicans are turning into the fly you must kill, even if you don’t have a fly swatter.

The whole republican mantra of we, us, work together is wearing thinner than a pair of thread bare socks. Most of us should know by now, that after voting no on the stimulus bill the house republicans went on a retreat to celebrate having collectively voted no.

Yet the liberal media keeps this crap in our face day after day.  The only thing the so called liberal media is doing  is making sure we know just how liberal they are.   Nothing says liberalism like pushing forth republican bull shit like our media does.

Newsweek’s liberalism tell the story best:


Obviously the liberal media forgot that President Obama inherited the war in Afghanistan and is not quite the owners of it.  That glory belongs to Bush as most of us should know that fact by now.  Like I said, nothing says liberalism like our media.

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Its Not Even The Morning…But By God Morning Joe is Filled with Madness

February 3, 2009

I know freedom of speech is key in our country; but, why is it the only speech I hear so freely is some right wing nut bull shit?  As can be expected when the wing nut native speaks we are all forced to listen.  The new agenda for the GOP fruit loops is to put the working poor out of the mix in receiving any tax benefits.   After all Joe  Scarborough himself said the Republicans would not support giving tax breaks to the working poor.

How many times have we heard that President Obama is giving money to those that are not paying taxes?  The truth is simple.  It is not that these people are not paying taxes it’s that they make such low wages that very little is paid to Income taxe.  Pretty much close to 100% of these people work over 60 to 80 hours a week just to make that small amount.  Let’s face it folks none of us would want to be making minimum wage in our current economic climate.

The Republican party does what it knows best and uses key phrases to rile their idiot base.  They like to use terms like socialism, welfare, liberalism and nationalization to give their groupies a sense that they are being used or cheated by the government.  As I’ve stated in previous post, truth and reality are not a necessity when republicans speak.

It’s okay to keep the corporate welfare, currently called the TARP, going for banks, housing and insurance companies.  It’s okay to keep spending money to maintain GITMO, and its damn well okay to spend American dollars to rebuild and improve Iraq.  Nope, no complaints coming from the republicans camp over those expenditures.  Why should they complaint about that when they have Americans to crush?  How dare the working poor have expectation of a tax cut.  Never mind the new president said that’s what he would do, the republicans knows what’s best.  Their idiot base may pretend someone else destroyed our economy (know doubt they will soon be calling it President Obama’s economy), but I am not so forgiving.  I know how we went down the toilet.  Their idiot base can continue to blame Nancy, Dodds, Reid and Barney all they like; there was only one jerk running the government when we took the dive into the abyss, he’s name is Bush and not one of the house or senate republicans tried to stop him.  In fact they only tried to aid him.

As can be seen below, Joe and Mika, of Morning Joe, stays within the GOP talking points and do what the republicans do best, paint a picture even if it is bullshit.  After all, its the republicans job to destroy the American people (especially if you live in the middle or poor class) while they make sure America’s major corporations keeps rolling in  welfare dough (can we say corporate tax cuts anyone?).


David Dukes Raises Hell!

February 3, 2009

david-dumb-ass-dukesNow who would have guessed that the KKK branch of the GOP would find objection with Michael Steele?  Why?  Steele is preaching the standard “we will not change,” message.  He is giving the usual “us against them” message.  For the life of me, I can’t figure out why David Dukes would say this:

To Hell with the Republican Party!

GOP traitors appoint Obama Junior as Chairman of the Republican Party
I am glad these traitorous leaders of the Republican Party appointed this Black racist, affirmative action advocate to the head of the Republican party because this will lead to a huge revolt among the Republican base. As a former Republican official, I can tell you that millions of rank-and-file Republicans are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore! We will either take the Republican Party back over the next four years or we will say, “To Hell With the Republican Party!” And we will take 90 percent of Republicans with us into a New Party that will take its current place!
I think the insanity of nominating “Mr. Amnesty” John McCain and now this Black racist – will lead to insurgency in the Republican ranks, and a lot of dissidents getting elected in Republican Party primaries around the country. This will result over the next four years a real move by millions of Republicans to take the party back to the populist issues that are not only right but can win for the Republican Party. We must end affirmative action, protect our gun rights and all our constitutional rights, have a moratorium on immigration, we must have protectionism, yes I said protect American businesses and their workers from NAFTA and GATT and the lie of free trade, and we must have America First, not foreign interventionism. Our boys should be home protecting the American borders a not being murdered on the borders of Iraq or Afghanistan. The time as come for Republican Party to stand up to Obama and defend American heritage, rights, and freedom!

…Let’s make this abomination in the Republican Party, the last major party of White redoubt, as a rallying cry of resistance!

(h/t Pam’s House Blend)

Now what’s the GOP to do?  How will they reign in their racist sector?  Considering all the time and effort that Palin/McCain put in cultivating this group of misfits it doesn’t seem right that the GOP would abandon them so quickly.  I can only surmise that while the house and senate GOP are playing stimulus games they are not paying attention to the fact that the natives have become completely restless and are bordering on a rampage.


Sarah Palin and The Wolves

February 3, 2009

I get such a kick out putting the beautiful empty headed Sarah Palin on the spot.  How can I resist?  She’s the gift that just keeps on giving.  Palin’s new woes, which are not really new since this news was spoken about during the campaign, is her brutal killing of wolves in Alaska.

I’m not a hunter so I can not really say there is some joy in shooting up a bunch of wolves from an airplane.  Yet, it doesn’t sound exciting.  Where is the thrill in hunting if you’re flying in a damn plane shooting at something on the ground?  Sounds like ice fishing if you ask me.

A new group has emerge called  Their spokes person is Ashley Judd and below is their new video.

I just love how these conservative ass holes are always crying about the unborn, absenteeism from sex and morality.  They are so full of shit.  They are the first one to send other people’s children to fight a pointless wars, grab a gun and shoot some animal while flying in a fucking plane, and the first ones to commit some perverted or adulterous act.  They are also the most sickest group of people with their constant practice of voyeurism.  They want to live in our bedrooms and dictate who we have sex with and how we have sex.  Just a bunch of repressed ass holes.  Jeez, can’t they just buy porno like everyone else?


Last Post of the Night: Obama and the Superbowl

February 2, 2009

Our esteem president decided to allow us to participate in this Superbowl Sunday with him.  With out further introduction here he is.

Part 1:

Part 2:


Michael Steele The New RNC

February 2, 2009

steele-largeWell I’m black (even though mixed) and have a lot of lassitude on stating my opinion with out some real jerk ass hole accusing me of being racist.  But I can in my bias way freely state that Steele is just a wanna-follow- the-party-line ass hole, without any new ideas.  Talk about any Black person will do.

I don’t know if his speeches were directed towards letting all the republican nay sayers know he wants to be seen as toeing the party in-its-fucked-up-message-line or he honestly believe his bull shit.  What ever the case, he shut a door in my face.

I had no expectation that the republican party would reach out to person like me (Black, heterosexual, and a single parent), but to pretend that there’s nothing wrong with their message is just pure and simply fucked up.   Micheal Steele is not there to usher in a new era.  He there’s just to show they are moving on without moving on.

Pressed by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, Steele diagnosed the GOP ills as a problem of the messenger but not the message — he even suggested that the party should look back to New Gingrich’s Contact With America for inspiration.

“We failed to lead,” said the former Lt. Maryland Governor. “The principles we espoused [in 1994] are still true and good today and that’s not what people moved away from us for. They moved away from us because we behaved badly. We came to Washington and we became like the people we were sent here to replace. And they replaced us.”

The bullshit, if your are a republican, never stops no matter your skin color.  The gall that Steele had the nerve to call the democrats racists, name callers and obstructionist?  Hello…is that a sorry attempt at reverse psychology?  Give me a break with stupid.  No one can out pace the republican party at being a pack of right wing bigoted racist.  Sorry but there is no hope for the republicans with their new chair person.  He’s living in a delusional land.  Let the American people suffer so the republicans can say what?  We still have fucking power?  Just another asshole walking the hallways of stupid.


Iraq? What’s higher Spending then that?

February 2, 2009

frank-largeAs the republicans continue to play their game of the stimulus not covering enough tax cuts to satisfy their desires, Barney Frank came right out and stated the obvious.  What bigger spending is there then what we wasted in Iraq?  A pointless war that had nothing to do with nothing (outside of oil that we didn’t get)?

Yea, another one for the democrats.  Let’s see that’s 2 to 0 now.

DeMint: Let’s not say it’s a stimulus when it’s a government spending plan. All of the things, the needs in our society, education, these are things we debate every year.

Frank: Spending can be stimulus. I don’t understand.

DeMint: It’s the largest spending bill in history and we’re trying to call it a stimulus.

Frank: The largest spending bill in history is going to turn out to be the one in Iraq. If we’re going to talk about spending, I have a problem when we leave out that extraordinary expensive, damaging war in Iraq, which has caused much more harm than good in my judgment. I don’t understand from my conservative friends, building a road, building a school, helping to get health care, that’s wasteful spending. But that war in Iraq, that’s going to cost us over a trillion dollars, yeah, I wish we hadn’t done that we would have been in a lot better shape fiscally.

I am not feeling the republican town criers hollering about the democrats turning our government into a socialist country when the only thing President Obama gets to do for his first 4 yeas is clean up the toxic mess that Mr. Capitalist, Bush, himself left behind.  I know it was acceptable to have an idiot for a president that you could dream of having a beer with, but bitches wake up to reality of the new majority who wanted someone with a brain.  Give me a break with stupid.  If enough of us believed that nonsense then Palin would be the vice president right now.  Well on her way to being the president shortly (especially after McCain mysterious death).  Yet I must note that you town criers flip between blaming the democrats for our current situation and then blaming them for having  a democratic agenda.  Well let me ask boldly, which the fuck is it?  Are they closet republicans are or they democrats?  Make up your minds bitches.  You can’t have it both ways.

If it takes regulating banks, cleaning up oversight, and taking control temporarily so what?  The mess we are currently swimming in is deep and all you that believe the government is trying to take over, needs to check yourself and wake up and smell the we-are-in-an-economic-melt-down-because-the-government-didn’t-do-its-fucking-job under Bush reality.  So let’s give the non-stop republican mantra a rest.  Those fuckers were a sleep at the wheel while they continued (with some of you ass holes help) to push the blame on the democrats even though at the same time they are screaming at the democrats for having a different agenda from their own (democrats = people; republicans = big business and the southern strategy).  Do me a favor, don’t even bother to forgiving me while I strongly believe that the American people (and I don’t mean major corporation) are a lot more important than somebodies major corporation that the republicans want to give a tax break too.

We can agree to disagree but don’t bring me stupid, thank you.


House GOPs’ Palin Stiffed Us

February 2, 2009

Forgive me if I have no sympthany for these bitches while they cry over Sarah Palin not meeting them at the retreat.

Retreat organizers tell ABC News that Palin politely declined, giving a perfectly understandable reason.  According to the Congressional Institute, which hosted the conference, Palin said she simply could not make it to the retreat because pressing state business made it impossible for her to leave Alaska this weekend.

So where is Palin this weekend?  She’s in Washington, D.C., attending the super-elite Alfalfa Dinner.

While the House GOP are busy dicking around with the stimulus package and making their stand like this is some fucking movie versus being real life and reality I thing it is pathetic that this, Plain blows them off, is what makes them frown.

I said it before and I still mean it, time for some fucking pink slips for those bitches.


Nothing Wrong with Spreading the Truth

February 1, 2009

I received this response to one of my post and thought the best move would be to put the information out there.  Quotes removes to conserve space.


What’s the Real Secret that big-business special interest groups don’t want you to know about the EFCA?

The Employee Free Choice Act does not eliminate the secret ballot.

Greedy CEOs and their front groups have pushed a deceptive campaign about the Employee Free Choice Act. The latest ad campaign exposes the lies and distortions they have been spreading over the secret ballot.

Contrary to their assertions, the Employee Free Choice Act does not take away the secret ballot in union elections. It simply gives workers, not their bosses, the right to choose how to form a union so they can earn better wages, health care, and a secure retirement.

“The Real Secret”

“Corporate Greed”

When workers are free to choose to join a union, our economy can work for everyone again. That’s why we need the Employee Free Choice Act—a bill in Congress that would help level the playing field and give workers the freedom to choose a union.

The Employee Free Choice Act:

Helps America’s working families improve their standard of living. Workers in unions earn 30 percent higher wages and are 59 percent more likely to have employer-provided health insurance.

Fixes a broken system that gives corporations far too much power. When workers try and organize unions, they are often harassed and intimidated; 25 percent of companies unlawfully fire pro-union workers.

Restores fairness and the promise of the American Dream, with a robust middle class, economic growth, and shared prosperity.

It’s time our economy worked for everyone again. It’s time for the Employee Free Choice Act.

For More Information on the Employee Free Choice Act Visit our Websites and Blog





Nothing wrong with knowing the truth and what it really represents.  Just because those lying bullshit jackals (the house republicans, pundits and Fox Fix News) want to overwhelm us with nonsense, doesn’t mean we have to be stupid and believe them.


Jon Stewart Does Hannity

February 1, 2009

That Hannity is a jerk goes without question; but to know that he’s an ass-hole petty jerk should be noted. Here Jon Stewart give Hannity the props he so ever deserves.

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Forbes on Fox featured all-out assault on Employee Free Choice Act

February 1, 2009

Fox Fixed News just can’t resist giving bull shit and lies a platform.

This is what some of the “I can’t understand news unless Fox tells me,” really believe.  Fox is not just serving kool-aid. Fox is serving Jim Jones kool-aid laced with powerful poisons.

It didn’t matter that Fox was lying about the secret ballot being eliminated. Nor did it matter when they compared the Employee Free Choice Act as a form of slavery, which is another lie. The next lie is to pretend that the unions lined President Obama’s pockets, which is laughable since President Obama was for this policy before he ever became president.

The truth of the matter is simple. This is about big business not wanting to pay American workers a damn decent wage.  Everyone knows the employers often use the election process to delay, obstruct, and intimidate workers in an effort to resist organizing efforts.

Why doesn’t Fox do us all a favor and call themselves who they really are, “Watching out for Big Business, while Screwing the Average Worker.”

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Clinton’s 1993 Budget/Stimulous Package- No Republican Votes

February 1, 2009

You’ve got to acknowledge that the Republicans are a one trick pony if ever there was one. The same complaints that the republicans levels at the  current stimulus bailout is the same one they leveled at President Clinton.

What makes this unbelievable asinine is the simple fact that Clinton was right and after 8 years of GOP bull shit, which, by the way, has brought our country to the brink of destruction, the republicans have learned nothing but how to come off sounding forever repetitive.

So much for the republicans ever becoming a new party or a party with meaning.  If the only things that makes them fiscally responsible is giving tax cuts and shrinking a hands off government then we know that shit don’t work.

Honestly, when do they start getting a clue as to why they are standing outside of the building?

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