Archive for February, 2009


Prayers Is Not the Answer

February 24, 2009

It is down right pitiful to listen to people like Gov. Sanford (R-SC) tell his constituents that he sends his prayers, while the people are bleeding.  I don’t know which stupid republican thought that now is the time to start campaigning for the presidency of 2012, but they were wrong.

The suffering of the people is taking place now, in every state.  This game of the republicans dedicated to proving they have relevancy can only be labeled as anti-American.  I thank my lucky stars that I do not live in SC or LA where the presidential aspiration of being the perfect GOP ass reigns.

I don’t see this crap withstanding the test of time.  There will have to be some caving if Sanford or Jindal expect to be Governors in 2010.  The people’s tolerance will not stand for too much more of this nonsense.  This is nothing but worthless sound bites anyway; especially, since we all know the State can overrule the governors and accept the money anyway.  How will that look?  Like mud in the face of both Sanford and Jindal.

Go Republicans bitches, go.


Another Republican Had to Cut the Umbilical Cord

February 24, 2009

Gov. Huntsman decided to let a little honesty blow out from the usual republican’s hot air (filled with lies) balloon.  It’s been 35 days since Obama became our president and the quackery has got to stop.  This full court press of nonsense is making the republican’s even less than marginal (crazy land is more or less what they are).  It is greatly appreciated to listen to some form of sanity coming from the republican party.  I hope a few of them join reality and start seeing reason.  This is not a democrat versus republican problem, this is a United States problem.  I can only wonder if some of them really think they can get re-elected with their current game playing obstructionist way?  I know their sheep is dumb, but sorry the sheep is marginal too.


Have The Conservatives Gone Completely AWOL?

February 24, 2009

Bristol Palin We are still in the twilight zone when it comes to Republican logic.  I guess if we all came from another planet then what Bristol Palin had to say about abstinence would be alien.  But we are not aliens and we heard her clearly.  She very explicitly said that abstinence is not realistic means for keeping teens from getting pregnant.

So why are these loons pretending Bristol said something else?  I’m having a hard time believing even the wing nuts are listening to this nonsense.  How could they?  Are the wing nuts retarded? 

Are these fools coming from la la land with this whole premise?  She suggested people wait because abstinence does not work and the reality is that if I, would I is all that is left after having a baby. 

Go Republicans go, you are so winning the war on failure.


Kerry rips Republicans’ new-found love for housing

February 8, 2009

At least we finally have a democrat bringing attention to the scum of the earths quackery. This is just appalling the games that the scum wants to play. We need to take care of the housing problem, why didn’t they do that when Bush was in office? They ignored it then but now it’s a problem? It was a problem over a year ago. It was a problem before that and Bush and the scum of the earth did nothing. But they did get together in 2001 and vote on a $1.35 trillion tax cut package for Bush and they had no problem doing so. Before any of you sheep start off with your the democrats nonsense, at that time the senate, the house as well as the white house was ruled by the scum of the earth.

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Rove: “No one that I know of is talking about tax cuts only”

February 8, 2009

Well more lies from the scum of the earth (see previous post for this new republican title). I guess Rove has lost his phone book and no longer speaks with the other scum of the earth republicans since I know for a fact that Sen. John McCain offered a bill in the senate that was all tax cuts and Sen. Jim DeMint offered up his version that was another bill filled with nothing but tax cuts and would be totally ineffective at creating any jobs.

Boy this scum just keeps creeping from the sewer, only this time they have opened up a flood gate of their disgusting bile.

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Conservatives Who Supported Bush Tax Cuts: Recovery Costs Too Much!

February 8, 2009

This is why I call the republicans Liars, Jackals and Bull Shit Artist. Not a one of those bastard had a problem with Bush’s $1.35 trillion tax cut in 2001. Oh no, that amount for big business was very appropriate. I have now decided to demote the republicans from their current standing in my view to the title of “Scum of the Earth.” That is so where they belong.

See Chart Below (compliments of ThinkProgress.Org)

2001 2009
Cost of package: $1.35 trillion $900 billion
Unemployment: 4% 7.6%
Percent of Population Living In Poverty: 12.7% 17%
Foreclosure Rates: .48% 1.19%
Americans Relying On Food Stamps: 17 million Over 30 million

Kyl: “I was there when the president signed into law the tax cut. … [I]f that isn’t one of the best things we can do to get this economy going again, then it seems to me that the American people might well lose confidence in what we’re doing, which would be the worst thing to do for the economy.” [Finance Committee Hearing, 10/3/2009]

Ensign: “Well, I don’t know that we’re going to get to the — you know, the total $1.3 trillion tax cut. I do think the tax cuts are necessary right now.” [CNN, 1/3/01]

Graham thought the cuts were so effective he wanted to make them permanent. But the tax cuts they championed proved to be extremely ineffective, leading to the slowest period of economic growth in decades.

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It is Time for a Revolution

February 8, 2009

It seems that Washington is determine to keep marching to their own orders with total disregard towards the needs of the people.  I am being inclusive of republicans and blue dog democrats.

President Obama really needs our help.  We can not have Washington believing it will be business as usual.  The republicans have been defeated and their corrupt way has lead us to the brink of disaster.

We must organize and take it back to the street.  They can no longer be allowed to believe we believe in their decisions.  It is time for us to make plans and gather together with signs of protect and take our protest to Washington,  state capitals and every mayors office.  The time of writing letters, making phone calls and writing the media about politicians is done.  We have a media that gives our plight no real recognition so why bother.  They are not on our side.  They have become Washington insiders.

We can no longer sit back and wait to see if Washington will get it.  After the ridiculousness of the stimulus I no longer want a bunch of idiots dictating what will be done with my money.

We need jobs, not freaking tax cuts.  We needed for the larger part of the stimulus to go towards generating jobs and save us money in the long term.  But, after seeing all that had been cut and what had been reduced to appease some tax cut junkies I no longer trust them to make a decision on my behalf.  I think major corporations have gotten all they need to get right now.  It’s time for the people to get something for our damn money.

Partially cut:

• $3.5 billion for energy-efficient federal buildings (original bill $7 billion)

• $75 million from Smithsonian (original bill $150 million)

• $200 million from Environmental Protection Agency Superfund (original bill $800 million)

• $100 million from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (original bill $427 million)

• $100 million from law enforcement wireless (original bill $200 million)

• $300 million from federal fleet of hybrid vehicles (original bill $600 million)

• $100 million from FBI construction (original bill $400 million)

Of course all of the above was just too wasteful spending.  Of course all of those items would have created a job for someone.  But people don’t need jobs, we need small tax cuts for us but plenty of tax cuts for major corporations.  Bull shit.

Fully eliminated

• $55 million for historic preservation

• $122 million for Coast Guard polar icebreaker/cutters

• $100 million for Farm Service Agency modernization

• $50 million for Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service

• $65 million for watershed rehabilitation

• $100 million for distance learning

• $98 million for school nutrition

• $50 million for aquaculture

• $2 billion for broadband

• $100 million for National Institute of Standards and Technology

• $50 million for detention trustee

• $25 million for Marshalls Construction

• $300 million for federal prisons

• $300 million for BYRNE Formula grant program

• $140 million for BYRNE Competitive grant program

• $10 million state and local law enforcement

• $50 million for NASA

• $50 million for aeronautics

• $50 million for exploration

• $50 million for Cross Agency Support

• $200 million for National Science Foundation

• $100 million for science

• $1 billion for Energy Loan Guarantees

• $4.5 billion for General Services Administration

• $89 million General Services Administration operations

• $50 million from Department of Homeland Security

• $200 million Transportation Security Administration

• $122 million for Coast Guard Cutters, modifies use

• $25 million for Fish and Wildlife

• $55 million for historic preservation

• $20 million for working capital fund

• $165 million for Forest Service capital improvement

• $90 million for State and Private Wildlife Fire Management

• $1 billion for Head Start/Early Start

• $5.8 billion for Health Prevention Activity

• $2 billion for Health Information Technology Grants

• $600 million for Title I (No Child Left Behind)

• $16 billion for school construction

• $3.5 billion for higher education construction

• $1.25 billion for project based rental

• $2.25 billion for Neighborhood Stabilization

• $1.2 billion for retrofitting Project 8 housing

• $40 billion for state fiscal stabilization (includes $7.5 billion of state incentive grants)

Of course I can see that education definitely needed to be cut because after all we all need our children going to public schools that are still outdated.  But even more to the point, these cuts were job cuts (I believe the republicans and the blue dog democrats manage to cut out at least 600,000 for the next two years of jobs not being created).  We needed those tax cuts of course.  It could not be about moving the money into areas that created jobs, no.  It had to be about job cuts.

Sorry its time the American people stop believing that a bunch of senate jackals will ever have us in mind when writing bills.  Time to start setting dates, drawing protest boards, catching the bus and taking our voices into their face.


Paul Krugman Talks Stimulus on MSNBC PT1

February 6, 2009

Once in a while Morning Joe gets a real person to come on their show of quackery and speak.  From time to time that person turns out to be someone that has an original thought. Today was that day and the man was Paul Krugman. Of course I’m just loving this since I know Joe doesn’t really care for Krugman, since he makes it a point from time to time to voice his feelings. Probably from envy and jealousy.

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I wonder if Joe, Mika or Pat thought their bullshit would really work with Krugman?  Not even close.  He refused to back down.  He feels the republicans are being a hindrance and President Obama needs to ignore them.  I agree.  Bipartisanship is being overplayed extremely.

Poor Joe, still out their trying to save the republican image.  Its just not going to happen.  The republicans at first begged to be allowed to put some of their ideas in the bill, president Obama gave them that, then the republicans complained about policies that were designed for the benefit of women, President Obama removed those.  Then President Obama met with the republicans to listen to more of their complaints concerns.  What did the republicans do after all that bipartisan out reach on the president’s part?  Well they all voted no on the stimulus then went to a retreat and celebrated having collectively voted against the bill.

Bottom line the only picture that I’m seeing is that the republicans are completely ignoring the needs of the people.  I am having a problem with the whole concept that they feel they don’t have to act under the will of the people.  I can not stress it enough that a lot of the old guards need to be replaced.  They have jobs and get paid lavishly by us while we are losing jobs and then tell us to wait.  Unbelievable and unacceptable.


Last Post of the Night: ABC (the liberal media) is so in the tank!

February 6, 2009

Today ABC reported how our new President, Obama, dared to infer that those that receive the TARP also will have some type of pay limitation cap on their salary.  How dare President Obama state that their should be any type of limit on what any business set as their salaries.  So what if they accept the TARP money.  Those people are entitled to their millions in salary and bonuses each and every year.  So what if our economy is sinking into the abyss.  The big executives have life styles to maintain.  President Obama is infringing on capitalism and the free market damn it!  The president is doing just what we feared, trying to nationalize the banks with his arbitrary rules.  Oh..wait…sorry, excuse me, Bush already did that.

What a crock of crap these spokespeople have for an excuses for Wall Street and giving over paid bonuses to those that created this mess.  My favorite line is the excuse that if we limit salaies “the best workers will quit.”  Just where will they go?  China?  Bye.  I pretty sure there will not be many industries that they can go to in America.  How many banks have not taken money (irregardless of Bush and Paulson’s strong arm tactic)?  If those people were so good then why is our economy in the toilet?  If those same people are the best and the brightest, then there is no hope for our country.  It can not get any worst than this.

Okay, I digress, ABC decided to pretend that President Obama is living as large as any CEOs.  Read the report and have a good laugh at how our liberal media has once again proved just how unliberal they are:

In what appears to be an attempt to call Obama a hypocrite, ABC’s Scott Mayerowitz “reports” today that the President also has a “lavish lifestyle.” Under the title: “Obama’s Perks: Private Jet, Chef Tax-Free,” ABC notes that Obama earns $400,000 dollars a year and even has a private jet:

Excuse me, but where was this outrage over the president’s pay check (which is set by Congress, not the president) and use of A-Force One for protection when Bush was in office?  President Obama lives rent free?  Just like Bush did.  President Obama does not get stock options and millions of dollar bonuses.  Where is the comparison?  All this crying  over what?  President Obama is not talking about those that work in the back office and get paltry bonuses and little pay checks all year long.  I’ve worked in investment banking and not being a money maker really does not get you the big bucks.  Maybe the low end workers can get any where between $2,000 and as high as $10,000 before taxes.  Who is ABC trying to fool?  Not all of us are so ignorant.  You do not get the big bucks if your only job is working in the back office making so many thousands a year, no matter what your contribution.  President Obama is talking about those that get millions year in and year out no matter how much they are fucking up our economy with their choices (and skilled talent that continues to lead their companies and our economy in the toilet).

This is so typical of the “in-the-tank-per-the-GOP media.”  What next?  Just how long must we deal with stuck on stupid?


Who’s Lindsey Graham Talking To?

February 6, 2009

Now what was the republicans thinking? If Lindsey Graham (right along with his counter part McCain who threw in his 2 cents) become out spoken we would…what? I’m sorry but this perpetual pleading, begging, crying, moaning, groaning and total bitching is not winning any kudos. To actually said President Obama is AWOL? WTF? After 8 years of no government, just who the hell do the republicans think they are talking to? The sheep?  Those that follow them blindly from their own bigotry, ignorance or total failure of understand government?

I don’t even need to list all that President Obama had to do to be ready, much less how much he has done since hitting the office.  No, sorry, I will not eat the grass of bull shit that the sheep feed so abundantly on.  This is extremism if ever their was a case of it.  Right now, the Taliban has nothing on the republican party.  They are trying to create their on little insurgency.

Problem?  The shit is not working.  Who’s up next?  Will they beg Bush to come out of retirement?  No, that really won’t work.  Maybe they’ll try to pay Collin Powell.  No, can’t see that happening either.  I guess all they have are these old tired  wannabe’s but couldn’t be republicans  and the so called liberal media to help their cause.

Unfortunately, that’s not going to work either.  A starving nation has no time to listen to pure bull shit.

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McCain: Now He’s the Spineless Maverick?

February 6, 2009

loser-mccainJust like he shrunk into a puppet for the wing nuts agenda during the general election, which by the way got him no where, McCain is once again trying to curry favors.  It’s so sad to see this proud man bend over trying to get his party to like him.  I mean where is the maverick now?  Lost in a sea of republican bull shit?

For shame McCain, for shame.  If that’s the stance he’s wants to take then I need to let an economist point out the real failure of FDR:


It seems the great depression turned into a worst depression because the president, FDR, listened to asshole republicans tell him to stop spending on recovery and turn back to dumb ass taxes.  Now where have I heard that shit?  Hm…from our current crop of congressional and senatorial republicans, perhaps?  McCain is just coming off as totally sad and pitiful for trying to curry favors from the same bunch of jackals that didn’t like him and probably still don’t.

UPDATE:  This is so sad on top of my previous so sad above:

WASHINGTON — The Senate has killed an alternative economic stimulus plan by Sen. John McCain that would have cut income and payroll taxes but spent far less than President Obama’s plan.

The party-line 57-40 vote against McCain’s $421 billion plan came Thursday as a group of moderate Democrats and Republicans struggled to cut up to $100 billion from Obama’s version.

Who knew that we would not like McCain’s policies?  Oh yea…we did.


Admitting Error As President: Obama vs. Bush

February 6, 2009

Nothing says President Obama and ex-president Bush are not even remotely alike than a true comparison.

On the one hand we have a new President that is willing to admit to making a mistake and owning it and tell us he owns it. On the other hand we had a weak ineffective know nothing president that could never admit to any of his wrong doings.

President Obama is so far removed from Bush that when the media try to insinuate that President Obama is anything like Bush it can only be taken as a pathetic joke.

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The Stimulus Bill — Presented by President Obama

February 6, 2009

Nothing could sell this package better then man that authored it.  President Obama gave a speech today at the U.S. Energy Department and he was brutal and wasted no time in establishing the flawed logic of the republican party.  The President also took the time to remind us (American people) that this package was created for us, not failed ideology that has been proven not to work (let’s just say the economic meltdown has given credence to that argument).  Furthermore, he also took the time to show the [republicans] childishness over nit picking in their opposition to certain components of the bill.

I think the republicans need to fully understand the simple fact that the American people do not, I repeat do not, have their backs.  Bipartisanship is being overplayed.  No one really cares if the republicans get a chance to participate.  If the republicans desire to jump on the bang wagon of getting things done, fine.  But, if they plan to continue to whine, bitch, moan and groan, then they really need to get the hell out of the process.  No one care or feel sorrow that the republicans are being left out.

Maybe its time for a petition that will hopefully help the republicans understand no one but the yahoos, idiot sheep, conservative bigoted racist and wing nuts are listening.  It’s time they start fully understood their new position.  The republicans really need to get out of the way of the American people and what we need done.


Last Post of the Night: Closing on Two Subjects

February 5, 2009

I am going to call it a night (since I must go to work in the morning) discussing the quackery of the republicans and the media over the stimulus bill, and something I read earlier that compared President Bush sitting in a chair reading to second graders and President Obama reading to second graders.

First let me deal with the stimulus.  It is, once again, becoming embarrassing that we Americans are being portrayed as stupid.  Our new president has had the foresight to create a stimulus that covers both the short term and the long term.  Yet, we have allowed the media to voice every weak ass opposition from the republican party to an extent that the only words associated withthe stimulus bill is pork, wastful and garbage.  The media has created and promoted the acceptability of the republican –who were the ones that destroyed our economy with their trickle down non regulated nonsense — party’s premise that there is something wrong with the stimulus and that thought have infiltrated our every breath even though it is nothing more than republican regurgitated bullshit.  My question is simple… how long must we go along with this nonsense?  Until another 2 million people have lost their jobs?  Until every middle class home owner is in foreclosure?  Or, until people start dying?  When do we tell the republicans to just shut the fuck up?

The republican party have their idiot sheep (formerly known as their base) that want to continue championing the cause of stupid (since they are stupid) and they turned to the conservative owned media with their very not-really-liberal reporters to tell the American people day in and day out religiously how flawed the stimulus bill is.  Of course it doesn’t bother most of the sheep that the republicans are only arguing over less than a percent of the stimulus.  Either they are completely ignorant or so filled with bitterness they can’t recognized that they are being scammed.  It makes perfect sense to the sheep for America to stay in the toilet, after all the great one, Rush Limbaugh, told them so.  So what if the government didn’t do anything for them during a hurricane, flood, tornado, or any other natural disaster, they are sheep and proud of it.

It is, in a way, a public relations coup that the stimulus has been boiled down to, as one Hill Democrat puts it, “funding for the arts, funding for the mall, and funding to fight AIDS.” Those aspects of the legislation, as the White House points out, constitute a mere 7/100th of one percent of the entire package. Moreover, the size of the legislation is not even the most pertinent topic of debate. For many economists, the issue isn’t whether the stimulus is too large, but whether it goes far enough in producing a new economic structure instead of patching up the old one.

Critics of the recovery bill have also earned their stripes by arguing that the stimulus, by sending money to many different places, won’t be stimulative. The legislation’s authors respond that many parts of the plan serve a dual purpose: to spur the creation or retention of jobs while setting the stage for more durable markets.

As you can surmise, I have a serious problem with this current trend of adopting stupid (republican ideology) as the way to go.  After 8 years of doing nothing, I am in strong opposition of us continuing to do nothing.  Less government my ass.  After 8 years of no government — a mantra the republican party is damn proud of — and the American people being in the toilet for that ideology, I have a seriously low tolerance for listening to anyone suggesting that less government is the way to go.  I find nothing wrong with the government helping to erase the mess that a previous fucked up government created.  As a proud American, it is the height of stupidity to note that we have groups and organization that will reach out to save cockroaches, but on the other hand have groups and organization that will balk at saving another human being.  It is quite ironic that if the government dare reach out and help its people it is immediately considered to be socialism.  How utterly stupid in concept and intelligence.  Where is the logic in saying you want to save an unborn fetus, but when it comes to giving health care to the already born you will fight such a concept tooth and nail? It gives such meaning to our humanitarian efforts to know that we will send money to help the poor of another country while pissing on our own poor with every excuse we can dig up.

The whole concept of the republican party is dead and it is their sheep that they play their sick song to.  They need someone, any fucking body, to help champion their cause of we love you but its about big business only (under the guise of free market and capitalism).  I can understand the yahoos (goodness knows their bigotry and racism has blinded them), but what about the rest of us?  There are so many key committees that we can get involved with to help push the stimulus through.  Here are just a few.  But there are so many more.  We do not have to stand for this shit just because the non-bias (non liberal) media are trying to tell us, with their counterpart the republicans, what to do.

The Democratic beast have been released in other ways.  Its not so much that all of are extremist, but we are in love with our country and right is right and wrong is very much wrong.  We want justice and a sense of fairness for paying our taxes and living by the rules.  The shit the republicans are currently perpetrating have not one thing to do with fair or justice (only big business — fuck that).

My other subject of choice is due to what I can only surmise is the media’s way of trying to assist President Bush rewrite his legacy.  How…HOW can any one compare Bush sitting in a chair reading to second graders a book about goats while New York was being attacked to President Obama reading to second graders while not a fucking thing was happening, but Daschel bowing out of being the Health Czar.  Such comparisons is beyond logic and comprehension.  There is absolutely unequivalently no fucking comparison.  I am getting sick and tired of this Bush comparison that President Obamamust go through with the conservative owned so called liberal media.  There is nothing fair or balance in that comparison.  It is pure bullshit.  I live in New York and the two don’t even come fucking close.  When Bush was sitting on his, I don’t know what the fuck to do ass, I watched my world being destroyed.  When President Obama was sitting on his ass, not ONE REAL TERRORIST ATTACK was taking place.  So my question to this nonsense is simply WTF?  Are we really going to allow the conservatively owned non liberal media to call the shots on our common sense and intelligence?

I think MSNBC just compared President and Mrs. Obama’svisit with second graders yesterday to My Pet Goatand 9/11. But I’m not 100 percent certain. At around 9:20 a.m. eastern, Tamron Hall threw to Contessa Brewer who said:

CONTESSA BREWER: Tamron, this was something of a flashback for many of us. As his nominee for Health Secretary was going down, the first couple paid a surprise visit to a DC charter school to read a book to children. It was a trip that was planned, but not announced. After the book, the president took questions from boys and girls who are the same age as his daughter, seven-year-old Sasha.You make the call, but I’m pretty sure Brewer compared the event yesterday to My Pet Goat.

UPDATE:Maureen Dowd did it too. Eric Boehlert quotes Dowd:

On 9/11, President Bush learned of disaster while reading “The Pet Goat” to grade-school kids. On Tuesday, President Obama escaped from disaster by reading “The Moon Over Star” to grade-school kids.Sweet merciful crap. So Tom Daschle withdrawing his nomination for HHS is like a terrorist attack in which 3,000 people were killed. And President Obama reading to school children while Daschle withdraws is just like Bush’s frozen state of torpor while Americans were dying in New York.

Very serious! I’m so glad the New York Times and MSNBC are in the tank for Obama.

I don’t fucking think so.  The media is currently operating on the premise that we are center right.  I don’t think so.  If such was the case McCain and empty headed Palin would be who we were talking about.  Just like the republicans will find out when its time for a vote again that the American people are not so forgiven; especially to a group that think they can step all over us to support their nonproductive agenda.  As I so boldly stated a few days ago, the time is growing closer for pink slips to be given out.  We must remove the cancer we call our republican lawmakers, senators and congress and show them what the hell we are made of, and it isn’t center-right.

It is pathetic and pitiful to note that the so called liberal media gave Bush, who completely destroyed our world, a pass.  But now dare to say that they will be more critical where President Obama is concerned.  Translated that means that every non impactful moment of President Obama’s life will be critiqued.  Please.  Media don’t play concerned citizen now; especially if what you are reporting is in the category of bull shit.


Only in Fucking America!

February 5, 2009

News flash, Joe the Plumber isn’t sure that the American people deserve his wisdom.  Can we draw straw?  Let’s see who’s so hapless that they have to listen to him in the first place.

When asked if he has a career in politics, Wurzelbacher said, “I don’t know if the American public deserve me, but my son definitely deserves my time now.”

Can we take a vote and give him an answer?


Kristol: GOP should oppose stimulus to prepare for health care fight

February 5, 2009

I just love it when the non-Washington ass holes speaks their minds. Don’t you? While they have their idiot sheep that lives on listening to their quackery following and trusting them blindly, the rest of us normal citizens have to say WTF?

Really, why is it that to be a republican now days you must give up all common sense, intelligence and your own standard of living (exception to bigots and racist who are just completely ignorant and stupid)?

That’s right, republicans, let’s fight the stimulus to avoid health care. You know that thing we all fucking need. Let’s keep it a burden for the middle and poor class.  I am so loving the GOP’s new trade mark. Nothing says fuck you America people (the bulk of us) like they do.

First it was fight the stimulus it to make a stance, then it was fight it to stop job creation, now it’s lets stop it to avoid dealing with saving those stupid fucking American lives.   Only in America can bullshit be passed off as ideology and freedom of speech.

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Coal Ash Spill Reveals: Coal Isn’t Clean

February 5, 2009

Okay get ready.  Most of us know that clean coal may not be a reality in the foreseeable future and will take much money to make happen. Therefore, get ready for the wing nuts to start screaming President Obama couldn’t close the deal since it will not be done soon.

As some of you know the coal company has reached out to me. Unfortunately, I do not give too much weight to fantasy. Just be ready, this shit will be happening before President Obama’s first year is up, if he has the economy going in a positive direction.

The wing nuts will be gashing their teeth, ranting and raving. Take this as an advisory warning and buck up for the ride, its going to be stupid and silly. Trust that the media will give the play of it everything they can muster in their asinine way of being supposedly liberal (yea right).

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Oh No The Hell They Didn’t!

February 5, 2009

For those of you that are new and don’t know I use color language when I feel like it, now is the time to go to another post.  I am absolutely livid and have no plans of being polite.

I have been listening to the “not at all liberal” media bombard me with republican nonsense for the last few weeks over the stimulus package, that  it is evident that the republicans do not want to understand nor support the stimulus is a given, while they continue to play their fucking monkey game.

It has been grating to listen to them pull out their trumpets complaining over the least of things while looking at the sheep listen.  My goodness they are bitching about less than 1 fucking percent out of $819 (not $900 billion thanks to the senate).

But to find out that the money that was already spent on the TARP did not really curb business as usual in Washington is disturbing.  It was reported today that $114 Billion was spent on lobbying in 2008.  Let’s do some math.  We paid out $350 billion and could have saved $114 billion, making what we gave out $116 billion, had it not been spent on advocating Washington for further failed strategies.

The Center for Responsive Politics reports today that beneficiaries of the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program “have spent a total of $114.2 million on lobbying in the past year and contributions toward the 2008 election.” The companies’ political activities in 2008 “have, in part, yielded them $295.2 billion from the federal government,” which the Center notes is “an extraordinary return of 258,449 percent.” The Wall Street Journal reported last week that “Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced rules aimed at curbing the influence of lobbyists, politicians and others in determining which firms get bailout cash.” [h/t]

I just love listening to the “liberal media” put all their emphasis on President Obama and what is right and, mostly what is wrong with his stimulus package and, not even finished, administration; but yet at the same time continue to give the republicans, just like fucking Bush, a free pass for their fucking quackery.  There is no hope is we do not start rebelling over this utter bull shit.


Alberto Gonzales on Campbell Brown’s CNN show

February 5, 2009

When does the wing nuttery comes to a close? This is the forever marching orders of the stupid so called liberal media?  To keep this shit in our face? Kudos to Campbell Brown for challenging this nut case. This is more of the republicans showing their irrelevancy in my world.

8 years of fucking shit and I have to listen to this fool and Cheney all within a span of less than 24 hours? WTF?

Why are we allowing the news media to beat us up with this quackery? Are we going to stand up at some point and put an end to this particular bull shit?

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Last Post of the Night: Daschle Bows Out

February 4, 2009

Part of me was not happy about Tom Daschle bowing out.  I will be perfectly honest, I did not care about Daschle tax problem since I am one of those people that have no interest in paying income taxes.  Yes I do pay my taxes, but damn if I don’t try to find ways not too.

Of course another part of my being opposed to Daschle stepping down had a lot more to do with the republicans constant quackery and the so called liberal media’s constant prattle over the subject.  It does not help that the republicans are constant liars and the media is anything but liberal while both groups gave  a free pass to all of Bush and others  criminal acts.

On the other hand I had to respect the decision that have been made and the desire of my new president to accept that he was placed in an embarrassing situation.  We probably lost some one that could have been a great asset to the health care problem.  I hope in time President Obama finds another way to bring him on board to assist with fixing our health care problem.

The question must be asked but what the hell was Daschle thinking?  He couldn’t pay his taxes three or four weeks ago?

Nevertheless I am digging the fact that my new President took total blame for this prickly situation.  No more Bush bullshit.  Our new President accepted the fact that what ever was wrong it was his ultimate responsibility.  He did not gloss it over or just lie to cover it up.  I could not ask for anything more.